Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3119

Chapter 3119


Tianwu Zhanwang's face changed when he heard this, and his sharp eyes were swept away like a sharp sword.

"It's you!"

Immediately, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, killing intent surged, and the cruel look at the corner of his mouth became more and more intense, like a ghost in hell.

Needless to say, it was Fang Yi.

After breaking into the eighth floor, except for the ninth floor, he only needs one thought to travel through the entire Tower of Forgotten in an instant.

"Are you surprised?"

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled into a slightly ironic smile, "The more surprising thing is yet to come."


Before the words fell, a bright cyan sword light burst out from Fang Yi's body, tearing away like a dazzling aurora.

Although Fang Yi spoke lightly, the solemn look in his eyes did not dare to slack off at all.

Just kidding, the Dao powerhouse condenses the complete Dao super powerhouse, such a character is already part of the existence at the top of the Three Realms.

Especially on that avenue, the power of rules is boundless, controlling the world.

It made Fang Yi feel palpitations.

Looking at Wu Chi's state again, one can see how overbearing this avenue is.

"Ignorant child, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, but you want to break in if there is no way to hell. It's okay, this king is looking for you. Since you took the initiative to send it to your door, this king might as well give you a good time."

As he spoke, a sarcasm formed at the corner of Tianwu Zhanwang's mouth.

The killing intent in his eyes was like a volcano erupting.

As for Lan Lingyue, her face was pale at this moment. She had already given up any hope. Just kidding, not to mention that there is nowhere to escape in this closed space.

Even in the outside world, facing such a strong Tianwu War King, I'm afraid it's impossible to escape.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yi actually appeared at this time, and she couldn't help but ignite a glimmer of hope in her eyes.


Nine days away, the sky is turned upside down, the avenue of rules is like a long river running through heaven and earth, the cyan sword light is tearing towards the long river, and within the long river, Wu Chi is like a killing god galloping into it.

But it is clear that he is greatly constrained.

If Fang Yi hadn't come out suddenly, I'm afraid he would have been suppressed by Rule Dao at this moment.

After all, this is a complete avenue, far from being able to compare with Wu Chi's half-baked warrior body.

Even Fang Yi's water body is far inferior.

There is an essential difference between the two.

As for the Tianwu Battle King, at this moment, he has transformed into a whole ruled avenue, completely affected by the attack of the two of them, it seems that he can't shake him at all.

Rao Fang Yi, his face became a little ugly at this moment.

A powerful person in the Great Dao Realm, who only condenses one Great Dao, is already so powerful. Then, how domineering will those supreme powerhouses who have condensed nine Dao Realms be?

Fang Yi felt terrified when he thought about it.

Of course, he doesn't have time to pay attention to these things at this moment, because the long river of rules has already swept towards him.

Thinking of the words of Palace Master Taisu, don't be involved in the Dao, combined with the current state of martial idiot, Fang Yi dare not take risks, this is the first time he has seen the domineering of the Dao.

Therefore, I have to avoid the edge for the time being, and observe first.


However, this undoubtedly fueled the arrogance of Tianwu Zhanwang, who laughed wildly, ruling over all things like a demon god of heaven and earth.

"Ignorant child, no matter how strong you are? Do you really think you can compete with this king?"

"This king will let you know today what the difference in realm is, die!"

As soon as the word "dead" came out, it was like a thunderbolt.

Nine days away, there was thunder and thunder, and the rushing regular river was like a huge wave, which engulfed the whole world in an instant, leaving Fang Yi with nowhere to hide.

The avenue of rules is a complete embodiment of rules. Among the three thousand avenues, even the weakest rule is far from being as simple as imagined.

In the eyes of the world, a person who controls a complete avenue is absolutely a god-like existence.

And the power of complete rules is usually called divine power.

It is also a qualitative transformation, far from being comparable to the immortal essence in the body of a warrior in the legendary realm, there is an essential difference between the two.

Just like at this moment, no matter how domineering Fang Yi is, he can't help but feel a ripple in his heart when he senses this terrifying divine power. Fortunately, he has fused a lot of chaotic energy, which is stronger and weaker, which is still unknown.

Because these are basically two different power systems.

However, in his mind, the Qi of Primal Chaos is the source of all Qi, and even the rules are born from it, so...

He turned his heart, and a bright cyan sword light wrapped in a trace of chaos, cut down towards the rolling long river.


The cyan sword light tore through the heaven and the earth, especially after being infused with a trace of chaotic energy, it seemed to be transformed.

In the world, all the invisible substances seemed to be invisible, and only that bright cyan sword light seemed to be the only real existence in the world.

Even the long river of rules seems to be affected and become illusory.

How can it be?

Seeing this, the Tianwu War King's pupils couldn't help changing drastically.

Just kidding, how could he not be surprised that a mere Legendary Eighth Realm could actually affect his rules and avenues.

You know, not to mention the legendary eighth realm, any warrior below the Dao realm will only be crushed in the face of the regular Dao. This is a difference in realm, which brings irreparable results.

But now, a mere Legendary Eighth Realm, unexpectedly...

How can they not be surprised?

However, not to mention him, even Fang Yi was startled, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Because it took him only a few days to comprehend the Fifth Sword Canon so far. If the comprehension is so deep, it is obviously impossible, at least he knows his own weight.

However, this sword obviously exceeded his expectations.

The transformation between tangible and intangible is not something he can do at the moment, but the fact is...

Could it be the Qi of Chaos that transformed the Fifth Sword Code?


It must be so, the so-called congenital Wutai is the process of the universe from scratch, and this process is inseparable from chaos, perhaps, this is the evolution process of chaos.

But now, the Fifth Sword Canon incorporates the Qi of Primal Chaos, one can imagine...

Fang Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed, this is just the beginning, the fifth sword canon is already so good under the influence of the energy of chaos, given time, it must be no small matter.

Back then, I still underestimated this sword manual, as if it seemed to be tailor-made for me.

How could Fang Yi not like it?

Tear! !

In the midst of this electric light and flint, the cyan sword light and the long river of rules have collided together, like a stone breaking the sky.

Of the two, suddenly no one can do anything to win the other.

Do not!Strictly speaking, the long flowing river was chopped off by this sword, revealing a huge opening, but the opening was quickly closed again, without any abnormality.

The only difference is that the entire face of the Tianwu Zhanwang has become extremely ugly, livid.

Lan Lingyue also seemed to be frozen, watching this scene in astonishment, like a stone sculpture, maybe she never dreamed that Fang Yi would be able to confront the Tianwu War King head-on.


(End of this chapter)

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