Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3060 5nd month

Chapter 3060 fifth month

The dark space was cold and damp, and there was a smell of rot and blood in the air.

Under the light of the torches on the rock wall, one can see the iron cages densely packed, occupying a huge space, and the sound of iron chains and shackles can be heard from time to time.

Occasionally there were one or two coughs and wailing sounds.

"I have seen the lord!"

The soldiers guarding the cell obviously did not expect that the New Moon Lord would come in person, and none of them dared to show their atmosphere.

"Which cell is the fifth remnant locked up in, hurry up and lead the way to the lord!"


Several soldiers did not dare to neglect, and led the Crescent Lord to the innermost cell. The cage in the cell was made of unknown metal, which seemed to be extremely tough, and it was obviously more than one grade stronger than other cells.

In the prison room, a group of people are trapped at the moment, there are more than a dozen people.

All of them were pale and blood-stained, and they seemed to have been seriously injured.

Only two women who looked like servants were a little cleaner.

"Old thief Tian Ant!" Among the group of people, the leader was a middle-aged man with a resolute face. Seeing the New Moon Lord arriving, his eyes were about to burst, as if he wanted to cut the New Moon Lord into pieces.

"Cloud Dragon?"

The New Moon Lord was obviously also taken aback, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect it to be you, the former commander of the Flying Dragon Army, so you are not dead yet!"

"Hmph! Old Thief Tian Ant, even if you die, I won't die. You despicable villain, colluding with outsiders to murder the Flying Dragon Army, and taking advantage of the Fifth Lord's injury to sneak attack, is simply shameless."

The middle-aged man known as Yunzhonglong gritted his teeth.

It was as if sparks were about to burst out from both eyes.


The new moon lord Lei Ting was furious, "So what? Since ancient times, the king and the defeater, Yun Zhonglong, don't tell me you never thought of replacing him."

"Xinyue leads the three armies, Feilong, Feihu, and Feiying. You are the most hypocritical. In this regard, Lin Zhonghu is at least much more sincere than you."

"Hmph! It's ridiculous, Tian Ant old thief, do you really think that everyone is as treacherous as you?" Yun Zhonglong sneered again and again.

Then he said: "As long as you still have a little humanity, you should stop chasing and killing the fifth clan, and release these people immediately. These are just servants of the fifth clan."

Yun Zhonglong looked a bit righteous, and pointed at the other people in the cell.

As for himself, obviously, he knew he couldn't live.

As the three armies of the new moon and the former leader of the flying dragon army, it is impossible for the new moon lord to spare his life, and he is too lazy to waste his words, but these people...

"Let them go?"

The New Moon Lord grimaced, and turned towards the group of people.

"The majestic Flying Dragon Lord, who is strong and strong, has always preferred to die rather than say a word of softness, so he begged for mercy today?"

The New Moon Lord's eyes were full of sneers, and his tone was a bit thought-provoking.

Hearing this, Yun Zhonglong's expression became a little unnatural, and he hurriedly said: "Begging for mercy? I don't bother to do that, I just feel sorry for these people. As for me, if I want to kill you, I will let you know."

Yun Zhonglong looked like he put his life and death above all else.

But the eyes are flickering.

The Lord of the New Moon obviously noticed something, and then laughed wantonly, laughing very freely, "Hahaha!! What a pity for these people, the commander of the Flying Dragon Army killed countless people, when did he have the heart of a Bodhisattva?"

"My lord sees that you don't pity these people, but pity Wu Qing's daughter, Wu Yue!"

At the same time as he spoke, the New Moon Lord stretched out a giant palm and grabbed one of the two maids.

The woman's face changed drastically, but unfortunately, she was caught straight before she even had time to react.

As for Yun Zhonglong, his eyes were also in chaos.

However, his strength was obviously imprisoned, no different from ordinary people.

"Old thief Tian Ant, what do you mean? If you want to kill, come as soon as possible, and you won't even let go of a girl. Fortunately, you are still a powerful legendary eighth realm."

Yun Zhonglong shouted sharply.

"Really?" The New Moon Lord ignored it completely, and looked up and down the maid in his hands with sharp eyes.

"Think you can hide it by pretending to be a maid? It's a pity that you are too nervous about her. She is just a maid, but you protect her in the middle."

"Even the commander of the Flying Dragon Army, who has never begged for help, begged for mercy. How can he be an ordinary maid, don't you think?"

As the New Moon Lord said, with a wave of his hand, a mask fell off the maid's face.

A delicate face was revealed, which formed a stark contrast with her clothing. Even in this filthy place, it was like a lotus flower that emerged from the mud and was not stained, bright and delicate.

However, his face was slightly pale and weak.

"Old thief Tian Ant, how dare you!"

"Let go of Miss!"

The complexions of everyone in the cell changed. It's a pity that people treat me like fish and meat.

The Lord of the New Moon also ignored them directly, but looked at the woman with great interest, the Fifth Moon in his mouth.

"Miss Yue, I didn't expect that we would meet again here. It's really fate." Lord New Moon smiled playfully, his eyes full of joy, because he seemed to have seen a bright future.

"You dog thief! Thanks to you still having the face to stand in front of this lady, one day, this lady will definitely tear you to pieces."

Wu Yue's canthus is about to split, her beautiful eyes are blood red, as if sparks are about to erupt.

However, the Lord of the New Moon didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "After a thousand years, Miss Yue hasn't changed at all, she still looks so strong, very good!"

"The lord should be more straightforward. The lord wants to make a deal with Miss Yue. Miss Yue handed over the fifth sword code, and the lord will release Miss Yue and everyone here. How about it?"

"Old thief Tian Ant, you don't want to succeed!" Yun Zhonglong hastily scolded.

At the same time, I did not forget to remind Wuyue, "Miss Yue, don't listen to him, don't say that he doesn't keep his word, even if he doesn't, he must never let such a villain succeed."

"Yes! It's a big deal to die. Anyway, we all have blood left outside, so we won't be completely wiped out."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and everyone regarded death as home.

Wu Yue was obviously ready to die, and said with a sneer, "You dog thief! Don't make your daydreams, even if the fifth sword code is destroyed, I will not hand it over to you."


Behind the Lord of the New Moon, some soldiers had already stood up, raised their knives in their hands, and beheaded the two of them directly, blood splattered, what a bloody scene.

"No!" Seeing this, Wu Yue roared with unwillingness in his eyes.


"It's sad, isn't it? They all died for you, as long as you hand over the fifth sword code, they can live, how?" New Moon Lord said.

"Okay! I'll hand it in!" Wu Yue gritted her teeth and stared at the New Moon Lord coldly.

Then Xiuzhang reached into his arms.

"Miss!" Yun Zhonglong and the others panicked seeing this.

But the next moment, there was no so-called fifth sword code, only a sharp short blade, "You dog thief, pay back my father's life."

The short blade stabbed directly at the New Moon Lord, but the latter didn't even raise his eyelids, and a hint of disappointment and anger flashed in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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