Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3063

Chapter 3063

Wu Yue is the daughter of Wu Qing, the previous lord. Marrying Wu Yue will undoubtedly have great benefits for subduing the New Moon Leader.

Even, it will not be resisted by the outside world.

More justifiable.

If this were an ordinary person, he would naturally not refuse, not to mention that Wu Yue himself has a unique appearance.

Yun Zhonglong said this because of Fang Yi's strength, and wanted to tie himself and others with Wu Yue and Fang Yi firmly, so that everyone could be more closely connected.

Of course, also because of the fifth month oath.

When the assassination mission was announced in the Dark Moon Tower in the fifth month, it was already stated that whoever can avenge his father will be a slave for the rest of his life.

Yun Zhonglong naturally didn't want to see this day.

But it will be different if you become a Taoist couple.

As for Wu Yue herself, her cheeks were flushed at the moment. As a daughter, it was naturally a little unnatural to hear people mentioning her life-long events.

However, after hearing Fang Yi's words, he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Forget about it. I don't like to subdue the crescent collar in this way. The fifth lady is not a commodity. Those old subordinates of the fifth lord, it is best if they are willing to submit. If they are not willing, I will I won't force it."


Seeing what Fang Yi said, Yun Zhonglong obviously wanted to say something else.

But it was interrupted by the fifth month, "Young master said, everything will be done according to what you say, and the little girl will do her best to help you subdue the new moon collar."

"That's good!" Fang Yi nodded.

Seeing this, Yun Zhonglong and the others couldn't say anything more, so they had to accept it.

Next, the group discussed how to subdue the crescent collar.

The New Moon Lord is dead, once the news spreads, the Tian Ant Clan will inevitably be in chaos, and it will not be difficult to subdue them.

It's just that with the current strength of Yun Zhonglong and others...

"Master Hui, the Flying Dragon Army was almost wiped out a thousand years ago. Although Yun has been secretly forming the Flying Dragon Army for thousands of years, but..."

"But don't worry, my lord. There are some old subordinates of the fifth lord. As long as they know that the old thief Tian Ant is dead and the fifth lady reorganizes the crescent collar, they will definitely respond."

Yun Zhonglong quickly explained the general situation of the New Moon Territory.

And this is why he advocated Fang Yi marry Wu Yue.

With this level of relationship, with Fang Yi's strength, it can be said that it is easy to subdue the crescent collar.

Of course, even without these, it would not be too difficult with Fang Yi's strength.

"It's okay, let's make this decision! In the name of the fifth lady, you can subdue the New Moon Collar and completely subdue the Tian Ants. As for your strength..."

Fang Yi's eyes fell on Yun Zhonglong.

As the former commander of the Flying Dragon Army, his strength is naturally not weak, at least it should be similar to that of the New Moon Lord and the Flying Tiger Army commander.

However, in fact, Yun Zhonglong at this moment is not worth mentioning at all in his opinion.

In fact, it was because his breath was weak and his body and soul were injured, so...

"To tell you the truth, my lord, Yun's injury was caused by..."

Yun Zhonglong's face was full of bitterness, and he was about to explain something, but suddenly, a majestic life force rushed in, making him feel as if he was bathed in a hot spring, and his whole body felt comfortable.

Not only that, he also faintly heard a burst of mysterious Fang Yi's Buddhist voice, which made his soul feel like a spring breeze.

The previous trauma is actually being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, everything returned to calm, and he had already reached his peak state.


He was full of panic and excitement, and looked at his hands in disbelief, trembling all over.

It has been thousands of years, and these injuries have haunted him for thousands of years. He thought that he would never be able to repair them, especially the wounds of his soul.

"Many... Thank you for your success, son. This subordinate will swear allegiance to you to the death."

At this moment, without the slightest hesitation, he bowed down directly.

Before, if he was willing to surrender to Fang Yi, it would be better to say that he had no choice but because of Wu Yue's oath.

But now it is different, he is loyal from the heart.

Not only because Fang Yi healed his injury, but also because of Fang Yi's elusive means, such a figure of heaven, there will be no harm in being loyal to him.

Seeing this, other people's eyes brightened, and they bowed down one after another.

"very good!"

Fang Yi nodded in satisfaction. He has never been a stingy person. What's more, now is the time for employing people, so he will naturally not be stingy with small favors.

"I said before that as long as you serve me faithfully, your benefits will naturally be indispensable."

"Go! Gather your people and completely subdue the Crescent Collar."

Yun Zhonglong was full of excitement, and said: "Yes!"

Afterwards, a group of people left in the dark.

If Yun Zhonglong was still a little uncertain about this trip before, then after his strength recovered, he was already full of confidence.

What's more, there is such a solid backing as Fang Yi behind him, as well as the influence of the fifth clan.

Therefore, they went with confidence.

In the main hall, only Fang Yi and Wu Yue were left at this moment.

Sensing Fang Yi's gaze, Wuyue suddenly felt a little unnatural, but then, he took a step forward, bowed and said, "Master, the Tian Ants have no leader, and Commander Yun has recovered his strength, so it's not difficult to subdue him, but The Flying Tiger Army..."

Wu Yue didn't go on talking about this, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Of course! With the young master's strength, it won't be too difficult to forcibly subdue him, but after all, the Flying Tiger Army is one of my father's former subordinates. The little girl hopes that the young master can be lenient."

"If it is possible, please let the little girl go with you to subdue the Flying Tiger Army. The little girl will try her best to persuade them."

Wu Yue asked, looking at Fang Yi sincerely.

Fang Yi glanced at her in surprise.

Now is the time to employ people. If it is not a last resort, Fang Yi naturally does not want to forcefully suppress it. Moreover, the Flying Tiger Army did not suffer much damage during the last turmoil. It is the most intact of the three armies.

It is undoubtedly the best to subdue them without a single soldier.

"Okay! Then you go with me!"

"However, let's wait until the Sky Ants are dealt with first."

In the next few days, great changes took place in the entire New Moon Territory. The New Moon Lord was killed. The former Fifth Moon Fifth Miss led the Flying Dragon Army and Fifth Green's former subordinates to defeat them in a devastating manner. Ants.

And stabilized the huge crescent collar.

The influence of Fifth Youth was clearly revealed at this moment, and countless old subordinates and those small forces all took refuge in him.

Let's not say whether they really take refuge in it, because it doesn't matter, the general trend.

But during this process, Fang Yi acted like an outsider and never showed up.


(End of this chapter)

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