Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3091 Route

Chapter 3091 Route

"My lord, do you really want to enter the Abyss of Oblivion?"

Wang Dong asked again at this time, his expression seemed uncertain, he paused, and then said: "But there is no Tower of Forgotten, if you enter it, I'm afraid..."

The meaning could not be more obvious.

"It's okay!"

Fang Yi smiled, "What is the abyss of forgetting, I really want to learn about it."

Seeing Fang Yi's resolute attitude, Wang Dong seemed a little hesitant, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said, "If you have already made up your mind, then Wang might as well show you a way."

With that said, Wang Dong took out a map of the star field.

Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised by this.

"Please look, my lord, this road can pass through the periphery of the Abyss of Forgotten, and it is not affected by the rules of Forgotten." Wang Dong drew a route on the star field map, and said mysteriously.


This involuntarily made Fang Yi startled, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"To tell you the truth, my lord, the Forgotten Land is extremely miraculous. Over the past countless years, there have been countless people who wanted to enter to find out. Although the vast majority of people returned without success, and many people even got lost in it, but over the years, It’s not exactly what you’ve obtained, and this route was explored through the experience of countless predecessors.”

"As long as you follow this route, you can safely pass through the periphery of the Abyss of Forgotten. This route was originally controlled by a casual cultivator. Wang obtained it by accident, and very few people know about it."

There was a hint of goodwill in Wang Dong's expression.

He had witnessed Fang Yi's dominance with his own eyes, so it was too late for him to curry favor with such a strong man.

Fang Yi was quite surprised, but soon relieved.

No matter how weird this Forgotten Abyss is, it is not surprising that such a route can be explored in countless years. Although Wang Dong is not good in his eyes, he is considered the top group of existences in this Forgotten Land. This route is not surprising, but, he was able to get it, then...

"What about your lord? Does he also know this route?"

Fang Yi asked casually.

"To be honest, my lord, when the Great Sun Dynasty invaded, the lord was helpless. It was Wang who offered this route, and the lord decided to retreat to the Abyss of Oblivion. If it was impossible, he used this route to deal with the Great Sun Dynasty. .”

"Lord Lord knows that the Great Sun Dynasty cannot spend too long in the Forgotten Land. Whether it is maneuvering or avoiding, as long as there is this route, the Forgotten Army can advance and retreat freely."

"Big deal, come out after the Great Sun Dynasty is gone, so..."


A look of surprise flashed across Fang Yi's face. The reason why the Forgotten Lord retreated to the Forgotten Abyss was because of this?

So, my guess was wrong?No one behind him?

Just because this route can advance and retreat freely, that's why he decided to deal with the Great Sun Dynasty?This is also the reason why he is eager to ally with himself?

Fang Yi was a little skeptical, but he still asked, "What about this route? Have you gone through it?"

"Of course!"

Wang Dong nodded, "As expected, the Great Sun Dynasty refused to give up and chased us to the Abyss of Oblivion. As a last resort, the lord led us into the Abyss of Oblivion."

"Of course, other people don't know about the route. The lord also claims to the people below that he has insight into the mysteries of the Abyss of Forgotten."

"Afterwards, the powerhouses of the Great Sun Dynasty also chased into the Abyss of Oblivion, but because they didn't know the route, many people got lost in it, and the loss was not small."

"The strange thing is that after that battle, the lord unexpectedly got an extra magic weapon out of thin air, which is the Tower of Forgotten. Contaminated with the breath of the Forgotten Tower, you can also shuttle around here without being affected by the rules of Forgotten."

After hearing these words, Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten.

It seems that the root of everything still lies in the abyss of oblivion. As for what it is, I am afraid that we can only know it after entering the abyss of oblivion.

"Thank you for telling me this!"

Fang Yi glanced at Wang Dong, and the other party knew everything, how could he not see the intention of showing favor.

"This gentleman presents you with this kindness. If you can't stay in the forgotten place in the future, you might as well come to my new moon collar." Fang Yi added.

"Thank you sir!"

Wang Dong looked happy, no one would not want to follow the strong, especially when facing such a predicament in the Forgotten Land.

He had to find a way out for himself.


"It doesn't seem to be anything special!"

After bidding farewell to Wang Dong, Fang Yi stepped into the abyss of oblivion. Originally, he was going to find the lord of oblivion, but after thinking about it, he gave up. He had no interest in the so-called tower of oblivion.

What he is interested in is behind this, what is hidden in the depths of the forgotten abyss?

Even Tianwu Zhanwang came here in person and never came out.

If before, he doubted whether the Forgotten Lord was capable of stopping the Great Sun Dynasty, then it has been confirmed at this moment that the Forgotten Lord has no such ability at all.

The reason why the Great Sun Dynasty stayed here was probably because the Tianwu War King discovered something, so he stayed here temporarily.

"Could it be related to this route? So there is nothing surprising around?"

Fang Yi murmured, with some doubts in his expression.

Because his divine sense was scattered, this huge forgotten place had nothing special compared to other voids. If there was one, it was even quieter, as quiet as death.

Not surprisingly, there are very few people here, and it is empty, only the meteorites are randomly scattered in the space.

"What? I followed all the way, why don't you come out?"

Fang Yi frowned slightly, his eyes glanced somewhere in the void, and said lightly.

"The little girl is also curious for a while, and I hope you don't take offense!" In the void, a light voice came, and with this voice, Lan Lingyue's figure slowly emerged.

Fang Yi obviously expected it long ago, without even raising his head, he asked, "Curiosity? Curious about what? Curious about whether I can survive in the hands of the Tianwu War King?"

Lan Lingyue didn't answer, but there was a strange light in her eyes.

"In contrast, the little girl wants to see the son can compete with the Tianwu War King. In this way, at least in the south of the Great Sun Dynasty, the Tianwu army will not be able to expand wantonly."

After pondering for a moment, Lan Lingyue said.

"Really? Aren't you afraid that my crescent collar will be another Great Sun Dynasty?" Fang Yi smiled indifferently and said playfully.

These words undoubtedly made Lan Lingyue startled, and a flash of astonishment flashed in her bright eyes.

If the man in black was here, he would definitely scoff.

But for some reason, these faint words made Lan Lingyue a little distracted. For a moment, she was really shaken.


(End of this chapter)

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