Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3048

Chapter 3048


Hearing this, Fang Yi and Gu Qianqiu couldn't help but look at each other.

Could it be that the descendants mentioned by the king of nothingness refer to the two of them?

Could it be that the reason why the Suiyue King is today and attracts the crazy attacks of countless powerful people is because of the two of them?this……

Fang Yi felt a little unbelievable, and a little unbelievable.

Moreover, when King Suiyue did all this, no one knew at all, and with his strength, it was impossible for anyone to spy on him.

It seems that the way of time, reversing time and space, is far from as simple as imagined.

"It's just nonsense."

King Suiyue sneered, and his pupils were full of killing intent.

"It seems that you are unwilling to hand it over. If so, don't blame the old man for being ruthless, kill!" The red-haired old monster scolded angrily, and his whole body turned into a red bloody light, attacking and killing the King of Time.

Suddenly, the world was in chaos, and a shocking battle was staged.

Countless monster races, human races, and demon races all participated in it, and each of them was extremely powerful and tragic.

Especially watching those people fall, their magic weapon skills, the crowd will look eager.

It was also at this moment that Fang Yi finally understood what the red-eyed Thunder Ape said, and took back the belongings of his own clan. It seemed that he was here for the ancestors of the Thunder Ape clan among the participating crowd.

I'm afraid that most of those insiders are here for this.

After all, the so-called way of time, the light of hope, is really too slim.

Even now, they don't understand what is the light of hope and the way of time?Or is it true that as the King of Years said, everything is nothing but a fabrication out of thin air by the King of Nothingness.

kill kill kill! !

The terrifying war swept across the entire world, countless stars were wiped out, the mountains of gods and demons collapsed, and the Three Realms trembled.

However, at this moment, there was a sound of rolling thunder from above the endless sky.

A series of purple arcs began to condense.

not good!

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, because he could never forget this scene. He had witnessed it with his own eyes in the chaotic period, and it was the scene before the Judgment Sword condensed.

At this time, King Suiyue and others obviously noticed something.

One by one looking up at the sky.

"Heaven's evil is still forgivable, but self-inflicted evil cannot live on. You are all to blame. It is an unforgivable crime to advance the calamity of heaven and earth."

King Suiyue scolded angrily, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The pupils of the red-haired monster were also full of astonishment, even a little fear.

"You are the one who committed the crime. Hand over the light of hope and escape together, otherwise, you will never survive."

The voice of the Lord of Nothingness is also a little panicked. At this time, he will not let it go. The catastrophe of the world has come, and their only hope is the light of hope. How can they give up.

The red-haired old monster and the strong men behind him seemed to be grasping at straws.

One by one, they looked at the King of Time with red eyes.

"kill him!"

Immediately, the regular avenues condensed into the void, attacking and killing the King of Time.

"Presumptuous!" Lei Ting, the King of Time and Time, was furious, and the terrifying power of rules permeated his body. At the same time, a huge sword appeared in his hand out of thin air.

His giant sword contains monstrous gods and demons, and he is so horrified that when people look at him, it is like falling into an abyss.

"Time kill!"

The invisible power of time permeates the void, where the time passes, the time is reversed, and the strength of the powerful people is also rapidly regressing.

Fang Yi had already seen this scene, and although he was frightened, he was able to maintain his composure.

But the other crowd around them were completely stunned, their eyeballs seemed to fall out. Such a strange ability undoubtedly shocked them beyond any doubt.

Let me ask, with such supernatural powers, who else is an opponent?

The fact is also like this.

The King of Years and Years held the sword of God and Demon, like a monstrous killing god, wantonly harvesting the life of a strong man, and no one could stop him.

Let Fang Yi's blood boil.

It's really too strong, this is simply..., what a way of time, what a sword of gods and demons.

Not to mention Gu Qianqiu, his eyes burst out with brilliance.

The whole scene seemed to have turned into hell.

However, all of this is just the beginning. Above the nine heavens, countless electric arcs condense, and a huge purple thunder is like a crack in the sky and earth, traversing the entire sky.

A terrifying cloud enveloped the entire Shenmo Mountain and even the Three Realms.

not good! !

The complexion of those strong men all changed drastically.

Unfortunately, before they could react, countless purple thunderbolts fell like a purple electric rain, and the entire void seemed to turn into a pool of thunder.

Ahhh! !

Countless shrill howls came, and a strong man was killed on the spot by the thunder.

Even most of them didn't even have time to howl, and they didn't know how they died until they died. Just like that, they completely dissipated in the Three Realms.

Click! !

The dense thunder shattered everything, and completely shattered the courage of the crowd hiding in the bubbles.

At this moment, they were all trembling, shrinking into a ball, full of fear.

Even Red-eyed Thunder Ape and Shen Yongchang are no exception.

Only Fang Yi was better, because he passed by more than once. Of course, Tian Kuixing's power was far from being comparable to now.

And this is where he was puzzled.

Why in the spiritual world that he is in, the suppression of heaven is below the state of transforming gods.

And the Daotianbei, what role does it play here?

In addition, the power experienced in the chaotic period was stronger than before. As for how strong it was, it was not something he could see through.


The scene was full of wailing, the world was filled with death and despair, some people wanted to escape, but under this thunder pool, everything became in vain.

Even the mightiest such as the King of Time and the King of Nothingness, as well as the red-haired old monster are not spared.

"King of Time and Time, it's come to this time, why are you still unwilling to hand over the light of hope? Could it be that you want to die?"

The red-haired old monster was obviously in a hurry, his face turned pale.

"Idiot, if this king really had any light of hope, he would have killed the Lord of Nothingness on the spot."

The King of Years sneered.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions could not help but change drastically.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's meet this so-called judgment of heaven together. If this king doesn't believe it, who else is qualified to judge this king?"

King Suiyue shrank his pupils sharply, and the terrifying spirit of gods and demons roared out of his body.

The red-haired old monster and the crowd knew that they had no other choice but to do their best, and terrifying aura erupted, one by one, like giants of heaven and earth.

"Is the way of heaven irreversible? This king wants to reverse it today, go!"

King Suiyue scolded angrily, and the sword of gods and demons also fell, and the red-haired old monster and others also attacked at the same time.

Immediately, one after another of majestic attacks, wrapped in an unparalleled aura, slashed towards the purple thunder.


(End of this chapter)

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