Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3017 Gate of Hope

Chapter 3017 Gate of Hope

"what is that?"

Everyone looked at him in unison, full of astonishment.

No one expected that a bright door of light would suddenly appear here.

And what happened to the dragon shadow before?

The same is true for Fang Yi. At this moment, he is hidden in the endless rules, watching this scene in astonishment. Everything in front of him is obviously caused by the fire of chaos.

A mutation caused by the fire of chaos.

And that dragon ball!

It seemed to have absorbed part of the Chaos Fire, but it didn't seem to be enough. It wasn't until the Chaos Fire was used that it made up for the missing part. After that, this mutation occurred.

Could it be that the flame of chaos that appeared before that was also absorbed by the dragon ball?

It's just not enough, until I completed the missing piece, did I open this door of light?

in this case……

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's pupils brightened, with a strong curiosity in them.

Although all of this was his speculation, he faintly felt that he was already close to the truth.

The purpose of the Earth Temple must be this door of light, but perhaps they themselves did not expect that the lack of the fire of chaos they obtained would not be able to open this door of light.

This also explained why they cast the Chaos Fire on Huolong Island, but they didn't move after that.

It's not that they don't want to, in fact they can't.

Because the light door is not open.

However, if this is the case, what will be inside the gate of light?

Involuntarily, he thought of the so-called light of hope that the Wanpoison Demon Spider said, what could it be?

Boom! ! !

The sudden appearance of the light gate stunned everyone. No one dared to take the lead, not because of the possible dangers in the light gate itself, but also because of the countless strong people around, whoever dared to take the lead would definitely become the target of public criticism, so ...

But at this time, there was a sound of rolling thunder, and the world was shaken.

Countless strong men flocked from all directions.

The first one to arrive was the Golden Flame Lion King. At this moment, his body was steaming with raging golden flames, his anger was still there, and his cold eyes swept around, like a king patrolling the world.

"Is this the door of hope?"

The Golden Flame Lion King's eyes were full of greed.

He completely disregarded the other strong men around him, and quickly shot towards the light gate.

What?Gate of Hope?

Countless strong people around looked at each other, completely ignorant. Therefore, obviously, these people knew nothing about the so-called light of hope.

At present, it seems that only the strong at the level of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Demon Spider have a little understanding.

Others simply don't know where this line of business comes from.

Of course, most of the people originally came here to join in the fun, even the flames of chaos were not what they dared to hope for, and they had no way of touching the secrets during this period.

"Old Monster Jin Yan, leave it to me! This is my Flood Dragon Clan, how can I allow you to get there first."

Seeing that the Golden Flame Lion King is about to shoot into the light gate.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout.

In the distance was a roiled sea of ​​red clouds, and a huge dragon's head with an extremely fierce look rolled towards the Golden Flame Lion King, and a huge dragon's tail swept towards it like the whip of a god of death.

"The Red Scaled Flood King!"

The Golden Flame Lion King's expression changed, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

In the legend list, the Red Scaled Flood Dragon King ranks slightly higher than the Golden Flame Lion King. What's more, this is the opponent's territory. Naturally, the Golden Flame Lion King dared not be careless, and slapped his giant palm fiercely to meet him.

"What about the Flood Dragon Clan? The Gate of Hope doesn't belong to your Flood Dragon Clan. Those who can live there."

The Golden Flame Lion King snorted coldly.

"What a capable person, this king wants to see how capable you are!"

The red-scaled flood dragon king's eyes darkened, and his anger boiled over.

The breath all over his body also became stronger and stronger, his blood was surging, red clouds were billowing, and the entire sky seemed to have turned into a red ocean.

Some slightly weaker warriors around were instantly enveloped by the red cloud, leaving no bones left.

All kinds of shrill and desperate howls followed.

The pupils of the Golden Flame Lion King couldn't help shrinking, the golden flames flourished, resisting the churning blood, and shouted: "Red Scale, do you want to stop everyone? The Dragon Clan compromised, let alone you .”

"well said!"

At this time, another sharp voice suddenly came.

Like a sharp sword across the sky, tearing apart the sky.

In the billowing sea of ​​clouds, a touch of gold whizzed over, piercing the sky, and the speed was so fast that he was simply amazed.

Rao Fang Yi, his pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply, flashing a look of astonishment.

Even though relying on the way of water, he can hide in the endless rules, but the speed of the golden figure, even he dares to be a little inferior.

The figure was not only extremely fast, but also strange and changeable, as if jumping in space, moving at will.

It is the way of the wind! !

And it is the top wind escape, I am afraid it is better than the water escape technique.

The Red Scaled Flood Dragon King and the Golden Flame Lion King were also shocked at this moment. Seeing that lightning-like and ghostly figure, their expressions suddenly became dignified.

But the golden figure ignored the two of them at all, brushed past them, and shot directly towards the light gate.

The bright light illuminated its body, and it was suddenly a huge golden roc.

"Golden Roc of the Mixed World!!"

The Red Scaled Flood King blurted out, with an anxious expression on his face.

He didn't even care about the Golden Flame Lion King, he jumped up and rushed after him.

The same is true for the Golden Flame Lion King, with golden flames all over his body, like a huge fireball, smashing towards the light gate.

The next moment, the three of them almost entered the light gate together and disappeared.

The huge scene also fell into a brief silence.

Fang Yi was also in a daze, Hunshi Jinpeng?Isn't this the existence of nearly two hundred people on the legend list?Are they all here?

Is it all for the so-called light of hope?What exactly is that?

do not care!

Just look at it and you'll find out!

Fang Yi was certain that he also wanted to rush into the light gate to find out. However, at this moment, auras of auras all around came quickly, such as the Ten Thousand Poison Demon Spider, the Purple Moon Demon Monarch, the Immortal Bailian, etc. .

There are also many strong human beings, and they almost all rushed here immediately.

Fortunately, no one from the Great Dao Realm showed up.

Perhaps because of the so-called compromise, the high level of the Flood Dragon Clan reached an agreement with the powerhouses from all walks of life, and the powerhouses of the Dao Realm are not allowed to make a move, so...

Of course, although they didn't make a move, Fang Yi could clearly sense that there are several unfathomable auras that are paying attention to everything here with the help of the way of water to sense the changes between the heaven and the earth.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Yi did not rush into the light door in the first place.

Because once exposed, no one knows what the consequences will be.

So, just to be on the safe side, he could only wait and enter the light gate together with the crowd.

As for what is in the gate of light, whether it will be caught first, he has nothing to do.


(End of this chapter)

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