Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3067 Strong

Chapter 3067 Strong

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

The silver-armored general was at the side, unable to hold back for a long time, with murderous intent in his eyes, and the cruel look at the corner of his mouth, as if he had met Fang Yi's end.

Not surprising, this is the Flying Tiger Army.

Moreover, the arrival of the two of them was not concealed at all, so how could Lin Zhonghu be unprepared.

At this moment, the whole hall has already turned into a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. No matter how tyrannical the two are, it is absolutely difficult to escape, at least he thinks so.

Lin Zhonghu is naturally the same.

"Lin Zhonghu, what do you want to do?"

Wu Yue is not stupid, she already noticed something, her pretty face turned pale.

But unfortunately, Lin Zhonghu naturally ignored her, and stepped forward step by step, as if he had settled for the two of them.

"Guess what?"

Lin Zhonghu sneered, "If you don't come, Mr. Lin will act as if nothing happened, and the envoys of the Great Sun Dynasty will deal with you. Unfortunately, you have come here, so I can't blame Mr. Lin for being cruel."

Lin Zhonghu no longer pretended to hide it.

Because there is no need for that anymore.

Originally, he didn't plan to make a move, but unfortunately, Fang Yi could only be blamed for being too smart, and he saw through his plan at a glance. He was really afraid that the envoy of the Great Sun Dynasty would choose Fang Yi.

That would undoubtedly be a disaster for him, so...

He can only strike first.

"Boy! Get down for me!" He yelled angrily, and then slapped him with a huge palm. The terrifying palm was like an ancient giant beast, and it was devouring towards Fang Yi.

The power of this palm is obviously much better than that of the Sky Ant Demon King.

Huarong paled in fright in Wu Yue.

However, in Fang Yi's eyes, this is undoubtedly nothing, and even he didn't even raise his eyelids, and he also greeted him with a slap.

This palm seemed ordinary, without causing any ripples.

The corner of Lin Zhonghu's mouth couldn't help but twitched a touch of sarcasm, and he was about to mock a few words, but suddenly, he felt as if he was imprisoned, and he couldn't move at all.

The giant palm that was originally shot seemed to have disappeared into the sea, without even stirring up half of the waves, and dissipated inexplicably between the sky and the earth.

How can it be?

He couldn't believe it, trying to find the key.

But the next moment, he only heard a shocking dragon chant, and immediately after that, a black dragon shadow surrounded by three-color divine lights rushed towards him in an instant.

The dragon shadow was as fast as thunder, and before he could react, it rushed straight into his sea of ​​consciousness.

not good!

His face changed drastically. This black dragon shadow wanted to erode his sea of ​​consciousness, which is absolutely intolerable.

Because once the sea of ​​consciousness is lost, it means that one's own life will be pinched in the opponent's hands.

"Get lost!" he yelled angrily, trying to defeat the black dragon shadow.

But before he could make a move, a mysterious sound of Buddha came out of nowhere, which made his mind agitated for a while, and he was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

groan! !

Also at this moment, the black dragon shadow instantly rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness, imprinted on his soul.

"Do not!!!"

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, full of fear.

But General Yinjia didn't know anything at all. In his eyes, the two of them just made a random move, but he didn't know that Lin Zhonghu's life was already in Fang Yi's hands.

"Go to hell!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also wanted to give Fang Yi a fatal blow.

It's a pity that he came and went faster, like a shell fired, but this time he was not as lucky as before, the blood mist flew from his mouth, smashed hard into the ground, embedded in it and couldn't move.

There was no trace of blood on the whole face.

The hall seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

From Lin Zhonghu's attack to the dying of the Yinjia general, all this seems to be a long time, but in fact it is in the blink of an eye, so that Wu Yue didn't react at all, and saw this scene in front of him.

The whole person was also extremely astonished, and Cherry's small mouth was opened as if it could be filled with a fist.

Although she knew Fang Yi's dominance, all of this was undoubtedly far beyond her expectations.

He used to be the Tian Ant Demon King, but now, Lin Zhonghu and Yin Jia are the two generals, and they are not Fang Yi's one-shot opponent, so how strong is Fang Yi?

The same doubts filled Lin Zhonghu's pupils full of fear at this moment.

He was pale and trembling slightly.

"you you……"

Pointing at Fang Yi, I don't know what to say.

Fang Yi stepped forward, the sound of thumping footsteps seemed to affect everything around him, including Lin Zhonghu's figure, trembling with the frequency of the footsteps.

Seeing Fang Yi approaching, he backed up again and again, staggered, and almost fell.

"I originally planned to give you a good time, but Miss Wuyue said that since you once led the Flying Tiger Army and made a lot of contributions to the New Moon Leader, I decided to give you a chance."


Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and the killing intent also permeated.

Lin Zhonghu's face turned pale with fright, his teeth chattered, "You you..."

"Give me down!" Fang Yi snarled, a powerful aura erupted from his body instantly, especially the coercion from the soul, the black dragon shadow roared, Lin Zhonghu's legs softened immediately, and he knelt directly on the ground, with cold sweat on his forehead dripping.

Because at this moment, he felt very clearly that the black dragon shadow rushing into his sea of ​​consciousness could swallow him up at any time without even scum left.

"I... my subordinates are willing to surrender!"

In the face of danger, how could he care about so much, so he could only kowtow and beg for mercy.

Although the silver-armored general suffered heavy injuries, he was not in danger of his life. Originally, he hoped that Lin Zhonghu would avenge him and suppress Fang Yi on the spot, but at this moment, what did he see?

Lin Zhonghu surrendered?The two just exchanged a random move, and they surrendered so inexplicably?

This undoubtedly surprised him, as if he had seen a ghost.

The fifth month was similar, her beautiful eyes were full of incredulity and bewilderment.

The gaze that looked at Fang Yi was as reverent as a heavenly being.

But Fang Yi, ignoring everyone's eyes at all, sat down on the seat that originally belonged to Lin Zhonghu, glanced at Lin Zhonghu lightly, and said: "You should be glad that this gentleman is employing people. Otherwise, you will have no bones left."

Although the tone was indifferent, the meaning in the words was extremely domineering.

Lin Zhonghu didn't even dare to vent his breath, he was sweating profusely, his prostrate body was shaking violently, and he didn't dare to move.

No matter how unresponsive the silver-armored general was, he knew he had kicked the iron plate at this moment, especially when he sensed Fang Yi's gaze, his body, which had just gotten up with difficulty, fell down again, like a tiger in the forest, kneeling on the ground, trembling.

Who would have thought that Lin Zhonghu, the commanding officer of the mighty Flying Tiger Army, and one of his lieutenants would kneel in the hall like two dead dogs, begging for mercy.


(End of this chapter)

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