Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3056 2-hand preparation

Chapter 3056 Prepare with both hands

"Fang Shangxian, you can rest here! If you have something to do, just tell me."

Several members of the Gu clan arranged Fang Yi in a luxurious hall, with an extremely respectful demeanor.

Fang Yi nodded lightly, "Well! Go down!"


Several people took orders and retreated.

Fang Yi, however, couldn't help frowning. This time, the reason why he followed Gu Qianqiu into the Shenmo Mountain was naturally because of the unfeeling invitation of King Sui Yue.

On the other hand, it is also because of the lingering ghosts of Tongtian Temple and Earth Temple.

These two are extremely powerful forces, without a certain force to contend with, in the future confrontation, they will inevitably be restrained everywhere.

Therefore, Fang Yi is also planning to take advantage of this to build his own power.

However, Gu Qianqiu's reaction today made him feel the other party's ambition, and made him have to reconsider.

As for the Gu clan, he didn't take it to heart at all. Whether this power can be used by him is not important at all. On the contrary, it may also attract powerful enemies from the Temple of Gods and Demons.


Two days later!

With Gu Qianqiu's current and present strength, as well as the God and Demon Sword, it is naturally easy to deter the Gu clan.

"Brother Fang, Gu has listened to your opinion, but the Absolute Fallen Leaf collar is definitely not the best choice. Therefore, I have chosen two places specially, and please take a look at Brother Fang."

In the main hall, Gu Qianqiu summoned several senior members of the Gu Clan to discuss the future strategy with Fang Yi.

"This is the Taisui domain, not far from the Fallen Leaf Territory, and its strength is intricate. It is an excellent place. Firstly, it can not only avoid the exposure of the Gu clan, but secondly, it is already chaotic here. If we start here, we will definitely not cause too much trouble. Big attention."

There was a vast map of star fields floating in front of Gu Qianqiu, and he pointed to one of them with excitement in his eyes.

Some can't wait.

Several senior members of the Gu clan also nodded.

Obviously, they had already discussed it before, and now it was just for Fang Yi to listen to.

It doesn't matter if you ask for opinions or show respect!

Fang Yi naturally couldn't fail to see it, he just nodded with a smile and didn't say anything.

"Besides, there is also here, Mochizuki!"

Gu Qianqiu pointed to another area on the map of the star field and said, that area is shaped like a crescent moon, but the location does not seem to be remote.

"Compared to the Taisui Domain, this place may be more suitable, because it is more complicated, and it is the largest gathering place of the entire Shenmo Mountain, Human Race and Monster Race."

"There are fewer gods and demons."

"And if we start from here, as long as we don't expose the identity of the gods and demons, I believe we won't be targeted by the Gods and Demons Palace in the short term."

"However, because this is the gathering place of the human race and the monster race, if you want to develop in it, I'm afraid..."

Gu Qianqiu Dao Ming's interests, it can be seen that he has already made a decision in his heart.

If he chooses Mochizuki, then his Gu clan will be useless at all.

Since Mochizuki Bend is the largest gathering place of human race and demon race in Shenmo mountain, there is no doubt that if the gods and demons want to make a difference in it, they will definitely be excluded.

After all, the Shenmo mountain is so big, and the gods and demons have already occupied such a wide area, but they still have to squeeze into the moon-watching bend. How does this make the humans and monsters of the moon-watching bend feel?

I will definitely not agree, so...

"Also, Mochizuki's ability to gain a foothold on Shenmo Mountain is definitely not as simple as I believe."

Gu Qianqiu added another sentence with deep eyes.

The meaning of these words could not be more clear. Since the Gods and Demons Mountain is dominated by the Gods and Demons, the existence of Mochizuki Wan is itself an explanation.

Among them, there must be extremely strong people, and the great realm is certain.

Otherwise, it would have been taken down by the gods and demons long ago.

But to start from such a place, the difficulty can be imagined.

Fang Yi naturally knew it in his heart, but his eyes couldn't help but move slightly. For Gu Qianqiu, this might not be the best choice, but for him, it couldn't be more suitable.

"Brother Fang, which of these two places do you think is more suitable?"

Although he had already made a decision in his heart, Gu Qianqiu still asked.

Even if Fang Yi said the latter, I'm afraid he wouldn't be too entangled and would follow Fang Yi's opinion.

Today, Fang Yi's status in his heart is not light, it is the cornerstone and foundation for him to reproduce the glory of the Gu clan.

"It's all good!"

Fang Yi nodded with a smile, and said again: "Have you ever thought that we don't need to put our eggs in one basket, wouldn't it be better to separate them?"

"In case one party is detected by the Temple of Gods and Demons, there is no way out, and they can also help each other, so why not do it?"


Gu Qianqiu was startled at first, and then his bright eyes could not help but brighten up.

Immediately, he waved his hand, directly dismissed several high-ranking members of the Gu clan, and looked at Fang Yi in a complicated manner, "Brother Fang, do you really mean what you said, or is there something wrong with my Gu clan? If the latter , Gu Mou apologizes to you here, and Gu Mou swears that no matter how far the Gu Clan develops in the future, your Brother Fang, like Gu Mou, is also the patriarch of the Gu Clan."

Gu Qianqiu looked at Fang Yi very sincerely, and spoke sincerely.

Fang Yi smiled, he didn't doubt what Gu Qianqiu said at the moment, and he was even less interested in the patriarch of the ancient clan.

However, Gu Qianqiu is an ambitious person, this ambition makes Fang Yi not want to entangle with him too much, so...

"Brother Gu was joking, Fang is very nice here, why is the Gu clan not entertaining well?"

"As for what Fang said just now, it is indeed out of various considerations. We are prepared with both hands, and we will not be helpless if there is really anything."

"Besides, since brother Gu has taken a fancy to Wang Yuewan, he is unwilling to give up after thinking about it. It's a pity that the Gu clan is a god-and-demon clan, so it's very inconvenient to be here, but it's Fang, who happens to be able to see and see."

These words undoubtedly touched Gu Qianqiu's heart.

The situation in the moon-moon bend is complicated, but the more complicated the place, the greater the opportunity.

The most important thing is that because of the human race and the demon race, the Temple of Gods and Demons seldom gets involved, so it can develop with confidence.

"Brother Fang is right, but, in this way, Gu and the Gu family may not be able to help at all." Gu Qianqiu frowned.

The Gu clan originally lived in the cracks, so how did they get the energy to dabble in the moon bend.

"It's okay!"

Fang Yi had expected it a long time ago, and he didn't care about it, not to mention that the Gu clan was nothing at all, even if it was powerful, he didn't want to rely on these people.

"The more like this, the better. In this way, it will be less suspicious, won't it?"

Fang Yi asked back.

"Okay!" Gu Qianqiu pondered for a while, and finally said.

"Then wish us all the way to chop mountains and mountains, and there will be no disadvantages. When the time comes, we will level the Temple of Gods and Demons together and aspire to the Mountain of Gods and Demons."

Gu Qianqiu was in high spirits, as if he had foreseen the future.

His eyes were extremely hot.


(End of this chapter)

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