Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3054

Chapter 3054

In the previous battle, the King of Time and Time relied on the Way of Time to fight against countless strong men from the Three Realms, and he still did not fall behind.

And among them, the power and weirdness of Time Kill undoubtedly amazed everyone.

The supernatural power of reversing the chaos of the years is simply a means to reach the sky.

At this moment, such a method is actually reappeared in the hands of a legendary Nine Realm powerhouse, how can the crowd not be shocked?Especially the people of the Earth God Temple, all of them have bright eyes.

Obviously, this further strengthened their guess.

"Fast back!!"

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically, and their pupils were filled with horror. The killing of time was strange and unpredictable, and no one dared to risk themselves.

However, they can retreat, those strong men of the gods and demons, together with the Temple of the Earth and the Tongtian Temple, are besieging at the moment, and it is impossible to escape.

In an instant, that terrifying wave enveloped him.

The energy in their bodies was also like a flood that opened the gate, and it blew out thousands of miles.

The incomparable and powerful man who used to be famous in the past has fallen into the dust in an instant, and it is not worth mentioning.

"Do not!!"

Unwilling howls came, and the crowd was full of panic. Fortunately, they were also Sui Yue Slayers, but the Sui Yue Slayers in front of him were far from being comparable to the Sui Yue Kings, and those who were affected were only those whose strength was weaker than Gu Qianqiu.

People like Shen Yongchang, relying on their own strong strength, can even contend against the power of time.

However, for those ordinary warriors, this is undoubtedly a disaster.

A massacre.

In an extremely bloody massacre, the two shocking giant swords recklessly swept across the sky, harvesting fresh lives.

It turns out that with their strength, together with Shen Yongchang and other powerful men, not to mention taking down the two, they can barely deal with each other, but at this moment, with the decline of their cultivation base, let alone Zhou Xuan, even the two swords that shake the sky Aftermath, they are no longer able to resist, touch it, and it will be wiped out.

What a tragic picture.

"Hahaha!!" Gu Qianqiu laughed wildly, like a great emperor looking down on the world.

Under the blessing of Suiyuesha and Shenmojian, at that moment, he seemed to be possessed by the king of Suiyue.

And Fang Yi, holding the Immortal Trapping Sword, swirls wantonly, like a peerless sword fairy, invincible in the world, and the sword light sweeps across the field.

At this moment, Rao Shen Yongchang, the middle-aged man in the black robe and others also became extremely ugly.

Although the number has an absolute advantage, they all know that in such a battle, the number has no effect, and it will only increase casualties.

"What kind of hall of gods and demons, it turned out to be mediocre."

Gu Qianqiu was full of fighting spirit, laughing recklessly, and the suppression of countless years made him completely released at this moment.

"Presumptuous! With the sword of the gods and demons in hand, you dare to speak out without shame, and you really treat me as the palace of the gods and demons, but you can't do it? Let me tell you, even if you get the inheritance of the king of the years, so what? The Gu clan will be slaughtered!"

Shen Yongchang gritted his teeth, and his eyes were red.

A communication jade slip in his hand also appeared out of thin air.

Obviously, this is to call for help.

Everyone's complexion can't help but change drastically, why does God Yongchang need people?The existence ranked 158th on the legend list, such a person who rescues soldiers, does not need to think about it, it must be the existence of the Great Realm.

Thinking that there will be a powerful person from the Dao Realm coming in a while, everyone's faces look good.

Perhaps only Fang Yi was the exception.

At this moment, he held the Immortal Trapping Sword in his hand, and there was still some anticipation in his heart.

But Gu Qianqiu was obviously a little apprehensive, his pupils narrowed sharply, and he poked his five fingers, a huge vortex in the void instantly condensed.

"Thanks to you, you are still in the top two hundred on the legend list. You are such a coward, why don't you move the soldiers?"

"Heh! You don't need to move, one day, this seat will flatten the Temple of Gods and Demons!"


As soon as the scrolling words came out, Shen Yongchang and other powerhouses in the temple of gods and demons were directly torn into it by the terrifying vortex and disappeared without a trace.

This is?

The crowd were all stunned, watching this scene in astonishment, completely confused.

Although Gu Qianqiu is powerful, and everyone has witnessed it with their own eyes, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to be so powerful that he can directly pull a group of people into a whirlpool. This is simply...

"He...he has obtained the inheritance of the King of Time and Controlled the Corridor of Time."

In the crowd, someone suddenly exclaimed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood.

But no, the Suiyue Corridor was originally left by the Suiyue King, and the other party had comprehended the Suiyue Killer, and held the God and Demon Sword, everything could not be more clear.

The Corridor of Time has already been controlled by the other party.

Ridiculous, these people are still trying to seize each other's God and Demon Sword.

At this moment, everyone looked at Gu Qianqiu completely differently, full of awe.

Of course, the facts are not as they imagined, at least not entirely. Although Gu Qianqiu controls the corridor of time, his strength is also very limited.

Even the killing of time is an incidental effect of the God and Demon Sword, and it is not as exaggerated as the crowd imagined.

And as the successor of the King of Time, although he can't completely control this world, it is still possible to expel some people, just like the people in the Temple of Gods and Demons just now.

At the same time, the entrance controlled by the Temple of Gods and Demons was closed.

In this way, even if there is a powerful person in the Great Dao Realm in the Temple of Gods and Demons, there is no way to find out the location of the Corridor of Time, so...


At this time, an unknown person exclaimed, and the crowd left in a hurry.

Just kidding, facing such two strong men, one of them even controls this space, what the hell are they fighting for?Isn't that sending you to death?

If you don't escape now, when will you wait?

Suddenly, the scene fell into chaos.

Even those top powerhouses have become extremely ugly at this moment, the same is true for the red-eyed thunder monkey, and the same is true for the middle-aged man in black.

Especially the middle-aged man in black robe, he came here with a plan, and the red-eyed thunder monkey was more out of his strong strength against the two.

But the middle-aged man in black robe is for the light of hope.

But now, the light of hope seems to be in front of him, but the strength of the two undoubtedly exceeded his expectations. Most importantly, his people are still looking for the other small part of the chaotic fire.

All this happened so suddenly that there were not enough people.

At this moment, it is impossible to win the two of them.

And Gu Qianqiu didn't give them such a chance again, maybe because he had killed enough, or maybe because he was afraid that other great masters would come, he shot again and again, condensing each vortex, and expelling all the masters in the space.

In a moment, the huge space was empty, only Fang Yi and him were left.

Do not!There is also blood mist falling from the sky, and countless broken limbs.

Standing between the two of them, they looked like two peerless Asuras, with monstrous evil spirits churning, and people could not help but tremble and feel cold when they saw it.

Hahaha! ! !

The presumptuous and triumphant laughter echoed in the sky and the earth, full of arrogance.

Who would have imagined that with so many strong men, a shocking battle would be dominated by only two people, and they would win a complete victory.


(End of this chapter)

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