Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3041 I'll pick it up for you!

Chapter 3041 I'll pick it up for you!

The next step is much simpler.

If it was the Ice Queen, Fang Yi really didn't know how to face it, but she was just a little girl, so it was no problem, and her nervous expression couldn't help but relax.

Just kidding, if it was the Snow Queen, how could he not be nervous.

"How is your injury?"

he asked again.

Since fleeing till now, she hasn't seen anything about the Ice Queen, but her face has gradually turned rosy, and the injuries in her body seem to be repairing themselves.

This kind of ancient existence is indeed beyond Fang Yi's cognition.


The Snow Queen didn't care, and didn't see what happened to her, and the surrounding fog rushed towards her quickly.

Fang Yi could clearly feel that her body was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

Of course, Gu Buddha is not an ordinary person, and the wounds he caused did not fully heal so quickly. However, it has not affected the actions of the Ice Queen, but she still seems a little weak.

"this is for you!"

At this time, the Ice Queen spread out her palm, and the half lotus leaf that fell was floating in it.

Although it is only half a piece, the Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus is no small matter, and the great truth contained in this half piece is absolutely extraordinary.

It is obviously impossible to say that Fang Yi is not eager at all.

But, remembering that before, the Ice Queen risked her life for that golden lotus, and felt a little embarrassed.

Because it was really difficult for him to connect the person in front of him with the Snow Queen.

In his eyes, this is just a little girl!

He couldn't help asking: "Why are you so attached to that golden lotus? You almost lost your life. You must know that life is the most important thing."


The Snow Queen looked ignorant, as if she didn't even have the concept of life and death.

Fang Yi just felt a little speechless, and felt that it was so difficult to communicate with the other party. Immediately, he patiently told her some basic common sense and so on.

The Ice Queen was like a well-behaved little girl, listening carefully, her eyes full of curiosity and splendor.

Seeing this, Fang Yi became more and more suspicious, is this really the Snow Queen?

Is my impression wrong?

Or, does time change people?

"It's still for you!" The Snow Queen replaced the half lotus leaf again, and said, "I just think it's very beautiful, but now it's incomplete."

"..." Is that the reason?

Fang Yi was completely speechless.

Desperate because of her beauty?Doesn't it mean that in the chaos, there is no concept of anything, even life and death.

How to be beautiful...

Could it be that this is a woman's nature?Even in this chaotic period, everything has not yet begun, but the pursuit of beauty has penetrated into the soul of a woman?

"And you told me a lot of truths, don't you know how to repay your kindness? I have eaten so many delicious foods from you."

The Snow Queen looked serious.

"All right!"

Seeing this, Fang Yi was obviously a little embarrassed to push back.

Moreover, who is the Ice Queen, and whether she has this half of the lotus leaf means nothing to her, but she is different.

Immediately, Fang Yi took the half lotus leaf.

At the same time, he only felt that his way of rebirth and the condensed golden lotus platform seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation.

He even had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that the reason why he was able to condense the golden lotus of merit was precisely because of this half of the lotus leaf, and the lotus leaf disappeared from his fingertips immediately.

It's amazing! !

The fact that I was able to condense the golden lotus of merit was because of the half lotus leaf given by the Ice Queen.

In this cause and effect, who comes first?

I am afraid that only by mastering the Dao of Karma can we gain insight, right?As expected, each of the six top laws is extremely mysterious.

As time is, so is cause and effect.

After that, the two gradually became acquainted, and the Snow Queen's injury was also recovering rapidly.

It's okay, she likes to listen to Fang Yi explaining all kinds of truths and knowledge to her.

At first Fang Yi was extremely enthusiastic, but later, he hid whenever he could, not because of his hatred for the Snow Queen, but because he discovered that every contact with the other party was a cause and effect.

It will have a great impact on future generations, so...

The Snow Queen looks sullen.

Fang Yi didn't care so much, and worked hard to absorb the chaotic energy.

Unfortunately, he can absorb very little, and the speed is also extremely slow.

Chaos has no age, after the lotus pond conceived three lotus flowers, it began to shrink sharply, and the chaotic energy between the heaven and the earth rushed towards it.

How is this going?

Fang Yi's face couldn't help changing drastically. According to legend, the Chaos Lotus Pond finally gave birth to a white lotus, which turned into an ice and snow kingdom and was captured by the ice and snow queen.

Could it be that it has already started?

Fang Yi couldn't help but look at the Ice Queen not far away, and his eyes became a little complicated.

In contrast, he is undoubtedly more happy to see the Ice Queen in front of him, but the change of time cannot be stopped by any external force, and everything is going according to the legend.

The Ice Queen is bound to be the real Ice Queen too.


The Ice Queen blinked her big eyes at this moment, pointing to the rapidly shrinking lotus pond and a flower bud that was gestating, her face was full of excitement.

Fang Yi was extremely curious. The legendary white lotus has the ability to create life. The so-called black lotus destroys the world and the white lotus creates life. What will this white lotus look like?

Moreover, there will be no moths during this period!

It would be troublesome if a Chaos powerhouse popped up suddenly, because I didn't even have the ability to be cannon fodder.

Although the Ice Queen is amazing, that's only compared to him. Among the powerhouses of Chaos, she might not be considered the top.

At the very least, Shimo, Patriarch Styx, and Ancient Buddha who have appeared before are all stronger than her.

Of course, she also seemed to be the last to be born.

Whoa! !

The majestic air of chaos swarmed over, and the flower buds that were about to bloom seemed to have absorbed infinite energy, which was faintly stronger than the other three.

The Snow Queen's bright eyes could not help but brighten up.

The next moment, the lotus flower was radiant, and the bright seven-color glow reflected the sky and the earth, reflecting the entire chaotic space in a colorful and extremely gorgeous way.

It's blooming! !

A pure white lotus flower slowly bloomed, and the whole world seemed to be quiet.

The Ice Queen couldn't help but be overjoyed, her body flicked suddenly, like a ray of white light shooting at the lotus, Fang Yi heard her voice, "I'll pick this white lotus and give it to you!"


Give it to yourself?

Fang Yi was stunned, what is this?Not so the legend.

But it's not right!In the legend, there is no self at all, but is he not the same as witnessing the picking of the first three lotus flowers?What the hell is going on?

Fang Yi just felt that all this was too unbelievable.

But in such a situation, he obviously has no interest in paying attention to these things, and what he is worried about is happening.

In the distance, several terrifying auras came quickly. Obviously, everything here has alarmed other Chaos powerhouses.

Seeing this, Fang Yi's face couldn't help turning pale.

And that pure white lotus flower has already bloomed at this moment, extremely holy.


(End of this chapter)

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