Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3043 Time and Space Disorder

Chapter 3043 Time and Space Disorder

"Not yet!"

At this moment, Shi Mo suddenly snarled.

Yin Yin Yin! !

As if in response to his words, three heaven-shaking dragon chants suddenly came from nine days away, shocking Jiu Xiao.

The next moment, three huge real dragons traversed the sky, spanning the endless void.

Terrifying auras swept out from them, and the meanings of eternity, destruction, and hope filled the entire world, and they all moved towards the giant sword.

Three True Dragons?This this……

Fang Yi's pupils were wide open, filled with horror.

He is naturally not unfamiliar with the aura of the three true dragons, but the appearance of the three true dragons at the same time, and they are alive, undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

Also, why did the three true dragons mix with Shi Mo?what the hell is it?

Fang Yi was completely dumbfounded.

Everything in front of him, whether it was a few people's sky-high methods or this relationship, he was completely confused, and he felt a little confused.

Boom! !

However, the appearance of the three true dragons seemed to anger the giant sword even more.

The peerless power swept across the world, Shi Mo was immediately blasted out.

The same is true for the white lotus, which flew straight towards Fang Yi and the Ice Queen. As for the chaotic lotus pond, it had completely collapsed, but from it, a crystal like a lotus seed flew out.

"Boy! This is for you, it depends on your luck!"

Shi Mo's figure, who was flying backwards, saw the crystal and grabbed it instantly.

Then, it was thrown directly at Fang Yi.

What does this mean?

Fang Yi was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked at this moment, and he didn't understand what was going on at all, but the crystal was already coming towards him.

Seeing the crystal getting closer and closer, Fang Yi's pupils also dilated, full of disbelief.

Because the crystal was suddenly exactly the same as the suspected perfect world seed that he had obtained in Wanmozong.

It's just that that seed has already integrated with his inner world.

Could it be?This is also the same as the Shimo Heavenly Book, the reason why he obtained this seed was also given by Shimo?

As if to confirm his guess, when the crystal was about to approach, a wonderful force connected it with Fang Yi.

Then, it just disappeared out of thin air.

Boom! !

At this time, the shocking giant sword fell again, and the three true dragons seemed unable to resist.

"Don't go yet!"

A shout came from nowhere, accompanied by a terrifying power and endless power of rules.

That is the way of space, and it seems to isolate the shocking giant sword from several people.

At the same time, Fang Yi also felt a huge thrust, pushing him into the endless abyss.

Seeing this, the Ice Queen rushed to chase after her, but it seemed that an invisible energy blocked her. At that moment, Fang Yi seemed to see tears in her eyes.

"Wait for me! I will definitely find you!"


The figure of the Snow Queen got further and further away until she disappeared.

Fang Yi's heart was also full of panic, because he couldn't control himself at all at the moment, as if he had been withdrawn into an endless abyss, out of control at all.

A strong power of rules began to emerge from all around.

All kinds of weird pictures emerged.

There are giants who opened up the world, and gods and demons ravaged the starry sky. The pictures flashed by, like a slide show, dazzling people.

Fang Yi tried to get out of this predicament and fought hard.

Grabbing towards the void with both hands.

Faintly, the image seemed to be grabbing something, but it was too late to take a closer look, the huge tearing force was getting stronger and stronger.

Just when he thought he was doomed.

Suddenly, a voice rang in his ear, "It seems that you have gained a lot, and you have already broken through to the peak of the legendary seven realms."

The voice was indifferent, like a condescending king.

And Fang Yi, looking at the source of the voice, stayed on the spot again, because that person was the King of Time, and he was looking at him with a faint smile at the moment.

came back?

Fang Yi pinched himself as if in a dream, trying to confirm that this was just a dream.

But there is no doubt that it is real.

"Don't be so surprised! Although the way of time is weird, everything cannot escape the cause and effect. It is your own good luck that you can enter the age of gods and demons to practice."

King Suiyue smiled lightly, with a look that is not surprising.

Fang Yi nodded in a daze. Everything was so unimaginable that he still couldn't believe what he had experienced, just like a dream.

and many more!

"The Age of Gods and Demons?"

Suddenly, Fang Yi realized that something was wrong, why is it the age of gods and demons?Isn't it a period of chaos?

The age of gods and demons is still far behind!According to the legend, the earliest period was the period of chaos. Before the world opened, it was collectively referred to as the period of chaos. In that period, there were few creatures, and everything was still in the process of being conceived.

There are no gods and demons at all.

After the first opening of the world, the gods and demons were slowly bred, but at that time, the gods and demons were relatively weak.

It is still an era ruled by the creatures of chaos, but in order to distinguish it from the era of chaos, it is called the ancient era.

After a very long time in the ancient times, the chaotic creatures gradually disappeared, and the gods and demons rose. This is the age of gods and demons. In the middle, there is an unknown distance.

What did the other party say...

"That's right! That's the era of gods and demons, the era when this king survived. At that time, the power of origin and the rules of heaven and earth were much stronger than in your era."

"Unfortunately, my king's strength is limited, and I can only keep you guys here for so long..."

The King of Years continued to speak.

But Fang Yi was no longer in the mood to listen.

Because he has already confirmed one thing, the King of Time and Era really sent himself back to the past, back to the age of gods and demons, to help him practice, maybe it was out of repayment, or he hoped that he could help him through the ages.

Regardless of the reason, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that I didn't return to the age of gods and demons, but instead returned to the era of chaos.

this!Where did it go wrong?

Did the time king make a mistake?

Do not!impossible!Fang Yi suddenly remembered what Gu Qianqiu said, the way of time, although it is the past in the long river of time, it is not the complete past, it is just the period from birth to death of the comprehender.

King Suiyue is one of the most powerful gods and demons in the age of gods and demons, born in the age of gods and demons.

In other words, it is impossible and impossible for him to send himself to the Chaos Period.

So, what went wrong?

Fang Yi only felt a chill down his spine, as if he had walked through the gate of hell, no!Far more terrifying than the gate of hell.

Thinking of everything he had experienced, his heart could not calm down for a long time.

But at this time, another ripple appeared in the void, and Gu Qianqiu's figure also appeared out of thin air, and the terrifying aura of gods and demons surged from his body, utterly astonished.

And his cultivation has suddenly reached the peak of the legendary nine realms.

Even, it gave Fang Yi the feeling that he was even better than real Bailian.

"good very good!"

King Suiyue said two good words in a row, seemed very happy, then glanced at Fang Yi, and did not continue to ask Fang Yi if he was willing to help, but said: "I have done everything that this king can do, and the next step is to It's up to you, go!"


(End of this chapter)

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