Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3038 Cause and Effect

Chapter 3038 Cause and Effect

"The twelfth-grade world-destroying magic lotus?"

Fang Yi blurted out.

His eyes were also full of horror. At this moment, when he looked at the square lotus pond and the three lotus flowers, he was stunned again.

Because he remembered that legend, the Chaos Lotus Pond that was born in chaos.

I actually came before the first opening of the world and witnessed the Chaos Lotus Pond.

All of this made him feel like a dream.

"The twelfth-grade world-destroying magic lotus?"

Shimo murmured, looked up at Fang Yi, then nodded and said, "That's right! I like this name. From now on, you will be the Twelfth Rank World Extinguishing Demon Lotus."

Hahaha! !

Shi Mo laughed wildly, as if he was extremely satisfied with the name.

But Fang Yi was stunned, did he get the name himself?

"Little friend! Thank you for your name." Shi Mo's laughter stopped suddenly, and then he looked at Fang Yi again, his eyes were extremely deep.

"So weak?"

"That's all! For the name's sake, I will lend you a helping hand, Shi Mo Tianshu will lend you a while."

The first demon seems to have heaven in his mouth.

When the words fell, Fang Yi only felt an invisible force entwining him, and the other end of that force was entwining Shimo.

At the same time, when Shi Mo's big hand reached out, Fang Yi only felt that there was an invisible big hand somewhere that changed his fate.

This feeling is so mysterious that it cannot be described in words.

and many more! !

The other party's words!

What does give yourself a helping hand mean?And the Shimo Heavenly Book fell into his hands, could it be because of this reason?Did the other party lend it to you?

Fang Yi was completely stunned, only feeling that his brain was not enough.

It was as if a meeting millions of years ago had changed his life, and then, this meeting was clearly right in front of him.

The timing is out of order!

However, the world has not yet opened, time does not exist yet, why...

"Okay! The Shimo Heavenly Book should be taken back, little friend, take care of yourself."

Shi Mo smiled lightly, as if he had understood everything. As he spoke, Fang Yi only felt the inner world shake.

"There will be a period later!"

After the words fell, Shi Mo walked away and completely disappeared in place.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, almost turned into a stone sculpture.

Because of all of this, he couldn't believe it. The reason why he obtained the Shimo Heavenly Book and the perfect world seed was because of this.

Because of a name.

Then all of this is under the control of the other party.

Perhaps, like the King of Time, he has crossed the distance of the world, witnessed all this, and everything happened under his nose?Ten thousand years in an instant?

Do not!Shimo is obviously stronger than the King of Time, because time has no meaning at all in front of such an existence.

And his last words, there will be a period later?

So did he die?

It is said that he was bombarded and killed by Heavenly Dao in ancient times, but Fang Yi was completely confused by everything in front of him, because it was beyond his cognition.

Everything returned to calm again, and the chaos became deadly still again.

There are only three lotus flowers that are about to bloom in the chaotic lotus pond.

"Can I get ahead of myself?"

The remaining two are the twelfth-grade blood lotus, also known as the twelfth-grade karma red lotus, and the twelve-grade karma golden lotus, each of which is an innate treasure.

It is obviously impossible to say that Fang Yi is not moved at all.

Immediately, he strenuously headed towards the lotus pond.

But the dense fog and that inexplicable force blocked everything, Fang Yi could only move forward with difficulty, splitting the dense fog with a sword, and walking slowly.

I don't know how many years have passed, because there is no time here.

In the chaotic lotus pond, the red lotus began to bloom.

The strange light illuminates the chaos.

Fang Yi couldn't help but stop, because he seemed to be only a short distance away from the Chaos Lotus Pond, but it was almost impossible to cross it.

And the red lotus has already bloomed, and it is destined not to be his turn, so he can only watch helplessly.

At the same time, I also wanted to see what the legendary ancestor Styx looked like.

If the legend is true, he is the one who got the twelfth grade fire red lotus.

call! !

At this time, there was a whistling sound, accompanied by a strong smell of blood, and a huge blood-colored ocean suddenly appeared in the chaos.

The vast ocean came quickly, like a rushing wave.

This is Patriarch Styx?This breath is really amazing!

Fang Yi's heart was full of shock. All the powerful people in this chaotic period were indeed shocking.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

Do not!Perhaps it should not be said as shock, but astonishment. His jaw almost dropped in astonishment, and his pupils were filled with incredulity, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because the bloody ocean had already turned into a human form, an old man suddenly looked like the blood demon ancestor.

yes!It was the ancestor of the Gorefiend, the grandfather of Hua Lian'er.

He turned out to be Patriarch Styx!

How can this be?

Fang Yi was completely stunned, and felt that everything he saw today completely overturned his previous cognition.

It's nothing more than crossing the space to come to the chaotic period, and getting to know Shimo during this period, because of a name, he has gained great benefits in later generations.

But now, the blood demon patriarch has even become the Styx patriarch, which is simply...

Suddenly, Fang Yi remembered that in the underworld, the reason why Hua Lian'er was not imprisoned by the Ghost Mother of the Netherworld was because he sensed the aura of the avatar of the Blood God Son of the Styx Patriarch.

He intends to use her to find the inheritance and treasures left by the ancestor Styx.

Now it seems that the Nether Ghost Mother is not just guessing, she really noticed that Hua Lian'er's breath is unusual.

However, that breath may not come from Hua Lian'er, but from her grandfather, the ancestor of the blood demon.

Could it be that Patriarch Gorefiend is Patriarch Styx really?

Fang Yi remembered that since the underworld returned to Tianshan, the ancestor of the blood demon seemed to have disappeared.

Is he awakened?

Hua Lian'er, what's going on now?

Fang Yi felt extremely puzzled and had an extremely headache. All of this was beyond his understanding, so that he was a little at a loss.

Beside the Chaos Lotus Pond, the Patriarch Minghe reached out and directly took away the Fire Red Lotus of the Twelfth Rank Industry.

Hahaha! !

He laughed wildly and left the place.

The surroundings fell into silence again, and Fang Yi never made a move, because he didn't know what to say, and he was so shocked at the moment that he couldn't say anything.

In the chaotic lotus pond, there is only one golden lotus left at this moment.

Fang Yi calmed down, and once again strenuously moved towards the lotus pond. The thick mist and that inexplicable power finally became much weaker under his disdainful efforts.

He walks with determination.

After an unknown amount of time, it seemed that he was only one step away from breaking through the barrier completely.

However, at this moment, in the chaotic lotus pond, the golden lotus emitted thousands of bright golden lights.


(End of this chapter)

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