Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2956 Monster Race Powerhouse

Chapter 2956 Monster Race Powerhouse

呲呲! !

Electric arcs appeared one after another, and the entire nothingness seemed to turn into a world of thunder.

The world is also in turmoil, crumbling.

But the surrounding crowd, not only did not have the least bit of panic, but all of them had burning eyes, ready to move, and seemed a little impatient.

Because that's what they came for.

However, the movement in front of him seemed to be a bit unexpected. The nothingness shook violently, and the whole world seemed to be collapsing.

Huge thunderbolts streaked across the sky, tearing apart the sky.

The sound of thunder rolls incessantly, as if the end is coming, it is extremely frightening.

"Everyone, be careful, this must be a huge crack, and the Seven Sacred Mountains must be prepared, so please don't get confused by then."

At this time, an old man in the fire robe suddenly shouted.

The expressions of the crowd are also extremely vigilant.

Apparently, this huge momentum exceeded everyone's expectations, and the ensuing cracks in the two mountains must also be extremely astonishing.

Similarly, the monster clan of the Seven Sacred Mountains they encountered must be stronger.

And the old man in the fire robe was filled with a fiery breath, and he looked like a strong man of the Great Sun God Fire Cult. He also sensed something was wrong, so he spoke out to remind him.

Like him, all the powerful Sea Clan members looked alert.

"Not good! I'm afraid I'm in big trouble now!"

Wang Wei also looked vigilant at this moment, obviously finding something wrong.

The bigger the crack, the more powerful people will gather on both sides. In this way, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the weak warriors, not to mention that they have become cannon fodder without knowing what the state is.

Although strictly speaking, his cultivation base of the sixth level of legend is not considered weak, but if there is too much movement here and really attracts a lot of eighth level and ninth level of legend, then his level of legendary level six is ​​nothing. up.

Fortunately, Fang Yi's dominance finally gave him a little confidence.

The same goes for Li Sijian.

Boom! !

The sound of thunder became more and more loud, and the whole world seemed to be completely shaken, and the huge electric arc swam like a dragon and snake.

Suddenly, a shocking thunderbolt fell, and only a 'click' was heard, and a huge hole slowly split open in the endless void.

A terrifying breath gushed out from the crack, like a torrent bursting a bank.

Some of the weakest warriors who were closest to him were instantly torn to pieces by the terrifying aura before they even had time to react.

Even those powerful people are not worth mentioning under this aura.

In severe cases, he was killed on the spot, and in light cases, he flew out like a shell, with blood flowing from his mouth, which was extremely tragic.

"How could this be? In the past, although the opening of the cracks leaked a little energy, it is usually of great benefit to the warriors. This time..."

Wang Wei's face was full of doubts, filled with disbelief.

It's no wonder that every time a crack opens, some energy will leak out, and these energies are the original power that constitutes the nine mountains and eight seas. At the same time, they exist as barriers to isolate the nine mountains and eight seas. Some are not easy, but now, this breath is so majestic.

what does that mean?Is this crack about to burst completely?

Is the barrier between Buzhou Mountain and Seven Sacred Mountains going to be completely opened?

If this is the case, it will definitely be an earth-shattering event, how can he not be surprised.

The crowd is the same at this moment, all of them have changed their expressions. Of course, they may not have thought so much, just because of the horror of that energy, they can't avoid it.

However, Fang Yi was completely different, and his eyes could not help but suddenly brighten up.

Because from that terrifying aura, he clearly sensed the purest energy, even if it was countless times purer than his physical energy, this is definitely a rare opportunity.

Immediately, his figure was like lightning, and he turned into a shock, heading towards the crack.

Fang Yi is not a high-profile person.

However, if there are great benefits ahead, it is obviously impossible for him to miss it in vain.

When a martial artist has reached his level, it is difficult to go further every time. Now that he has an opportunity in front of him, how can he miss it.

Seeing him like this, Wang Wei and Li Sijian couldn't help but look at each other.

Afterwards, the two also left together.

Because the two of them are very aware of the benefits that energy brings to warriors, the only thing that worries them is the horror of that energy itself and the powerful monster clan on the opposite side.

But in the current situation, they can't care so much.

Martial artist training is originally a struggle with the sky.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! This is just the result of the energy gushing at the beginning. On the contrary, these energies are of great benefit to you, go in!!"

At this time, the old man in the fire robe also shouted angrily.

When he fell alive, his whole body also turned into a fiery rainbow, heading straight for the crack.

At the same time, a group of powerhouses from the Great Sun God Fire Sect also entered.

Seeing this, the crowd quickly calmed down after the initial fear, their eyes were burning, as if they were afraid of being preempted by others, and left quickly.

kill kill! !

All of a sudden, the shouts of killing soared to the sky.

But in fact, they didn't even see the enemy at all, they only saw the endless energy.

However, the next moment, they heard a thunderous voice that exploded in the world, "Humble human beings, I will trample you into meat paste today."

Accompanied by this sound, a huge figure faintly appeared in the crack, and a monstrous and fierce aura followed.

That breath seemed to come from hell, which made people feel terrified.

Even the old man in the fire robe shrank his pupils sharply, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"Beast, die!"

However, he still scolded angrily, and at the same time cut out a sword vigorously.

The fiery red sword shadow fell across the sky and the earth, dragging a long sword light, splitting the sky and the earth into two, and slashed down towards the figure.

The arrogance of this sword is really shocking.

Everyone couldn't help but stop at this moment, staring at the sword blankly, because that sword was too overbearing.

In fact, among the people present, the old man in the fire robe had the highest cultivation, reaching the eighth level of legend, and he was the leader of the disciples of the Great Sun God Fire Cult.

Rao Fang Yi couldn't help but look at the sword at this moment with a little surprise in his eyes.

But the next moment, he shook his head.

"Hmph! Overestimating one's abilities, with such strength, daring to play around in front of me, it's just asking for death, get lost!!"

The thunderous voice sounded again.

As soon as the scrolling words came out, a monstrous energy also erupted, and within that energy, there was a blood-red giant palm that slammed straight at the sword.

Boom! !

There was a loud noise, and the giant palm and the flaming long sword collided, shaking the world.

And the figure of the old man in the fire robe flew out like a kite with a broken string.

what? ?

The crowd was all stunned, and their faces turned extremely pale. Looking at the huge figure, it was like seeing a god of death.


(End of this chapter)

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