Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3077 Sweep

Chapter 3077 Sweep

The voice was erratic, as if it came from the clouds.

A faint figure also appeared, with white hair and blue robes, eyes as indifferent as water, just looking at everyone quietly.


Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change, Fang Yi came quietly, like a ghost, Rao the old demon of Montenegro and Sect Master Luoyue couldn't help staring, showing a hint of surprise.

"Who are you?"

The previous hostage shouted, "We know that the envoy of the Great Sun Dynasty is here."

Appearing here at this time, even if everyone doesn't know it, they can guess that it must be related to the New Moon Territory.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

A hint of impatience appeared between Fang Yi's brows, and at the same time, figures appeared out of thin air among the mysterious runes around him.

"Lin Zhonghu, fifth month..."

Someone blurted out, and suddenly recognized the group of people, all of them were strong members of the New Moon Necklace.

Looking at the appearance of this group of people, they are encircling, surrounding everyone in the middle.

"You are this?"

Everyone was stunned, and then someone laughed wildly, "Hahaha!! What a crescent collar, are you crazy? Want to besiege me? Hahaha!!"

Ironic laughter kept coming and going, and everyone looked at the Crescent Moon Leader group as if they were watching a joke.

Could it be that the old Black Mountain demon and Sect Master Luoyue didn't smile, but instead looked a bit solemn and looked at each other.

"Hmph! You are the ones who are crazy. If you dare to invade my New Moon Territory, you will die!"

"Laugh! If you don't laugh, maybe you won't have a chance to laugh anymore."

Wuyue and Lin Zhonghu spoke sarcastically.

But these words undoubtedly made everyone feel as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world, and said contemptuously: "Lin Zhonghu, it's okay for this girl to be ignorant, why are you also confused? Or you didn't tell Mrs. Liu at all, Even the Great Sun Dynasty in your eyes?"

These words have the meaning of provocation.

But it's a little redundant. The matter is already like this, so is there any need to provoke it?

"So what?" Lin Zhonghu said coldly, "It's just like you, all of you are willing to be lackeys of the Great Sun Dynasty, especially shameless."

"Presumptuous!" These words undoubtedly made everyone furious, and the crowd was so passionate that they seemed to be unable to bear it.

But since Yun Zhonglong didn't speak, he had to wait patiently.

At the same time, I was a little curious in my heart. This envoy of the Great Sun Dynasty, Mr. Liu, doesn't usually have such a good temper!Today it's...

"Enough! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, two choices, surrender or die?"

A look of impatience appeared on Fang Yi's face.

Although the voice was light, it was like thunder on the ground, shocking the group of people dumbfounded.

"You, you..., I understand, you are the new Lord of the New Moon, you really have a big tone, let me wait to surrender? Do you really know what you are talking about?"

The crowd was out of breath, and felt that Fang Yi had lost his mind and gone crazy.

In front of the envoys of the Great Sun Dynasty, they actually made a group of people surrender. Isn't this madness or what?

"That's all! Saying more is in vain!"

Fang Yi curled his lips, stepped on his feet, and suddenly, the surrounding wind suddenly rose, like thunder on the ground, ripples rippling, the space changed suddenly, and countless runes circulated, covering all directions.

"Arrogant people, they simply don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Do you think that you can compete with us with an unknown formation? It's a dream."

Someone couldn't bear it any longer, and struck like a thunderbolt.

The intention was to suppress Fang Yi on the spot in one fell swoop.


The space was torn apart by him, a huge crack was broken, and there was an incomparable breath.

The person who made the attack had at least reached the eighth realm of legend, plus this one-kill blow, the power can be imagined.

However, the next moment, before his thunderous body approached, he flew out at a faster speed in the eyes of everyone.


Then, there was a muffled sound, and the blood mist flew like a sudden rain of blood.

what happened?

The pupils of the crowd were wide open, and everyone was stunned, as if they hadn't reacted yet, even the pupils of the old demon of Montenegro and Sect Master Luoyue shrank suddenly, full of disbelief.

Ordinary people may not be able to see what happened just now, but the two of them are considered to be the highest in the field.

In their eyes, Fang Yi just waved his hand like that, like swat a fly.

As a result, the scene in front of him appeared.

How powerful is this?At least the two of them couldn't do it, and their expressions became more and more gloomy uncontrollably.

"He..., how is it possible? Kill him together!!"

Everyone suddenly realized that although they didn't understand why, they knew that everything must be related to Fang Yi, and now it was a good opportunity to perform. Once the opponent was defeated, they might be able to get a bigger share of the spoils in the next conference. Therefore, the public opinion Passionate, swarming up.

Unfortunately, as everyone knows, what awaits them is a nightmare.

kill! !

Lin Zhonghu's eyes were eager to move at the moment, and he couldn't bear it anymore, but Fang Yi didn't seem to be ready to let them make a move.

Walking among the strong men in the courtyard is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

It was also at this moment that he truly felt that Fang Yi was so powerful.

One must know that the people present here are all surrounding forces, large and small, and their cultivation may not be as good as that of the Old Demon of Montenegro and Sect Master Luoyue, but it is not too bad to be able to lead a party.

But in Fang Yi's hands, he didn't even have the slightest ability to fight back.

As for the Black Mountain Old Demon and Luoyue Sect Master, what they were seeing at this moment was also thrilling, their faces were gloomy, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Who the hell are you?"

The Black Mountain old demon finally couldn't help shouting sharply, then looked at Yun Zhonglong again, "And you!"

By this time, if he hadn't found anything abnormal, it would be a big disappointment.

Yun Zhonglong kept silent because it was unnecessary.

And it's not my turn.

Or, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him. That domineering figure swept across the scene in a devastating way, shaking the group of people to their knees.

Then, he had already arrived in front of him, opposite the old Black Mountain demon and Sect Master Luoyue.

And that group of people howled miserably, with bruises all over their bodies.

Fortunately, none of them were in danger of their lives. Of course, that was because they were still useful.

"It's your two's turn, do you want me to take action, or submit obediently?" The voice was still so indifferent, as if talking about an ordinary thing.

But no one who saw this scene in front of them would think that it was so normal.

"The two adults killed him, this son cannot be kept!"

"Master Liu, why don't you make a move?"

In the crowd, there seemed to be some people who didn't understand the situation.

"Your Excellency, you have a big breath. The peak of the seven legendary realms dares to make the two of you surrender, and even make people pretend to be envoys of the Great Sun Dynasty. Are you really not afraid of death?"

The Montenegrin old demon screamed violently, his face clouded over.


The crowd just woke up like a dream, but what is the purpose?The other party doesn't seem to be doing anything, right?Is it this big formation?The other party's purpose is to introduce himself and others into this large formation?

At this moment, everyone's faces became a little ugly, and there was a bad premonition in their hearts.


(End of this chapter)

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