Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2950 Body of Rules

Chapter 2950 Body of Rules

The time is long, the stars move, and I don't know how long it will be here.

Haihuangxing never saw that figure again.

People have no time to pay attention to this side, because the barrier between Buzhou Mountain and the Seven Sacred Mountains has become looser and looser, and the strong on both sides are invading each other. It was originally just a matter of Chilong, but now it has evolved into two. The battle between the mountains.

Of course, the leading role here is naturally the Great Sun God Fire Cult.

Because they never forget the octopus and the fire of chaos, especially the fire of chaos, which is undoubtedly a treasure-like existence for the Great Sun God Fire Cult, so...

In contrast, the Sea Clan seemed more perfunctory, taking advantage of this opportunity.

And other forces also have their own ideas.

But no matter what, the struggle between the two mountains has kicked off, and countless scattered warriors hope to take advantage of this opportunity to soar into the sky.

Crisis crisis, crisis and opportunity have always coexisted.

Therefore, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for those warriors who usually have no chance to stand out.

A large number of powerful people also poured in.

The same is true of the Buzhou Mountains, and the same is true of the Seven Sacred Mountains.

However, just when everyone's attention was focused on the crack between the two mountains, the sky mark, that endless dark abyss, suddenly lit up with a bright light.

The light was like a scorching sun shining on the sky, bright and dazzling.

Looking carefully, in the light, there is a huge tower faintly, the tower is nine stories high, as if it goes straight to the endless nothingness.

"Buzhou Mountain? So it leads to Buzhou Mountain? Could it be that the three floors that were cut off have not disappeared?"

In the void, a vigorous voice was slightly surprised.

"In that case, that kid must be here too."

There was a little anger in the voice, and a strong killing intent.

The scorching sun was also in full swing, as if it was about to arrive at the next moment.

However, at this moment, the entire ocean of stars rippling around the endless abyss, turning the endless abyss into a cage.

who? ?

The previous vigorous voice changed drastically, revealing an inconceivable color.

"Is the Tongtian Temple trying to break the rules?" The next moment, another abyss-like voice came, and that voice was infinitely far away from here.

However, it seems to have some kind of magical power, which makes people unable to resist at all.

There was a noticeable pause in the vigorous voice before, and he turned to say: "I'm not trying to break the rules, I'm just looking for someone, as long as..."

However, before he finished speaking, the abyss-like voice interrupted him.

"Rules are rules, there are no excuses."

"Buzhou Mountain is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want."

There was a hint of impatience in the abyss-like voice.

And that round of scorching sun obviously hesitated and stagnated, but at the next moment, a vast force came from the surrounding sea of ​​stars, like a sudden huge wave, slamming towards that scorching sun.

what? ?

The scorching sun trembled slightly, as if it felt a little unbelievable, and the light suddenly flourished.

But unfortunately, before that power, it seemed a little insignificant. In the end, it flew upside down and disappeared into the endless abyss in an instant.

At the same time, in a certain Tongtian temple in the distant fairy world, a middle-aged Taoist spat out a mouthful of blood.

If Fang Yi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this middle-aged Taoist was the Taoist who wanted to kill him in Tongtian Pagoda.

good!He is the Daoist of the generation in Tongtian Temple, the hopeless Daoist.

"Who is it?? The Lord of Buzhou Mountain?"

Wuwang Daoist gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Okay! Since you have told the rules to this seat, this seat will accompany you to the end, pass on the order, and let all the disciples above the seventh level of legend in the temple come back and obey orders immediately."

"I want to see where you can hide."


Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about what happened here, but he was already prepared for being targeted by the Tongtian Temple.

Moreover, during this period of retreat, apart from comprehending the rules, he did not let go of the Immortal Immortal Sword.

Just kidding, this sword has such a big background, how could he let it go.

It is even more impossible for him to ignore something that a strong man in the Dao realm desires so much.

What's more, he was already full of curiosity about it.

Because of the legendary Zhuxian Sword Formation, because of the Tongtian Daoist, and because of the ancient formation of Tianzong, all of these seem to be inextricably linked.

It's just that there is a missing thread connecting them.

And this thread is probably the four swords.

Besides, excluding all these things, the Immortal Trapping Sword is already incomparable. He has already seen it in the Tongtian Tower, and it is an existence that even the Great Dao Realm fears.

and so……

At this moment, the sword picture is in his divine sense, and the mysterious runes are like living things.

Sometimes it turns into a small sword with a handle, and sometimes it turns into regular thin lines.

The degree of mystery and complexity is actually a bit more than other rules.

In this way, Fang Yi was immersed in it, and I don't know how long it took, the aura around him became more and more fierce and powerful, from the early stage of the legendary four realms, to the middle stage, and then to the late stage.

In the end, he even broke through the legendary five realms.

However, everything is still not over, Fang Yi's cultivation is like a wild horse that has run wild.

In fact, the energy in his body has already exceeded an unknown amount.

It is precisely because of this that he is able to leapfrog to fight. What he lacks is only the comprehension of the rules.

It wasn't until reaching the peak of the Legendary Five Realms that everything started to slow down.

And his state at the moment has become a little weird.

Part of his body was transparent, as if he had completely disappeared into this space, only ripples rippling slightly, as if confirming the existence of that part.

yes!His body, the entire abdomen, seemed to have been hollowed out. There were only faint ripples, like a vast ocean, and that part turned into water completely, and it was full of strong rules.

Not only that, that part can actually move, to the chest, and the limbs.

Wherever it passes, it turns into water.

This is? ?

Body of rules?

Fang Yi faintly had some kind of enlightenment, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and he couldn't help but think of Qi Donglai, and the man in yellow robe, the so-called petrification, probably because of this.

Different things, the rules of comprehension of the two are different.

The way of soil is heavy on defense and extremely thick, so the regular body they condense has extremely strong defense power, and their power should not be underestimated.

But water knows that it can integrate all things and evolve into thousands of things, and it almost completely ignores ordinary physical attacks.

Just like Fang Yi at this moment, his part of transparent existence can ignore any physical attack.

Regrettably, the way of rules he comprehended is obviously not enough, not enough to condense a complete body of rules, but it can be transferred and dispersed, which is almost an invincible existence.

Just like at this moment, that part of the completely transparent existence is slowly spreading around.

Suddenly, his whole body became blurred.


(End of this chapter)

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