Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3005

Chapter 3005 Two Powerhouses

"It's coming so fast!"

Seeing this figure, Fang Yi couldn't help flashing a look of surprise in his eyes.

The breath is also more restrained.

This is not fun, he has seen how strong Bai Lian is before, although the two are not on the same level, but even the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider is not as good as Bai Lian.

Therefore, he had to hold his breath.

"I've seen a real person!"

Naturally, several Tongtianguan disciples were overjoyed.

However, Master Bai Lian could not help frowning when he saw the situation in front of him, with a faint flash of displeasure.

Obviously, he arrived in an instant not for these royal mother clans, but for Fang Yi, and more strictly speaking, for one of the legendary Four Swords.

The other Tongtianguan disciples didn't know the purpose of this trip, but as the leader this time, he naturally wouldn't be ignorant.

For this sword, he did not hesitate to come to Buzhou Mountain from the fairy world, and then chased to the Seven Sacred Mountains. Now, a group of monsters appeared in front of him, no wonder his complexion became ugly.

"big eater!"

He glanced at several people with cold eyes, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

The faces of those Tongtianguan disciples suddenly changed drastically.

Fortunately, Master Bai Lian just glanced at a few people, and then he didn't want to pay any attention, and his cold eyes also looked at the group of monsters.

"Humans, you are their leader? Confess your purpose, otherwise..."

The mother emperor's family spoke again.


However, before he finished speaking, a thunderous shout came, and with this shout, a majestic energy erupted from his body, like an erupting volcano.

Immediately knocked the Queen Mother's family into the air, their huge bodies fell like falling stars.

So strong! !

Fang Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

Just an angry shout, without even moving a finger, unexpectedly...

The top [-] on the legend list are really extraordinary.

At this moment, even Fang Yi was shocked in his heart. You must know that the Queen Mother's family is no small matter, with a tyrannical aura, even if there is no legendary nine realms, it will not be much worse.

But such a powerful monster clan is so vulnerable in the opponent's hands.

How can this not shock him.

And if he is like this, let alone the other monster races, their expressions have changed drastically, and the eyes they look at Bai Lian are completely different, full of fear.

" are so courageous!!"

"Damn human..."

The expression of the mother emperor's family before had also become extremely ugly at this moment, the huge body and the domineering aura gave people a sense of lethargy.

It seemed that the angry shout just now had already broken his mind.

"Things who don't know how to die, do you really think that I dare not kill you!" Master Bai Lian's face suddenly sank at this moment, revealing his killing intent.

In words, he had shown mercy just now.

It's not surprising, after all, this is the Mother Emperor's Ze, the territory of the Mother Emperor's clan, no matter how powerful Bai Lian is, it's enough to clear away the little monsters, but a big monster like this would not dare to kill wantonly.

Because if it is not good, it is likely to attract revenge from the Queen Mother's family, and then...

However, if the other party does not know how to die, then it is a different matter.

"What a great prestige!"

Fang Yi was about to say this, but unexpectedly, a voice sounded first, revealing supreme majesty.

At the same time, huge waves churned all around, as if the sky was turned upside down, a touch of purple swept from afar, and in an instant, the whole world seemed to turn into a dream space.

Everything around, under the shroud of purple, also added a sense of mystery.

Not only that, but the surrounding scene is also slowly changing.


"What a mysterious illusion!" Sensing everything around him, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. Unlike the Illusory Sky Sword Formation, the illusion in front of him has no trace to be found, and it is perfectly connected with the real world, making people slowly fall into it. Unaware.

A look of astonishment also faintly flashed in the pupils of Master Bailian, obviously aware of it.

However, he didn't take any action, but let all this happen, and his bright eyes couldn't help looking at the source of the purple meaning.

There, a purple-robed man was slowly approaching.

His whole body is full of purple, making it hard to see clearly, but a pair of eyes seem to be able to see through everything, like two purple pearls in the dark night.

"So strong!"

Fang Yi thought to himself, the aura of the purple-robed man gave him the feeling that it was not weaker than that of real Bailian.

However, Master Bailian is one of the top [-] experts on the legend list.

Then this purple-robed man...

I heard from Wang Wei and others before, it seems that there is no one who is worthy of the name!

Fang Yi couldn't help but be a little curious. It seems that he must study the legend list carefully when he has time, otherwise, he will appear too ignorant.

"Spiritual Bailian? It's you!" The purple-robed man's pupils also froze, showing a hint of anger.

The same is true for Bai Lian, his eyes have become extremely gloomy.

"Such a strong person can't find a corresponding person on the legend list. He has long heard about the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Queen Mother's family. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation."

Master Bai Lian pointed out something, and his expression became serious.

When Fang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his face.

What do you mean?

No name on the legend list?It seems that this so-called legend list does not cover the powerhouses of the Three Realms, and there are still many fish that slipped through the net, such as the purple-robed man in front of him.

Of course, this may have something to do with the low-keyness of the purple-robed people, but there are not even half of them who can make the list.

"Since you know, you still dare to be presumptuous in my imperial mother's family, do you really think that you can ignore my imperial mother's family because of your Tongtianguan?"

The purple-robed man's face darkened, and two cold lights shot out of his eyes.

There was also a sharp question in his tone.

"Your Excellency, let's get over this! I just stayed here for a while, and I didn't damage the Queen Mother's family during the period. Shicai, if I didn't show mercy, I'm afraid..."

Master Bailian's eyes were gloomy, and there was a slight coldness at the corner of his mouth.

The whole body breath is also ready to move.

The strength of the purple-robed man may have given him a trace of fighting spirit.

Like him, the aura around the purple-robed man is also rising steadily, and the purple meaning in his eyes can't help but become more and more intense, giving people a feeling of palpitations.

"Afraid of what? In my mother's lake, I acted so recklessly, and dared to say that it was just an excuse."

The purple-robed man's eyes froze, revealing his killing intent.

Boom! !

Before the two of them could make a move, the two terrifying auras had already collided with each other one step ahead, as if they were rock-shattering.

The space collapsed inch by inch.

Several Tongtian Temple disciples and a group of demon clans around them all changed their faces in fright, and backed away again and again, for fear of being affected.

Just kidding, this aura is extremely violent, let alone contending with their strength, if it gets a little bit contaminated, it will be bloody in an instant.

The war is about to start.


(End of this chapter)

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