Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3107 1 move to defeat the enemy

Chapter 3107 One move to defeat the enemy


The space seems to be split, forming a long and thin crack that extends infinitely.

A look of surprise flashed across the face of the triangular-eyed man, as if he didn't expect Lan Lingyue to be so powerful, and as Lan Lingyue approached, that look of surprise gradually turned into fear, even fear.

how come?

The surrounding people were also full of shock, showing horror.

As the three major forces of Abandoned Star, who doesn't understand each other?Below the Great Dao Realm, the most powerful person in Taisu Palace is Gu Qing, and as for Lan Lingyue, there is no such person at all.

But at this moment, the other party unexpectedly showed a strength not weaker than Gu Qing, how could everyone not be surprised?

"The Fifth Daoist's possession is so deep! There is such a strong person in Taisu Palace, which really makes me look at it with admiration."

The Lord of Holy Light had a gloomy expression on his face.

Although he has full confidence in this trip with the joining of the Tianwu War King, but if he can win the competition, it is naturally the best.

But judging from the current situation, it is obviously impossible.

Fortunately, there is also the Tianwu Battle King. Although he is upset, he is fine, but the coldness in his eyes has become more and more fierce.

"Girl is good at tricks, who are you?"

On the battlefield, the man with triangular eyes was panicked and flustered.

Under Lan Lingyue's torrential attack, he was already overwhelmed, and his face became extremely pale. His eyes that were originally full of obscene light were now full of horror.

However, Lan Lingyue obviously ignored her, like a tigress protecting her calf.

As the envoy of Mingyue Pavilion, she was ordered to investigate the Great Sun Dynasty. Her strength is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary people, at least the man with triangular eyes is not enough to look at.

After several rounds, the triangular-eyed man suffered repeated injuries.

"I surrender!"

Knowing that he is invincible, the man with triangular eyes is also cunning.

It's a pity that Lan Lingyue turned a deaf ear at all, as if she didn't hear, chased and beat the man with triangular eyes until he had nowhere to go, and was extremely embarrassed.

The whole head was swollen like a pig's head.

Fortunately, the man with triangular eyes was not too stupid, and his strength was not bad, so he fled the battlefield quickly.

At this point, Lan Lingyue gave up and returned to the original place.

" are so audacious. The people in my Holy Light City have clearly surrendered, but you are still chasing and fighting fiercely. You don't pay attention to the rules set by the three major forces." On the side of the Holy Light City, the blue robe The man was furious, pointing at Lan Lingyue as if asking for a crime.

"So what? The rules don't say you can't fight if you admit defeat!"

Lan Lingyue said coldly.

"You..." The man in the blue robe choked, his face flushed with anger.

It is true that there is no such rule, but everyone has reached such a level of cultivation, it is completely meaningless for one side to admit defeat and continue to fight. The most important thing is to preserve strength. This is an unwritten rule, but now...

"That's enough, it's not embarrassing!"

City Lord Shengguang's face was ashen at the moment.

It would be embarrassing to admit defeat. Although the blue-robed man questioned Lan Lingyue, although it seemed to be upholding the rules, it was actually a sign of the weak, and the strong would never be restrained by the rules.

"Fifth Fellow Daoist's subordinates are really talented, and I am very impressed."

After dismissing the blue-robed man, the Lord of the Holy Light City did not forget to glance at Wu Su, his eyes were as cold as a sharp sword.

Fifth Su still smiled and said nothing.

"Tai Su Gong wins the third match." With a loud shout, only the last match remained in the first round.

Shengguang City drew one game and lost two games. It can be said that it has lost the opportunity. If there are no accidents, it will definitely lose.

As for Taisu Palace, it is very good to tie a game and win a game. However, there is still a Wu Chi bye in the Martial God Palace. It is still too early to say what will happen.

"The fourth match begins, between Taisu Palace and Martial God Palace."

Hearing the sound, Fang Yi got up lazily and stepped towards the battlefield.

He really has no interest in such a competition, but his opponent is full of fighting spirit, as if he has been beaten with chicken blood.

"Boy! Is it really you?"

"If you don't come to the stage, I think it's just a cover, just a legendary eighth realm? Is there really no one in Taisu Palace?"

Not to mention the people on the stage, even the other people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Just think it's a cover of Taisu Palace.

But in fact, Fang Yi really set foot on the battlefield, and let a legendary eighth realm participate in such an important competition, no wonder the crowd behaved like this.

"Fifth Daoist friend, your behavior is really incomprehensible!"

The red-robed old man also had a playful expression at the moment, said.

"Heh! Why don't you understand? That's the only way to choose a general among the dwarves." The Lord of Shengguang sarcastically said.

Fifth Su smiled and didn't care, instead he said inexplicably: "Wu Chi hasn't met his match for a long time! Maybe this time he can get his wish."


Hearing this, the old man in red robe couldn't help but focus his eyes, and subconsciously looked towards Fang Yi.

The Holy Light City Lord sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

"Boy, since you Tai Su Palace can't pick a decent one, then don't blame me, defeat me!"

On the battlefield, the strong man from the Valkyrie Temple couldn't wait any longer. He had no interest in worrying about other things in such an important competition. Winning the opponent was the most important thing.

He was really afraid that Taisu Palace would suddenly repent and send another person to replace him.

Boom! !

I saw him slamming a punch, the fist was as heavy as a mountain, a large area of ​​space collapsed in an instant, and everything was crushed into dust in the direction of the fist wind.

Obviously, he didn't want to delay at all, wasting his energy in vain, and only wanted to kill with one blow.

Completely defeated Fang Yi to prepare for the next competition.

In fact, the power of this punch is indeed so powerful that the ordinary Legendary Eight Realms can't handle it, but it's a pity...

There was a loud 'boom', and the next moment, the huge figure of that person was blasted out like a shell, and even directly blasted out of the battlefield, hitting the ground heavily.


At this moment, everyone seemed to be frozen, and they were all dumbfounded.

Some people even rubbed their eyes vigorously, trying to make sure that they were not dazzled. The one who flew out was not the strong man from the Temple of Valkyrie, but Fang Yi.

But unfortunately, everything is so incredible.

"What... what's going on here? What happened just now?"

The crowd looked around blankly, because they didn't know what happened at all. In their eyes, one moment ago, the strong man of the Valkyrie Temple rushed towards Fang Yi with killing intent, but the next moment, he was blasted out of the battlefield, vomiting blood.

Man said that it was them, even a few powerful people in the Dao realm showed shocking looks on their faces.

Especially the Tianwu Zhanwang, apart from being surprised, the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

"You are strong!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice broke the calm. It turned out that Wu Chi, who had been keeping his eyes slightly closed, opened his eyes at some point, and a trace of fighting intent transpired from his eyes, ready to move.


(End of this chapter)

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