Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2976 Human Alliance

Chapter 2976 Human Alliance

Ice Shrine?

When the half-human, half-beast man heard the words, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he misunderstood Fang Yi's origin.

Immediately said quickly: "Yes, yes, yes!!! Not long ago, there were disciples of the Ice God Palace, and they were in the void near Qunluan Star."


Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and then asked: "Where are the Luan stars? Do you know what the disciples of the Ice God Palace are doing?"


The half-human, half-beast man had a look of embarrassment on his face, and then said: "I... I don't know exactly, I just know that I seem to be looking for someone."

"Yes! I'm just looking for someone. I believe that if you ask on Qunluan Star, you should be able to find out."

The half-human, half-beast man obviously wanted to send the three of them away as soon as possible, and he knew everything.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned, he didn't doubt the other party's words at all, after all, in such a situation, he wouldn't dare to borrow the other party's courage.

Moreover, what he was looking for was the Ice God Palace, and he had nothing to do with the other party, so there was absolutely no need to deceive.

But, what are the disciples of the Ice God Palace looking for?

This made him curious.

"I ask you, besides the Ice God Palace, have you ever seen these two people?"

As he said that, Fang Yi waved his hand, and a trace of faint energy instantly condensed, turning into the appearance of Hai Qing and Hai Hui.

The half-human, half-beast man didn't dare to be negligent, and looked quickly, but then he looked confused, shook his head and said: "No... I haven't seen it before."

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but see a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Under such circumstances, he naturally knew that the other party could not lie. In fact, if Hai Qing and Hai Hui really met each other, with the other party's Legendary Seventh Realm cultivation, it would be a disaster.

"I, I have seen it!!"

However, just when Fang Yi was a little disappointed, suddenly, a Nuonuo's voice came from Zilin Star.

Hearing this voice, a cold light flashed across the eyes of the half-human, half-beast man.

However, in front of Fang Yi, he naturally didn't dare to make mistakes.

At this time, Fang Yi couldn't help casting his eyes on the ground. In fact, the entire Zilin Star felt something about the previous battle, but due to the strong strength of the two, no one dared to move.

Especially the human fighters above did not dare to make mistakes.

But it's different now. Fang Yi is not only a human being, but the person they are looking for happens to be someone they have met. This is undoubtedly an opportunity for them. No matter how timid they are, they will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

"That's you? Have you seen them?"

The person who spoke was a gray-clothed man with a medium build and a fearful expression.

Not surprisingly, this is a planet ruled by the monster race. As a human being, you can only be fished here.

"Yes... yes! I've seen them, and they saved me."

The man in gray replied.

"Then do you know where they went?" Fang Yi asked anxiously.

"He... they went to Qunluan Star, and they also said..." the man in gray clothes subconsciously glanced at the half-human, half-beast man, full of fear.

Obviously some dare not say.

"Say!" Seeing this, Fang Yi's eyes darkened.

The half-human, half-beast man's gaze, which was originally full of warning, suddenly weakened.

"Yes!" Seeing this, the man in gray plucked up his courage, and said, "They also said they would help us contact the Human Alliance and get out of Zilin Star."

As soon as these words came out, the half-human, half-beast man's eyes turned cold, full of killing intent.

It's just that in view of Fang Yi's presence, he didn't dare to make mistakes.

"Human Alliance? What is that?"

Fang Yi was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Wang Wei and Wang Wei.

Seeing this, the two quickly replied: "Brother Fang doesn't know that the Seven Sacred Mountains are the domain ruled by the monster race, and human beings are weak. However, human beings are by no means waiting for death. The alliance, occupying a large place in the Seven Sacred Mountains, is also considered a good strength."

"Of course, it is still far from enough compared to the monster clan, but the monster clan is not monolithic. In fact, they have more disputes than humans. Therefore, relying on this human alliance, these humans can be considered to have a firm foothold. .”

"And for the humans on the planets ruled by the monster race, the Human Alliance is undoubtedly the holy place they most yearn for."

I see! !

Fang Yi suddenly realized that this was the case.

However, although the Human Alliance is not weak, it is obviously far inferior to the Monster Race.

If not, human beings will not be suppressed.

And whether the Human Alliance will take great risks to come to the Purple Forest Star just because of some humans, I'm afraid it's unlikely.

Haiqing and Haihui probably also comforted these humans.

Every warrior is very clear about the cruelty of the Three Realms.

Moreover, with their level of cultivation, they no longer have a big concept of being a human or a demon. To them, they are just one of the sentient beings of the Three Realms.

Only those with low strength will pay more attention to the distinction between transvestites.

Therefore, the wishes of these people are simply impossible.

However, looking at the expectant eyes of these people, for some reason, Fang Yi felt a little touched deep in his heart. At that moment, he seemed to see Kyushu and countless martyrs who died for Kyushu.

That's all!Look at this fairly valuable information.

"They are right, the Human Alliance has come!!"

Immediately, Fang Yi said lightly.


The Human Alliance is here?

The gray-clothed man was overjoyed. The countless human beings on Zilin Star were nothing like that. They looked at the void expectantly, like devout believers.

The half-human, half-beast man couldn't help shrinking his pupils, staring blankly at the void.

"Don't look for it! It's me!"

Fang Yi said again.

When the words fell, he couldn't help but take a step forward.


Immediately, billowing air waves swept all directions like a tsunami, and his figure seemed to be raised countless times in an instant, turning into a giant of heaven and earth.

Everything around him became extremely small compared to it, including the half-human, half-beast man.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The half-human, half-beast man's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help stepping back subconsciously.

On the planet, a group of monster clan powerhouses are also facing a formidable enemy.

However, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to them at all. When his footsteps fell, a giant palm was already raised, and the terrifying energy transpired instantly, like an erupting volcano.

groan! !

The next moment, a shocking dragon chant followed.

The huge real dragon's melon seemed to fall from the nine heavens, covering the entire Zilin Star, which was extremely terrifying.

what! !

The face of the half-human, half-beast man instantly turned pale.

Because this palm is already many times stronger than before, but the opponent is only a legendary six-level powerhouse, which has to be said, completely overturned his understanding.

It also made him tremble a little.

"You bastard! This king reads that you are from Mount Buzhou, so I don't care about you, but you are so aggressive, you want to die!"

Just at this moment, an angry shout came suddenly.


(End of this chapter)

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