Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3116 The Void Army

Chapter 3116 The Void Army

What kind of place is the Tower of Forgotten, I am afraid that the warriors of the entire Forsaken Star are extremely curious.

Because it is related to whether they can go out.

In fact, on the night that Palace Master Taisu talked with Fang Yi, the former had already told Fang Yi about the general situation inside, and there was nothing special about it.

Of course, maybe the former didn't find anything special.

Just like Fang Yi at this moment, looking at this dim space, he also didn't notice anything special.

If I had to say yes, it would seem a bit depressing.

The surrounding area was dark, like a closed space, except for that, there was a faint mist, and there was nothing else, not even a single sound came, and it was silent.

However, there were a lot of people entering the tower this time, logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this.

The only possibility is that this space is extremely vast.

Immediately, Fang Yi unfolded his divine sense, and everything in the distance could be sensed.

According to Palace Master Taisu, the so-called breaking into the tower is actually looking for the person who guards the tower in the space, and then defeating him will allow you to enter the next level.

As for the so-called tower guard, he is naturally not a living person.

No one can survive endless years in such an environment.

The so-called guardian of the tower is just a phantom that the tower condenses by itself. These phantoms are not one, but many.

Their strength is domineering. According to Palace Master Taisu, the strength of the tower guards on the first floor has reached the legendary nine realms.

It's not that easy to beat.

Moreover, don't look at them as just phantoms, they are decisive in killing, and they are somewhat more brutal than the most brutal warriors on the battlefield.

Countless warriors died at their hands.

"found it!"

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and he found it so quickly, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

This space is extremely vast. Sometimes, it is not so easy to find a person who guards the tower. Fang Yi's ability to find it so quickly is naturally inseparable from his divine sense.

Of course, some luck is also required.

Immediately, with a movement of his body, he quickly moved towards the target.

The next moment, he came to a space filled with faint runes.

The guards of the tower will not always be condensed, but they will be formed instantly by sensing the intruders. Naturally, there are conditions for cohesion, and these faint runes are it.

I saw those runes rippling slightly, and then, a faint phantom condensed and formed.

The phantom seemed to be transparent.

It is said to be a phantom, but it is actually more like a silhouette, and nothing else can be seen, which is extremely weird.

"This is?"

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help moving, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, could it be...

Subconsciously, he slapped a palm casually. This palm seemed ordinary, but with Fang Yi's current strength, it was obviously not that simple. Under this palm, the ordinary Ninth Legendary Realm was absolutely unbearable.

The fact is also as expected, the phantom was hit by a palm, as if it was directly pierced.

However, it is more like falling into nothingness.

"Is it really an army of nothingness?"

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, not bad!When Fang Yi saw these phantoms for the first time, he thought of the army of nothingness, the subordinates of the king of nothingness who fought against the king of time and age, just like these phantoms.

How could this be?How could there be an army of nothingness in the Tower of Forgotten?

Could it be that this tower is related to the former Lord of Nothingness?

Don't say it, it's really possible.

According to Lan Lingyue, the existence of this Abyss of Forgotten can be traced back to the age of gods and demons, and even the King of Time and Time could not subdue it. Could it be that this is the base camp of the King of Nothingness?

Is this tower left by the Lord of Nothingness?

If this is the case, why is it called the Tower of Forgotten?Deception?

The king of nothingness not only controls the way of nothingness?Also mastered the way of oblivion?

This is not impossible. The basis for raising the Dao realm by one level is to condense one more Dao. It is normal to forget the two roads.

It's just that, after all, this is the Mountain of Gods and Demons, and the King of Time and Time is extremely tyrannical, how could he tolerate the King of Nothingness in his own territory?

It doesn't make sense at all.

Could it be that there is something unknowable hidden in it?

Fang Yi's eyes were full of doubts.

And at this time, the phantom also attacked like a thunderbolt, and the attack was domineering and decisive, as if retreating with the army of nothingness that Fang Yi had experienced before.

Especially their bodies, which can almost ignore all attacks, can only be shaken by the power of rules.

Of course, there is also the meaning of destruction.

In the past, Fang Yi used the meaning of destruction to help the army of gods and demons defeat these people.

Not to mention nowadays.


With a thought in Fang Yi's mind, a heaven-shattering dragon chant came from within his body, and the fearful meaning of destruction also swept out, and everything in the world was annihilated.

That phantom is no exception.

However, what Fang Yi didn't expect was that when he sensed the meaning of destruction, the phantom stopped attacking, and instead saluted Fang Yi, because the meaning of destruction swept so fast that Fang Yi didn't even know it. Before he could react, the phantom had already disappeared.

"Could it be dizziness? How could the Void Army salute to me?"

Fang Yi's eyes were full of disbelief.

No wonder, strictly speaking, not only did he have no friendship with the army of nothingness, but he helped the army of gods and demons beat the army of nothingness. If the army of nothingness wanted to kill him, he would understand better.

But in fact, the army of nothingness gave up resistance, and still turned it into ashes with the intention of destruction.

Boom! !

Just when Fang Yi was puzzled, there was a loud noise from the faint rune space.

At the same time, a door of light appeared.

Is that the first floor?

Fang Yi was a little stunned, Palace Master Taisu said it was extremely difficult!But that's right, the nihilistic army of the Ninth Legendary Realm ignores all attacks, and if they want to break through, except for the top people on the legendary list, I'm afraid only the Great Dao Realm.

The only ones who entered the tower this time were Tianwu Warlord and Wu Chi Hopeful.

It's probably not possible for anyone else.

The same goes for Lan Lingyue.

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to other things, and strode towards the light gate.

Although Lan Lingyue came with him, but in the current situation, he can't care about the other party. There is nowhere to find it in this vast space.

"Look! Someone broke into the second floor!!"

"So fast? How could it be possible!"

Outside, the tense crowd suddenly became a sensation.

Breaking into the second floor is an incredible thing for everyone, because all those who can break into the second floor are the strongest among the strong.

But, if it's just that, it's fine, every few times, there are always a few talented people who can break into the second floor.

However, breaking into the second floor in such a short period of time is simply unheard of.

Rao, several Dao powerhouses were all shocked and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The abandoned city lord was no exception, a look of astonishment flashed in his pupils, but then, a deep smile appeared.


(End of this chapter)

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