Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3028 God Demon Race

Chapter 3028 God Demon Race

It's finally almost there!

Sensing the strength in his body, Fang Yi slowly opened his eyes.

In that world before, the battle with the hazy man and the ancient gods and demons almost left him empty. Therefore, after he came out, he immediately escaped into the water temple to recover.

This world is full of various crises, and we must maintain a state of prosperity at all times, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable, so...

Now, it's finally recovered, and it's time to go out.

Speaking of which, thanks to the ancient gods and demons.

The power of the god-devil aura is beyond imagination. Fang Yi only swallowed a little, and recovered most of the consumed energy.

If not, he would not have reached his prime so quickly.

Even faintly one step further.

His whole body exudes an aura similar to that of ancient gods and demons.

and many more!

Fang Yi's eyes suddenly moved. Could it be that he jumped out of that world just because he was tainted with the aura of gods and demons?

This question has been entangled with Fang Yi, and he has not left.

But the yellow-robed man and his party never showed up.

only myself.

After thinking about it, this is the most reasonable explanation he can think of. As for whether it is true or not, no one knows.

Everything around is still vast, and the countless bright stars have already become different in Fang Yi's eyes at this moment, because he knows that they are not stars, but moments of time.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it Time Capsules!

But, what is the significance of these time capsules?

The law of time is hidden in the period?still is……

That's it!

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to worry about it, but he understood that this space was extraordinary, weirder than any place he had ever been to.

It's a pity that his cultivation base is a bit low, not to mention the ancient gods and demons in those time capsules.

Even those strong players on the legendary list are not something he can currently compete with.

It is necessary to break through the legendary seven realms as soon as possible.

Fang Yi secretly made up his mind. He even thought about retreating for a period of time before breaking through the legendary seven realms.

It's just that this space is too magical, he doesn't want to miss anything, so...

Immediately, he chose a direction and left quickly.

It is among the bright stars.


"My lord, it has been confirmed that the seal left by the Qianlong of the Seven Sacred Mountains was broken, and a large number of monsters from the Seven Sacred Mountains flooded into the Corridor of Time."

"And, before that, the barriers of the Seven Sacred Mountains, Buzhou Mountain, and Misu Mountain were loosened. As a result, not only the monsters from the Seven Sacred Mountains entered the corridor of time this time, but also the strong men from Buzhou Mountain and Misu Mountain."

In the same starry sky, a figure like a giant stands on the top of the sky.

He is huge, dressed in a black robe, and he is a hundred meters away.

His eyes are like torches, like a god of heaven and earth, and the terrifying aura permeates his body, making me seem to be the only existence in this world.

At this moment, he was looking at the bright starry sky, and behind him, another giant was reporting respectfully.

However, compared to his figure, it is obviously smaller.

The black-robed giant remained silent, but his lantern-like pupils were filled with anger.

"My lord, please tell me what should we do?"

The entourage asked, with anger written all over his face, "These damned human races and monster races are simply beyond their control. The Corridor of Time is my forbidden place on the Mountain of Gods and Demons, and the sacred place for the descendants of gods and demons. They're messing around."

"They have to be hit head-on and knocked out."

The follower said angrily, gnashing his teeth.

"how to spell?"

The black-robed giant finally spoke, and asked back.

The attendant was obviously taken aback, looking at the black-robed giant in confusion.

"Since the seal has been opened, it is not easy to stop it, unless you can find the inheritance left by the King of Time in the corridor of time and control the corridor of time, otherwise..."

"But, it's easier said than done. For countless tens of thousands of years, countless strong men from my gods and demons have entered the corridor of time, but they have found nothing after all."

Hearing the words, the attendant couldn't help but darken his expression.

Asked: "Should we just let them mess around?"


The black-robed giant pondered for a moment before saying, "The higher-ups in the clan have already learned about this matter, but the strange thing is that there is no instruction."

"That's fine, the endless time fragments are impossible to find completely. Now with the help of these people, maybe we can find the inheritance of the time king faster."

The black-robed giant's eyes were bright, revealing a sharp and cold light.

After a pause, he continued: "Pass down the order and let the people below be ready at all times. Even if we can't completely expel them, we must not make them feel better."

"We must let them know that we, the gods and demons, are not something they can provoke."


The attendant responded and left quickly.


Damn it!not yet?

Is it possible that these bubbles can only wait for them to hit themselves?Can't get close at all?

Traveling all the way in a hurry, with Fang Yi's current speed, it is conceivable to do everything with all his strength.

However, if this is the case, the countless bright stars are still out of reach, as if they have always been in place and have not moved half a minute.

This involuntarily made Fang Yi feel a little headache.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will be futile, but...

Thinking back to the star that hit it before, it seems that there is no difference!The only difference seems to be that the group was in the midst of a fierce battle.

Could it be because of this?

Could it be that those stars could sense the energy fluctuations and come to them on their own initiative?

But looking for it by yourself is no way at all?

Fang Yi speculated wildly.

At the same time, a powerful divine sense also spread out, like an endless ocean, instantly appearing in his senses with a radius of tens of millions of miles.


Suddenly, in a certain direction, violent energy surged faintly.

It's like there's a big war going on.

Fang Yi's eyes flickered, he couldn't find the door anyway, so he looked first before talking, and immediately he got together and headed in that direction.

After a short tilt, the picture in front of him clearly appeared in his senses.


Fang Yi recognized the two warring parties at a glance, and one of them was the disciple of Tongtianguan, who had been hunted down and besieged before.

There were three of them, the leading one had slashed cheeks, and his cultivation had reached the peak of the Legendary Eighth Realm.

The other two are slightly worse, ranging from seven to eight legendary realms.

At this moment, the three of them were besieging a giant who was several tens of meters away. Fang Yi felt incredible that the aura emitted by the giant was similar to those ancient gods and demons, but it was obviously more mixed. Much weaker.

But even so, it was already extremely impressive.

Under the siege of the three disciples of Tongtianguan, they still couldn't take it down completely.

Who is this?

Could it be the legend, the gods and demons of the gods and demons mountain?

But, why are people from the gods and demons here?Didn't see them in Fire Dragon Island before?

Fang Yi's eyes were full of doubts.

At this moment, the disciples of the Three Great Masters of Tongtian Temple looked at each other, and three swords came out together, transforming into an extremely fierce sword array, countless sword shadows tore through the space, and all attacked and killed the giant.


(End of this chapter)

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