Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3003 The Queen Mother

Chapter 3003 The Queen Mother

As for all of this, the other disciples of Tongtianguan naturally knew nothing about it.

They are still exploring in this endless ocean.

Fang Yi cleverly used the characteristics of these jellyfish to make the three Tongtianguan disciples mistakenly think that everything was caused by the jellyfish here, so that they didn't understand what happened until they died.

It can be described as silent.

Whoa! !

The majestic energy poured directly into Fang Yi's body like a surging river.

The aura around Fang Yi also became more and more majestic and powerful, like an erupting volcano.

Of course, although this improvement is huge, it is undoubtedly still a very long distance from the seventh realm of legend. The difference between the sixth realm of legend and the seventh realm is by no means as simple as one might believe.

Once the cultivation base has reached this level, it is as difficult as reaching the sky every time one takes a step.

It is almost impossible not to spend thousands of years, or even ten thousand years.

Unless there is a great opportunity.

Although the energy of the three Tongtianguan disciples is majestic, for Fang Yi, it is just icing on the cake. At most, it can only make the energy in his body reach the limit, but the comprehension of the rules must be studied step by step by oneself.

Non-phagocytosis can be replaced.

This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult for the Legendary Realm experts.

Of course, compared to other powerhouses, Fang Yi undoubtedly still has a great advantage. At least, he doesn't have to worry about collecting those regular Dao patterns and Dao relics.

Because in the water temple, there is a complete way of water.

All he has to do is to spend enough time to comprehend.

too strong! !

After absorbing it, Fang Yi felt as if he was going to explode. The energy in his body made him feel stronger than ever before.

Involuntarily, his eyes darkened slightly.

"The game has officially started!"

After murmuring, his figure rippled like ripples and disappeared in place.


"Simply presumptuous!"

In the endless ocean, there is a certain abyss.

A huge jellyfish like a mountain exudes a faint purple light, which is extremely gorgeous, like a dream, and has a mysterious taste out of thin air.

It's just that in this mystery, there is more tyrannical atmosphere at this moment.

The next moment, its huge body transformed into a man.

Do not!

Perhaps strictly speaking, he can't be called a man, because his face is like jade, and his bright eyes glow with a frightening purple light. He looks like a man, but more of a woman's femininity.

And below him, there was another little demon, who was also filled with righteous indignation at the moment.

"My lord! These people are indeed too hateful. They dare to act recklessly in my mother's place. We must give them a good look."

"Yes! This is the territory of my imperial mother's clan, and it's not up to these people to be presumptuous."

Several little demons also echoed.

The purple-robed man was undoubtedly even more angry, and immediately said: "Have you found out, who are these people? Isn't their goal at Fire Dragon Island? Why did they stop in my mother's lake for no reason?"

A look of suspicion flashed across the eyes of the purple-robed man.

Anger is anger, but in his opinion, the purpose of these people is probably Fire Dragon Island.

Mother Emperor's Lake was just passing by, if it wasn't necessary, there would be no complications, but the fact is...

"My lord, it's strange to say that these people have been wandering around, as if they were looking for something."

"It seems that their goal is not Fire Dragon Island."

"The subordinates have already investigated. They seem to come from the east. They seem to have fought with the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Spider before. I heard that they are from Tongtian Temple..."


Hearing this, the purple-robed man's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Although Tongtianguan is in the ninth heaven of the fairy world and has always been quite low-key, the real strong know that they are extremely extraordinary, and they are one of the forces that cannot be provoked in the entire Three Realms.

Of course, that was in the Immortal World, in the nine mountains and eight seas, their influence has not expanded here.

However, after all, he is famous outside, and at this moment, he is somewhat afraid when he hears the words.

"You mean, they're after a man?"

Chase from the fairy world to the nine mountains and eight seas?

There was a look of suspicion in the eyes of the purple-robed man, and he was obviously a little surprised. Who is it that deserves such a lot of trouble from the Tongtian Temple, and he does not hesitate to chase him to the Seven Sacred Mountains?

"Returning to my lord, the rumors are true, but my subordinates have already ordered people to investigate in that area. So far, apart from those suspected disciples of the Tongtian Temple, nothing else has been found."

"As for the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider, he is also approaching this place, probably because of these people."

The little demon replied with doubts on his face.

Mother Emperor's Ze is their territory, and everything here can be said to be unable to escape their eyes and ears, but those Tongtianguan disciples don't want to be aimless.

Could it be that there is really a person hidden in the dark?

But, how did he avoid being probed by himself and others?

This is indeed a huge doubt. In this area, it can be said that no one can hide the truth from the Queen Mother's family, but...

"Hmph! No matter who they are for, they are not allowed to be presumptuous in the Queen Mother's Ze."

"Kick them out!"

The purple-robed man's eyes turned cold, and he immediately ordered.

"Yes!" Several little monsters hurriedly led away.

In the huge scene, only the purple-robed man was left, and his purple eyes couldn't help but become brighter and brighter.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly, a voice rang in his ear.

"Find out why the Tongtian Temple is involved, what is their purpose, and who are they looking for." The voice was flat, but there was an unquestionable flavor.

The purple-robed man's expression was also shocked, as if he didn't expect to hear this voice, and his expression became extremely respectful.

Exclaimed in the mouth: "Mother Emperor?"

"It's me!" The figure sounded again.

After being confirmed, the purple-robed man became even more excited, and immediately knelt down towards the void.

The reason why the mother emperor's lake is called the mother emperor's lake is precisely because of the existence of the mother emperor. There are countless legends about the mother emperor, and it is said that he has lived since ancient times until today.

It is also said that his cultivation base is as high as the sky, and he may have reached the level of a demon saint, and he may even have reached the ninth level of the Dao.

However, these are just legends.

No one knows for sure, because the empress has never appeared, and some people even suspect that the empress may have long since fallen.

Even though the purple-robed man at this moment, since he was born, has reached the peak of the legendary Ninth Realm and is in charge of the Queen Mother's Lake, he still has no information about the exact existence of the Queen Mother.

But today, he finally heard the legendary voice, the voice of the ancestor of the legendary mother emperor's clan, how could he not be excited.

You must know that Mother Emperor's Ze is not considered the most powerful branch in the Flood Dragon Clan.

But precisely because of the existence of the empress, no one dared to provoke them.

Even if the Flood Dragon Clan is the leader, the Flood Dragon Clan dare not offend them, and usually avoid them. From this, we can see the influence of the Queen Mother.

And now...

"My lord, do you mean to investigate the purpose of Tongtianguan and his party?"


(End of this chapter)

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