Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2989 Defeat the enemy with two swords

Chapter 2989 Defeating the Enemy with One Sword


The leader of the giant ape clan was like an iron tower, and a chill appeared in his lantern-like eyes.

Wang Wei and Wang Wei could barely bear it, but Hai Qing's entire face turned pale in an instant. No wonder, with the strength of the two, they had never seen such fierce eyes, as if they wanted to pierce them through.

Involuntarily, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the two of them.

Fortunately, at this moment, another powerful aura enveloped the surrounding area, keeping the ferocious aura out.


The leader of the ape clan was obviously a little surprised, and their fierce eyes finally fell on Fang Yi.

Originally, in his eyes, Fang Yi was not too outstanding, because his cultivation base was the same as that of Wang Wei, both of whom were only at the legendary sixth realm, but the aura just now undoubtedly explained the problem.

"Humans, this is not the place for you to come."

The ape clan was not in a hurry to make a move, but gave a warning, his pupils were deep, like an endless abyss.

"That's right! It's just the Flood Dragon Clan, why can't you come?"

Fang Yi's expression was indifferent, and he seemed to be a normal person.

If other monster races see this, they will be extremely surprised, because in the Seven Sacred Mountains, human beings are like rats crossing the street, and there is no one as arrogant as Fang Yi.

Sure enough, the pupils of the leading ape clan also shrank.

"Bold! Ignorant human beings, before my giant apes, it's not your turn to be presumptuous."

The leader of the ape clan hadn't spoken yet, another giant ape behind him couldn't bear it anymore, and the sound was like thunder, rolling away, shaking the eardrums of the crowd numb.

Great apes!

Hearing these three words, both Wang Wei and Li Sijian couldn't help but a look of jealousy flashed across their faces.

Because the great ape race is in the Seven Sacred Mountains, it is also an extremely powerful race, and together with several other ape races, they form the god ape race, one of the seven holy races.

The ape clan is also among the many monster clans, the existence closest to humans. They have both the powerful flesh and blood of the monster clan, and also have the spiritual wisdom and understanding of humans. They have always occupied an extremely important position in the monster clan.

Similarly, because they have great similarities with humans, they are relatively friendly to humans.

Of course, only relative.

Just like at this moment, if it was an ordinary monster race, they would not talk nonsense with a few people, but would kill them instead.

At the same moment, Fang Yi dared to be disrespectful, and they were also furious.

It's a pity that Fang Yi doesn't like this.

"Great ape race? Are they powerful? I've never heard of it." Fang Yi sneered, he didn't care about the great ape race or the god ape race. The clan didn't take human beings seriously at all, and killed them at will.

As a result, he was extremely upset to see any monster race at the moment.

The apes in front of me are no exception.

"You are presumptuous!"

That giant ape was undoubtedly furious. As a member of the giant ape clan, he had the huge backing of the god ape clan behind him. No human had ever dared to despise them like this.

But now, how could he not be angry that a mere legendary sixth-level man dared not to take them seriously.

The tyrannical air all over his body also erupted, like a tornado on the ground.

The sky and the earth were being torn apart with a hissing sound.

"Take your life!" In the end, he slapped out with a palm, without any nonsense at all, and the terrifying breath swept over like a big wave in an instant.

A huge demon palm also condensed, covering the world.

Under the clutches of the devil, there is nothing to hide.


When Hai Qing saw this palm, their faces turned completely pale. No wonder, the strength of the two of them was too weak after all. Such a terrifying palm was even more unimaginable to them.

In contrast, Wang Wei and Wang Wei are obviously much better.

Perhaps it was also because the two of them had a better understanding of Fang Yi's strength. First they defeated the Blood-devouring Bat King, and then they drew against the legendary Ninth Realm Qinghuang. With such strength, how could a mere giant ape be an opponent.

Although the strength of this giant ape is not bad, it is undoubtedly much worse than the two.

Compared with Fang Yi, it is not worth mentioning.


The next moment, there was only an angry shout, and for some reason, the giant ape's huge body flew out, faster than when it came.


Apparently none of the people present and the giant apes had reacted, each of them was astonished like a stone sculpture.

The mouth is also open as if it can hold a fist.

It's not surprising, because all this happened so fast. In their eyes, the giant ape had just attacked, and the next moment, it flew out at an even faster speed.

What's going on here, and how Fang Yi made a move, they didn't understand.

The same is true for the ape clan headed by it.

At this moment, his complexion became extremely ugly, and his eyes became deeper and deeper, as if he wanted to penetrate Fang Yi.

"Human, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant, you really have some skills."

"It's a pity! You have found the wrong person. I, the great ape family, are not something you can afford."

As he said that, the aura around the leader of the ape clan also rose steadily. Although they didn't kill humans as frequently as other monster clans, they also didn't take it seriously.

Not to mention, let humans ride on their necks.

At this moment, although Fang Yi is not yet riding on their necks, it makes them feel majestic, which is absolutely unbearable.

and so……

"It was you who found the wrong person, and you were the ones who came to the door first. We have no intention of being your enemy."

Hai Qing was obviously a little scared, and quickly argued.

But it's a pity that the ape clan obviously won't let it go. No matter who comes first, if the great ape clan suffers, it is impossible for him to let Fang Yi go.

Of course, Fang Yi doesn't need him to let go.

There are only a few giant apes, but he hasn't paid attention to them yet.


The giant ape took a fierce step, and the void trembled, as if a thousand-foot-high mountain was pressed down.

Immediately afterwards, he punched violently.

Kaka! !

Immediately, countless electric arcs appeared in the surrounding void, cutting the entire world into fragments, and the surrounding area seemed to turn into a pool of lightning.

The collapse of a large area of ​​space, the power of this punch is enough to destroy the world.

Compared with the giant ape before, it is obvious that the leader of the ape clan is many times stronger, just like the same emperor Yu Lei.

Rao Fang Yi, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's a pity! It's still too weak. If you wait until you reach the peak of the eighth legendary realm, you may barely be able to fight with me."

No matter how you listen to these words, it sounds like a strong man said to his juniors.

But in fact, the person who said this was only at the sixth level of legend, while his opponent had already reached the eighth level of legend.

So, how to listen to how awkward.

The giant ape's eyes were also full of anger, as if he had been greatly humiliated, "You ignorant human being, today you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance. This king is here to see what you rely on."

Boom! !

After the words fell, that punch was already thrown at Fang Yi.

Countless lightning flashes also appeared, and finally gathered into a huge thunder, splitting towards Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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