Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3035 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 3035 Defeat like a mountain

Moan! !

The next moment, dragon chants came from his body, shaking the heavens and the earth.

The meaning of endless destruction also follows.

The way of nothingness symbolizes nothingness, but the way of destruction can destroy everything, even nothingness.

Perhaps, Fang Yi's comprehension of the way of destruction is not worth mentioning in front of the king of nothingness, but it is completely different in front of these army of nothingness.

I saw that the terrifying power of destruction was like a line of silence.

Wherever it passed, the army of nothingness was wiped out inch by inch, not even a scum was left.


Fang Yi was overjoyed immediately, and Gu Qianqiu's pupils couldn't help but light up, how weird these void armies really are, you only know when you fight against them, any attack will greatly reduce them.

However, the intention of destruction seems to restrain them, and only a little bit is enough to destroy them.

Suddenly, with Fang Yi as the center, a vacuum zone seemed to form around.

Because those approaching void armies were completely annihilated without much resistance.

Fang Yi is like a god of killing, he goes into the flock and reaps wantonly.


At this time, an ancient god and demon noticed all this and laughed wantonly.

The Void Army was just the opposite, and all of them changed their faces drastically.

"Humble human beings, it's not your turn to be presumptuous here. Where did you come from? Go back to where you are!" A leading general of the void army, like a shadow demon king, was full of rage in his angry eyes.

The terrifying aura also came directly towards Fang Yi.

Fang Yi's face changed drastically, and he was about to retreat quickly!

Just kidding, with such an existence, his bones will definitely be gone under this palm.

However, his worry was obviously a little unnecessary. A powerful ancient god and demon had already greeted him and blocked all attacks for him, so that he would not be affected in the slightest.

Other ancient gods and demons also rushed in one after another.

At this moment, Fang Yi can be said to have received extremely high treatment.

Just because they have all discovered that the restraint of the Intent of Destruction on the army of nothingness is far more than a hundred times better than theirs.

Give back!

That being the case, then I will help you.

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and the entire dragon vein in his body suddenly flourished. At this moment, he didn't hold back any more, and the terrifying intention of destruction poured out.

Moan! !

Immediately, a shocking dragon chant came, shocking Jiuxiao.

The endless meaning of destruction instantly condensed and turned into a huge black real dragon, Minglong.

The underworld dragon is ten thousand feet away, fierce and vicious, like the ruler of all living beings, it is wanton in the world, soaring through the nine heavens.

The meaning of destruction swept in like an endless ocean, and the wind of extinction swept across the land.

The army of nothingness was like phantoms, annihilated one after another, and spread to the entire army along the wind of extinction.

The army of nothingness also instantly became disorganized.

Only some powerful people can survive, and these people are naturally handed over to the army of gods and demons.

As for Fang Yi, he went on to the next area.

In this way, Fang Yi is like a soul reaper of an army of nothingness, wantonly harvesting the lives of an army of nothingness, and wherever he passes, it is like death.

Until the end, those ordinary nihilistic armies fled in fright when they saw him.

After all, this is a large-scale war. In any era, those who are really strong are very individual, like rare ones.

Ordinary people are the most.

And when these people collapse, it will also affect morale the most.

Just like at this moment, these people are frightened when they see Fang Yi, how can they continue to fight?

What's more terrible is that Fang Yi's own strength is strong, and he has mastered the technique of water escape, coupled with the protection of the army of gods and demons, it is almost impossible for the strong Void Army to ambush him.

kill kill kill! !

Under such circumstances, the morale of the army of gods and demons is like a rainbow.

The army of nothingness was defeated like a mountain.

In fact, even if Fang Yi joined, the gap between the two would not be large, and those who died in Fang Yi's hands were more or less ordinary soldiers.

It's just that the movement and power caused by the underworld dragon are too terrifying.

And the end of being destroyed by the meaning of destruction is complete annihilation, which is why the army of nothingness is frightened. They are fearless because they can continue to be reborn.

But if it doesn't exist anymore, it's natural to be afraid.

However, fear is contagious, and once it infects some people, it can quickly spread throughout the entire army.

And in this way, the morale has plummeted, how can the army not be defeated like a mountain?

"Hahaha!! Kill them!!"

The commander of gods and demons laughed wildly, his momentum was like a broken bamboo.

The army of nothingness is retreating steadily, and there is no power to recover.

A wanton massacre also followed.


Suddenly, above the nine heavens, a roar of anger like thunder followed.

At that moment, Fang Yi clearly felt that from the endless nothingness, there was a deep eye glaring at him, like a god of death.

He only felt a chill down his back, like falling into an abyss, and even his soul was trembling.

At the same time, a palm of nothingness also fell.

An unprecedented sense of extreme danger also spread from his heart, and for a moment, he escaped into the water temple.

Fortunately, the next moment, this feeling disappeared out of thin air, because another giant palm had already greeted it.

"Heh! The majestic king of nothingness actually has no shame in attacking a junior."

A sarcastic voice followed.


The voice sounded extremely angry, and shouted: "King of the Years, don't be complacent, we will fight again in the future, retreat!"

With this shout, the army of nothingness receded like a tide.

kill! !

The army of gods and demons naturally refused to agree, and pursued them closely. Although they couldn't stop them at all, they could kill more. What's more, the army of nothingness was defeated like a mountain. This was an excellent opportunity.


Seeing his army being slaughtered wantonly, the king of nothingness was furious.

"King of Time and Time, you wait for this Lord, and the Japanese Lord will pay you back a hundred times." The Lord of Nothingness uttered a final roar, directly tearing apart the space, rolling up the army of nothingness and escaping into it.

But before leaving, Fang Yi clearly sensed that deep eyes looked at him again.

With monstrous anger and killing intent.

The space instantly closed, and everything returned to its original state, but Fang Yi felt as if he had walked through the gate of hell, and his entire back was soaked.

It's really too dangerous, it's just...

Fang Yi was secretly afraid.

Such a strong person, it seems that he will learn to think twice before acting, otherwise...

At the end of the battle, there was a torrent of cheers from the army of gods and demons, and many people turned their attention to Fang Yi and Gu Qianqiu.

curious!warm!And fun, it's so complicated.

Above the nine heavens, the figure of the King of Years also condensed, still so stalwart, like a great emperor who surpassed all living beings.

At this moment, his bright moon-like eyes also cast over, extremely deep.

"Let's all back down!"

Fang Yi waved his hand, and the countless army of gods and demons retreated instantly, leaving no one behind.

There were only three people left in the huge scene.

Do not!There are also several Tongtianguan disciples who are watching all this in the surrounding sky, and he is still shrouded in bubbles.

It's just that the expression on his face was already too horrified.

However, what made them even more horrified was still behind, and they saw the faint eyes of the King of Time sweeping towards them.


(End of this chapter)

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