Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3093 Four Soldiers

Chapter 3093 Four Soldiers


What is this saying?

Fang Yi's eyes were full of doubts, and he looked at Lan Lingyue in puzzlement.

Lan Lingyue pondered for a moment before saying, "The little girl doesn't know much about the details, but in those records, the projection of the Forgotten Tower often appears."

"Even in Mingyue Pavilion, there used to be a powerful person who controlled the Forgotten Tower's projection, but even so, he still doesn't remember what happened inside, and the Forgotten Tower's projection is only useful around the Forgotten Abyss. Once you leave this area, you can no longer condense the projection."

so amazing?

Fang Yi just felt a little dazed.

What's the point of controlling the projection of the Tower of Forgotten even if you have lost your memory?

Also, is this the case with the Forgotten Lord?

That is to say, even if he went to find the other party by himself, he might not ask why?

With incomparable curiosity, the two walked along the way.


At this time, Fang Yi couldn't help but look up into the distance, in the endless darkness.

This is the end of that route, which also means that the two have passed through the periphery of the Abyss of Oblivion, and then entering the real core area, can the memory be preserved...

Fang Yi's face was also full of uncertainty.

If he didn't take this abyss of oblivion seriously before, then after listening to Lan Lingyue's words, he undoubtedly became more cautious

Over the past countless years, there have been countless warriors who have entered this place, among them there are those who are super powerful and in the Dao realm, but even so, they will not be spared in the end.

Although Fang Yi is confident, he is not so conceited that he is stronger than those super powers.

And the reason why he didn't care about it before was because, in his opinion, it was nothing more than forgetting the rules here, although the power of rules acting on the soul is amazing.

But he is not afraid when he arrives, because he has also comprehended a rule of rebirth.

There is even a half piece of golden lotus body protection, so he is confident that he can avoid the erosion of forgotten rules.

But now...

"Aside from the memory lost here, what about other memories?" After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help looking at Lan Lingyue and asked.

"will not!"

Lan Lingyue was very sure, "However, it is not certain whether they can come out. It is not bad for [-]% of the entrants to be able to come out. Others, I am afraid they will always be lost in it."

"Lost?" Fang Yi asked back, frowning slightly.

"Why lost? Isn't it death?"

"No!" Lan Lingyue shook her head, "Mingyue Pavilion has records that most of the fighters who enter here are lost, and those who died and those who escaped by chance account for at most [-]%, while others, their life cards are always Intact, of course, this is not the case for those who died after entering this place for a thousand years."

"Because it has been thousands of years, it is enough to show that the Abyss of Oblivion itself is not too dangerous. It is unknown what they encountered afterward that led to their fall."

Fang Yi nodded, which can indeed explain some problems.

"As you said, it should be very 'lively' here." Fang Yi looked around playfully, seeing the pitch-black void.

Lan Lingyue was slightly taken aback, and then nodded.

But no, if those people are not dead, they must still be hidden in this space, but they don't know where.

"That being the case, let's go in and take a look! I really want to see, what is hidden in this abyss of oblivion?" Fang Yi's eyes flashed a flash of determination, and his figure moved, and he moved towards the nothingness. go.

Lan Lingyue pondered for a moment, then followed.

In the endless void, just like that, the two figures slowly galloped away.

In the space, a faint ripple rippled along with it.

The power of rules?

Fang Yi was extremely keen, and instantly sensed the power of rules from the void, "This is? The way of forgetting?"

Sensing the power of the rules slowly invading the soul, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move.

The same is true for Lan Lingyue.

In addition, there was a strong look of doubt on the faces of the two, "No! The power of this rule is not strong. It may be able to erode warriors below the seventh level of legend, but above the seventh level of legend, I'm afraid..."

It turned out that what they were puzzled about was not the power of the rules.

Instead, it is weak.

"Is it because you have just entered the core area?" Fang Yi wondered.

"It shouldn't be!" Lan Lingyue shook her head, "If that's the case, those warriors who are above the legendary seven realms definitely have a buffer time and can go out at any time."

How could Fang Yi not understand this truth, and he became more and more curious.

"Let's go! If you come, you will be safe."

As the two of them went deeper, the faint power of rules did not increase by half. Just like before, the space also seemed abnormally silent, like an endless abyss.

The two of them just explored aimlessly, and they didn't know how far they had traveled.

Finally, in Fang Yi's induction, there was a wave of breath in front of him.


Fang Yi was overjoyed that he actually met other warriors. Although this vast void is endless, Fang Yi's spiritual sense spread out, and his senses were within thousands of miles around. Since this place is so lively, all the way After coming down, he was still exploring, but unexpectedly, he actually discovered it.

"Huh?" Lan Lingyue couldn't help moving her eyes when she heard that, showing a hint of surprise.

As the pinnacle of the legendary Nine Realms, she has a stronger strength than General Lei Ting. Even she didn't find anything abnormal, but Fang could she not be surprised?

"It's from the Great Sun Dynasty!"

The two flew away, and soon, four figures appeared in their induction, they were soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty.

All of them have extraordinary auras, and they have all reached the legendary seventh realm or above.

"This is?" Lan Lingyue was obviously a little surprised.

Fang Yi also frowned slightly, and said: "It seems that the Tianwu War King did not come alone, and brought many soldiers with him."

"Then these people? Could it be that the Tianwu War King is nearby?" Lan Lingyue thought deeply, and her expression changed drastically. If it was as Fang Yi said, then it was obvious.

Tianwu Zhanwang is a strong man in the Dao Realm, and the two of them can't sense it at all because they block the breath.

No wonder she made such a fuss.

However, Fang Yi shook his head like a normal person and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

The way of water is extremely sensitive to heaven and earth, because everything is inseparable from water, and even the slightest fluctuation cannot escape Fang Yi's induction.

So he was sure that the Tianwu War King was not nearby, only these four soldiers of the Great Sun Dynasty.

"These people? And they seem to be waiting for something."

Lan Lingyue was puzzled.

"Go and ask." Fang Yi was also a little curious, and walked towards the four of them openly.

"Who?" The four soldiers were vigilant, and before the two of them approached, their sharp eyes swept over like sharp knives, and the long swords in their hands were already out of their sheaths.

It can be seen that they are also full of fear for this void, and they are like soldiers.


(End of this chapter)

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