Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3104

Chapter 3104


At this time, Tianwu Zhanwang's sharp eyes also suddenly swept over, "Younger from Mingyue Pavilion? You're here too?"

He suddenly recognized Lan Lingyue, and his face became even more gloomy.

Lan Lingyue didn't answer again.

And Tianwu Zhanwang obviously has no intention of entangled with a junior, even if he knows that Mingyue Pavilion must be doing some tricks behind his back, but it doesn't matter at all right now, the important thing is that tower.

Involuntarily, his eyes also swept towards the tower.

However, his pupils inadvertently swept across Fang Yi, and suddenly, his pupils shrank and became extremely cold.

what happened?

Could it be that the other party saw through something?

Sensing this gaze, Fang Yi couldn't help but sink in his heart. He asked himself that he had never met with the Tianwu War King before.

And here is the Abandoned Star. It stands to reason that the other party could not know himself, let alone know that he had killed his son, because the other party had already entered the Abandoned Star at that time.

However, that sharp blade-like gaze also indicates that the other party seems to have learned about it.

even recognized himself.

But what about recognition?Fang Yi faced it calmly, still as if nothing had happened.

"Hehe! Let me introduce you. This is the second city lord of my Holy Light City. You two must have heard of it!" At this time, the god-like man, the Holy Light City Lord, said with satisfaction.

It's no wonder that the addition of a Daojing is undoubtedly a great thing for Shengguang City.

It also allowed their strength to jump from the bottom of the original to be on par with the Temple of Valkyrie.

"Happy meeting!"

The master of Taisu Palace and the red-robed old man in the Martial God Hall both gave symbolic greetings.

"Okay! Now that you're all here, let's go in!" The Lord of the Holy Light City was quite high-spirited, laughed, and led the crowd towards the abandoned city.

Tianwu Zhanwang was naturally among them, but before he left, he looked at Fang Yi with a slightly creepy look.

Fierce and full of killing intent.

Fang Yi was almost certain that the other party must have recognized him, if it wasn't for the special situation here, the other party would have already made a move.

"The old man has gone too!"

The red-robed old man looked at Palace Master Taisu, and then at the backs of the people from Shengguang City who were going away, and said playfully, "Fifth Daoist friend, let's do it for ourselves!"

After finishing speaking, he also floated away, leaving everyone with an intriguing look.

Undoubtedly, his self-indulgent voice is precisely because of the appearance of the Tianwu Warlord. In the eyes of everyone, the appearance of the Tianwu Warlord will undoubtedly break the inherent balance.

Taisu Palace is weak and will inevitably suffer a lot of blows, so he said this.

The corners of Gu Qing's mouth twitched, with a trace of unwillingness, but helplessness. After all, strength determines everything, and the law of the jungle is the eternal truth.

Even Palace Master Taisu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, turned to Fang Yi and asked, "Do you have any grudge against him?"

The so-called him naturally refers to the Tianwu War King.

Tianwu Zhanwang's performance may be able to hide it from other people, but naturally he cannot hide it from Palace Master Taisu, that's why he asked this question.

"That's right!" Fang Yi didn't hide anything, "Because I killed his son."


As soon as these words came out, Palace Master Taisu didn't react at all, but Gu Qing couldn't calm down anymore, his whole face became a little pale, and the eyes he looked at Fang Yi also became a little different, no longer hugging like that. Expectation, but a little bit of fear of avoiding it.

It's not surprising, but that's a great power in the Dao realm, beheading the opponent's son?

This is simply... I am afraid that the entire Taisu Palace will be implicated.


Palace Master Taisu smiled and said: "Then you have to be more careful about this competition, otherwise, he probably won't let you go easily."

These words sound a bit inexplicable, could it be that if you grasp this competition well, will the King of Heavenly Martial Warriors let Fang Yi go?

Naturally not.

However, if he really wins, Palace Master Taisu will bless her. This is like a promise, or a deal.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile lightly, how could he fail to understand the meaning of the words, and said, "That's right! Let's wait and see!"


The Abandoned City is similar to Taisu City, very lively.

Fang Yi didn't pay attention to these things, and his attention was all attracted by the tower. Unfortunately, that tower was inside the City Lord's Mansion, and outsiders couldn't get close unless forced.

The current situation is obviously not suitable, and the competition is imminent, so there is no rush.

Under the arrangement of Abandoned City, the group settled here.

"This is the opponent's information. You can find out. The palace master and the leaders of the other two major forces have already gone to see the abandoned city master. If there is no accident, the competition will be tomorrow."

After settling down, Gu Qing took two jade slips and handed them to Fang Yi and Lan Lingyue respectively.

Fang Yi obviously has no interest. Below the Great Dao Realm, he really doesn't bother to see anything. What surprised him was Lan Lingyue.

"What? You also want to participate in the competition?"

For the past few days, Fang Yi has been in seclusion, so he doesn't know anything about the competition.

It turned out that each of the three sides of the competition had three people, and then drew lots to determine the opponents. Each battle had a few rounds, and the total score was used to determine the winner. Because the cultivation base has reached such a level, it is often not so easy to tell the winner, so... …

As for Lan Lingyue, in the past few days, the master of Taisu Palace had also approached her, and even asked her to compete with a certain strong man in Taisu Palace.

In the end, Lan Lingyue successfully won, so he replaced that person and became one of the three contestants who participated in the competition.

As for the last place, it is naturally Gu Qing.

"This is the powerhouse of the Martial God Temple, the peak of the legendary Nine Realms, who is said to have condensed the body of rules, and is called a martial idiot by outsiders. Moreover, he has participated in similar competitions for three consecutive times, not only maintaining a record of complete victory, but also Completely crushing the opponent is also the biggest problem of our trip."

A projection appeared in front of Gu Qing. On the projection was a seemingly unsurprising young man.

It even feels a little sloppy.

Fang Yi wasn't interested at all, and Lan Lingyue, with a serious look, asked, "So strong? How much can he rank on the legend list?"

"I don't know!" Gu Qing shook his head, "This is the Abandoned Star, there is no legend list, but the Palace Master once said that with his strength, he should be able to rank in the top [-] of the legend list, and he should be able to rank in the top [-] of the legend list. Higher."

What?top fifty?

Lan Lingyue's complexion couldn't help but turn pale.

The top fifty are those who claim to have stepped into the Dao Realm with half of their feet, and they are only one step away.

Among the opponents in this competition, there is such a strong one, how can she not be surprised.

Fang Yi didn't really care about the top [-]. What he cared about was Gu Qing's previous words, "What did you just say, compete with the genius of Kunlun Canghai?"

"Good! Any questions?"

Gu Qing thought he had said something wrong, and added another sentence, saying: "Most of the top [-] powerhouses on the legend list are from Kunlun, Canghai, and Jiuchongtian, Wu Chi's strength is enough to compete with them .”

"So, if we meet him, the best way is to admit defeat, preserve our strength, and concentrate on facing the next match."


(End of this chapter)

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