Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3014

Chapter 3014

"Hmph! Want to leave? Are you able to leave?"

The Golden Flame Lion King sneered, watching Chilong rushing away, he tried to stop it with his big hand.

Although the Chilong is great, it has already been severely injured at this moment. It may not be easy to stay as long as it uses a little trick, but it will definitely make the opponent have no chance to breathe.

And then, the opportunity presented itself.

Therefore, how could the Golden Flame Lion King give up.

However, just at this moment, when his giant palm was about to fall, the sound of a big wave suddenly came from nowhere.

A blue water curtain also rose out of thin air, directly blocking his way.

In it, he also sensed a mysterious power of space rules, which seemed to strip the world directly, which was far stronger than the power of space rules of Chilong.


Immediately, his pupils changed greatly, and the giant palm in his hand also fell.

Boom! !

The blue water curtain withstood this blow, just like a calm sea created a turbulent sea, churning, and then cracking inch by inch.

The power of the stacked space also trembled violently.

But during this tremor, the Chilong's figure has long since disappeared, and the water curtain has also receded, and everything seems to have happened.


The Golden Flame Lion King thundered furiously, his eyes shone with golden light, and he swept around, but found nothing.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth in anger, furious.

And the instigator of all this is naturally Fang Yi.

With Fang Yi's strength, he may not be able to compete with the Golden Flame Lion King and Chilong, but it is enough to block it for a while.

What's more, the Golden Flame Lion King also suffered a lot, so...

puff! !

As Chilong fled, blood kept gushing out of his mouth, and he turned his head to look behind him from time to time, with a hint of surprise on his face.

It seems that he didn't expect that the Golden Flame Lion King didn't come after him, which undoubtedly surprised him a little.

But at such a moment, he obviously couldn't care less, and fled desperately.

Little did he realize that the crisis was already lurking around him.


Fang Yi shuttled through the rules of water, the rules of water are the most silent and untraceable, so he just followed without being noticed.

Three thousand avenues, each avenue has its own characteristics.

The characteristics of the Tao of Water are even more diverse. In terms of weirdness and no trace, the only ones that can be compared with it are the Tao of Wind and some special powers of rules.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Yi was able to cross the sea with the help of the way of water.

Just like at this moment, Chilong had no idea of ​​the approaching danger, and found a hidden place, trying to recuperate.

But unfortunately, Fang Yi naturally wouldn't give him this chance.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, he still understands the truth, not to mention, at this moment, he is facing a legendary Nine Realm expert, so how could he miss such an opportunity.


Chilong relaxed, obviously more vigilant, his sharp eyes swept around, and then slammed towards Fang Yi.

At the same time, Fang Yi also stepped out slowly.

"It's you?"

Chilong's pupils shrank, obviously recognizing Fang Yi.

Just kidding, in the sea of ​​flames that day, Fang Yi took a small part of the flames of chaos. For this reason, he brooded, and searched all around afterwards, intending to find Fang Yi, but unfortunately...

Therefore, how could Fang Yi not be recognized.

The anger in the eyes also evaporated, like raging flames.

"Boy! So it's you? Behind all of this, you are the one who is playing tricks? What do you want to do?"

Chilong obviously misunderstood something, and mistakenly thought that the fire of chaos that appeared on Huolong Island was Fang Yi's masterpiece.

Because only he knew that besides the man in yellow, Fang Yi was the one who got the fire of chaos.

But now that Fang Yi appeared here, it was normal for him to think so.

However, Fang Yi couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard this.

Originally, he wanted to know something about the Earth Temple and the purpose of the Earth Temple from the other party, but he never thought...

"Boy, since your practice is not easy, if you hand over the flame of chaos, I will let you live, otherwise..."

At this moment, he still hasn't given up on the fire of chaos.

He didn't even care about his injuries.

Or maybe, Fang Yi's legendary six-level cultivation was not taken seriously by him at all.

Not surprising, even though he was injured, the lean camel was bigger than a horse. He was absolutely confident that he could kill the Legendary Six Realms with one blow, so he was naturally fearless.

"Leave me alone?"

Fang Yi smiled in amazement, and shook his head bored. It seemed that the other party had no idea how he could escape.

I'm afraid I thought I was lucky to meet him here.

As everyone knows...

"Why don't I give you a chance to answer my question honestly, and I will give you a good time, how about it?"

Fang Yi grinned and said coldly.

"Presumptuous!" Chilong was undoubtedly furious, and then, staring at Fang Yi, he laughed again, as if he had seen the biggest joke in the world.

"Boy! Could it be that you think that you can take the opportunity to deal with this seat if you are injured?"

"It's just whimsical, hahaha!!!"

Chilong sneered again and again, looking at Fang Yi as if looking at an idiot.

Fang Yi also laughed, playing and joking.

Seeing this, Chilong's face gradually darkened, and anger began to emerge.

"Boy, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell, but you just want to break in. If this is the case, then you can't blame me, go to hell!"

Chilong roared, and immediately didn't bother to talk nonsense. With a giant palm in his hand, he grabbed Fang Yi violently.

The reason why he made the first move was naturally not because he wanted to strike first.

There is no need to deal with a mere Legendary Six Realm.

However, he was severely injured, and there was still a huge blood hole on his huge body at this moment, which was pierced by the spear before, and the golden flames above were still steaming, eating away at his body bit by bit, so He must adjust his breath as soon as possible to recover from his injuries.

As for Fang Yi, in his eyes, he was no less than an ant, who could be killed easily.

This cannot be seen from the attitude of his shot at the moment.

It's just a pity that he obviously predicted everything wrong, how could Fang Yi be comparable to the ordinary legendary six realms, aside from these, it is an explanation in itself that Fang Yi dared to enter the Flood Dragon Clan alone.

Sadly, he didn't see this at all.

All he saw was Fang Yi's legendary six-level cultivation.

Seeing that the palm was about to fall, the corner of Chilong's mouth could not help but evoke a cruel look, looking at Fang Yi as if looking at a dead person.

Because in his eyes, Fang Yi is already a dead man.

However, in Fang Yi's eyes, he is not a dead person.

groan! !

The next moment, there was a heaven-shattering dragon chant, and a huge real dragon's claw traversed the sky, directly facing Chilong's palm.

It was also at this moment that Chilong realized something, and his pupils changed drastically.

Unfortunately, it was too late.


(End of this chapter)

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