Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3096 Abandoned Star

Chapter 3096 Abandoned Star

The man in black armor knows everything.

According to what he said, the Abandoned Land is full of all kinds of murderous opportunities, and resources are limited. If you want to be promoted, you can only rely on plunder, and everyone can't go out. This shows the situation on the Abandoned Star.

Various forces are entrenched.

Among them, the three major forces are the leaders, namely the Holy Light City, the Martial God Palace, and the Taisu Palace.

Apart from these three major forces, there are still many small forces, but these small forces all rely on these three forces to survive.

Otherwise, it is impossible to gain a foothold in the abandoned land.

"How about it?"

The man in black armor asked again.

Some soldiers couldn't help persuading them: "Why are you two still hesitating? In this forgotten place, not everyone has the opportunity to join Taisu Palace. If it is not because you are a female cultivator, you want to join Taisu Palace But it needs to be checked."

"that is!"

Everyone also joined in.

It can be seen that these people are quite proud.

Lan Lingyue frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked at Fang Yi, as if she wanted to ask Fang Yi for advice.

Fang Yi smiled indifferently, looked at the group of people and asked, "What if we don't want to? What are you going to do?"

Hearing the words, the black-armored man's expression sank, and those soldiers couldn't help but shouted: "Boy, don't toast or eat fine wine, this is a deserted place, no matter you are a dragon or a tiger outside, you will be killed when you get here. It's up to you."

"Heh! I don't know what is good and what is bad. Seeing that you are just here, you don't understand the situation in the abandoned land, so don't ask for trouble."

The group of people ridiculed and looked at Fang Yi with more contempt.

It seems to be because of Lan Lingyue, otherwise, I'm afraid they don't have such patience at all.

"What do you say?"

The corner of the man's mouth curled into a sneer, "In the abandoned land, since you are not a companion, you will definitely become an enemy. How will you treat the enemy?"

This has been said very clearly, and Fang Yi can't help but smile on his face.

Indifferently said: "Enemy? Can't talk about it?"

"For the sake of clearing up my confusion, I have no intention of embarrassing you. Now, you can retreat."

Fang Yi's voice was flat, but there was no doubt about it.

The man in black armor and all the soldiers were all furious, and the atmosphere around them suddenly became tense.

"Girl, this kid doesn't know how to flatter you. Do you want to follow him? Think about it carefully. This is not the outside world. No one can go out. Your previous influence can no longer guarantee your safety. Only by joining our Taisu Palace can you It is the guarantee of your survival."

Someone looked at Lan Lingyue and dissuaded her.

"Thank you for your kindness! However, we are used to traveling alone." Lan Lingyue said without thinking.

"Okay! Very good!! Two ignorant things, if you don't eat or drink a toast, then I will fulfill you." The black-armored man shrank his pupils, and suddenly grabbed Fang Yi with a giant palm.


The giant palm of fear fell like an avalanche with an unrivaled breath.

If this was replaced by the general Legend Seventh Realm, I'm afraid it would definitely not be able to take it, but unfortunately, he was facing Fang Yi.


Hearing Fang Yi's stern shout, a majestic aura roared out of his body, like a crazy ancient beast, slamming into the black-armored man fiercely.

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, the palm of the man in black armor collapsed inch by inch.

And his face also changed drastically, flashing a look of horror and disbelief.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and his huge figure was blasted out like a cannonball, and a mouthful of blood spurted away.

what? ?

The faces of all the soldiers changed drastically, and they were terrified as if they had seen a ghost.

Their boss was knocked into the air, and from the beginning to the end, they didn't see how the opponent made the move. How could this not surprise them?

Involuntarily, his face also turned pale, full of fear, and even a trace of fear.

"You...what do you want?"

Seeing Fang Yi stepping forward, the group of people backed away in fright, dripping with cold sweat.

On the contrary, when they asked Fang Yi what he wanted to do, it seemed that they had forgotten that they were the ones blocking their way.

"I said before, for the sake of solving my confusion, I spare your lives. Next time, I won't be so lucky."

Fang Yi said, glanced at everyone, and then drifted away.

The same is true for Lan Lingyue, heading towards that planet.

"My lord, how are you?" In the same place, the soldiers were relieved, and their eyes couldn't help looking at the man in black armor before.


The man in black armor shook his head, but his expression became extremely serious.

"Who are all these people? Have outside warriors become so powerful? There are more and more strong people coming to the abandoned land during this period, and all of them are very powerful."

"Who says it's not? That's not counting. I heard that not long ago, there was a powerful general in the Holy Light City that turned the Holy Light City upside down."

"Yes! Did something happen to the abandoned land? It would be great if I could get out."


"I'll talk about these things later. Report the information of these two people. Their foothold must be within the scope of our Taisu Palace. Let the people below watch. It's not their turn to be rampant in my Taisu Palace." The man in black armor shouted.


People take orders.


"This shot is much better than last time, it seems that you are not so bloodthirsty!" Seeing the Abandoned Star getting closer, Lan Lingyue couldn't help but say something.

It seemed a little inexplicable, but Fang Yi undoubtedly understood, and he couldn't help but glance at her.

"Or, out of fear of Taisu Palace?"

Lan Lingyue asked again.

Fang Yi smiled lightly, and didn't bother to talk to the other party, because there was no need to answer this question at all. He didn't come here to be idle, and naturally he wouldn't waste his energy in vain.

He was ruthless to the Dainichi Dynasty because he had already decided to make a difference in Mochizuki Bend.

And since this is the case, the conflict with the Great Sun Dynasty is inevitable.

The shot is naturally more decisive.

As for Taisu Palace, it seems that there is no need for that at present, and these people are not too much.

"Okay! It's here!" Fang Yi directly ignored Lan Lingyue's question. At this time, the Abandoned Star was already in sight.

This is a very huge planet, even Fang Yi's perception cannot cover it.

Of course, this is because the divine sense is blocked, but this is enough to explain the vastness of this planet. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise, in the past countless years, so many strong people have entered this place, and the disputes during the period may become more and more serious. tragic.

This is not difficult to see from Taisu Palace's eagerness to recruit the strong.

"where are we going?"

Lan Lingyue asked at this time, the Abandoned Star is so vast, for a while, she didn't know where to start.

"That city!" Fang Yi sensed it slightly, and pointed directly at a huge city below.


(End of this chapter)

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