Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3137 The eve of the storm

Chapter 3137 The eve of the storm

"My lord, how could Lord Tianwu lose? Is the news wrong?"

At the same time, in another hall, all the generals of the Great Sun Dynasty were filled with righteous indignation and anger.

"That's right! Master Tianwu's skills are as high as the sky, how could he lose to a legendary eighth realm, there must be something wrong here."

"That's right! You can't say anything about the New Moon Territory's conspiracy."

The generals talked a lot, even a little whimsical.

Because they also know that the news has been spread in such a large area, and even the images of the battle that day were revealed, it is impossible to fake it, but when they think of Master Tianwu's supernatural power, they can't accept it.

In fact, it's not just them, Tian Zhan is the same.

At this moment, his face was gloomy, and he looked at the generals below with cold eyes, his face was also extremely ugly.

"Hmph! New moon collar? Just rely on them? No matter how powerful they are, they can't be the match of Lord Tianwu."

He only heard him snort coldly and reprimanded.

"Master Tian, ​​what is the explanation for this? Could it be that there is really some conspiracy in the middle?"

"Yes! Master Tian, ​​have you already contacted Master Tianwu? How is he doing now, and what should we do next?"

All the generals said one after another.

Don't look at them talking about the hype, as if they didn't pay attention to the crescent collar.

But in fact, after this battle, the strength of the New Moon Territory has already made them a little afraid. If the Tianwu Battle King had never been defeated, these things are naturally not worth mentioning.

However, the news of Tianwu Zhanwang's defeat was undoubtedly a huge blow to them, and even the entire Tianwu army.

At this moment, they are extremely eager to know the news of the Tianwu War King.

In fact, they are not to be blamed. Since that battle, they have been trying to learn about the Tianwu War King for the past few days, but they don't know anything about it. Not to mention them, the Tianwu army is a little panic-stricken.

"What do you think?"

Seeing this, Tian Zhan couldn't help scolding angrily, saying: "The King of Tianwu Zhan is as powerful as the sky, how can a new moon collar be able to compete?"

"This time, let alone whether Lord Tianwu did it intentionally, even if not, the shadow of Mingyue Pavilion must be indispensable here."

Gritting his teeth, Tian Zhan took it for granted.

Two cold lights burst out from his eyes.

"What? Mingyue Pavilion?"

The generals couldn't help looking at each other when they heard the words.

"Master Tian is saying that Mingyue Pavilion secretly intervened in this battle of the New Moon Leader?"

"That's right! It must be them. I said why the New Moon Territory suddenly rose. All of this must have something to do with Mingyue Pavilion. It must be their secret assistance to hinder the march of our Great Sun Dynasty."

"What a Mingyue Pavilion, it's simply despicable. In this way, the assassination of our people may have been arranged by them."


Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and had the urge to completely destroy Mingyue Pavilion.

Obviously, their pride in the past made them unable to accept this failure. Only by getting involved with Mingyue Pavilion could they be comforted.

Of course, in Wangyue Bay, apart from Mingyue Pavilion, there is indeed no other strength that can compete with them.

Crescent collar was an accident, Fang Yi was an accident.

A surprise that no one expected.

"Damn Mingyue Pavilion, they finally couldn't help but make a move, so what should we do next?"

"Damn it, at worst, fight them with real knives and guns."

All the generals looked angry.

Tian Zhan has a gloomy face, because all this is his guess, of course, when he thinks about it, this guess is almost inseparable.

But, no matter what, this matter is no longer within his control.

Even Lord Tianwu was defeated, so only higher level people could come forward, and they could only wait for orders.

Even if they wish to raze the New Moon Territory to the ground, if the New Moon Territory is so easy to get along with, they won't wait until today. This is a hard bone, a real hard bone, with the shadow of Mingyue Pavilion behind it, and even Dark Moon The shadow of the building.

All of these are unusual.

Of course, the most unusual thing is that there is no trace of Lord Tianwu, which makes him a little helpless.


"My lord, the situation in the Great Sun Dynasty is calm, and there is no news for the time being."

In a certain hall in Crescent Territory, Wu Yue looked adoringly, even frantically watching Fang Yihui's report above, who was retreating and adjusting his breath.

In the first battle a few days ago, Fang Yi had already been hailed as a heavenly man.

If, before this battle, Fang Yi still had a little bit of fantasy in the fifth month, then after this battle, the only little bit of fantasy in her heart has been completely shattered.

Because of that battle, he clearly realized the gap between the two, that is, the gap between heaven and earth, which cannot be bridged.

Therefore, at this moment, she only has worship in her heart, and has no other thoughts.

If you really want to say yes, you are also curious about Fang Yi's origin and his supernatural powers. What kind of person is this?

It has to be said that it is a great miracle to defeat the Great Dao Realm with only the cultivation base of the Legendary Eight Realm.


Fang Yi replied calmly without even raising his eyelids.

Then he paused and asked, "Is there any news from Mingyue Pavilion?"

On the day of the battle, although Lan Lingyue did not show up directly, afterward, Fang Yi handed over the matter of cooperation to Wu Yue and let the two meet.

So responsible for cooperation, messaging is the fifth month.

"Returning to your son, there are some news, but they are all harmless. It is said that all the forces are signs of fighting against the Great Sun Dynasty."

"And all of this is precisely because the young master defeated the Tianwu War King, and let the world know that the Great Sun Dynasty is not invincible. Those people who were afraid to resist before are now a little bit impatient."

In the five-month reply, there was a hint of arrogance in his words.

Not surprisingly, Fang Yi won a complete victory in that battle. As a member of the New Moon Collar, he naturally felt proud.

However, Fang Yi frowned slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"What? Young master, is there something wrong?"

The fifth month tried.

Fang Yi shook his head, "It's not a good thing, the more the forces of all parties are ready to move, the more violent the revenge of the Great Sun Dynasty will come."

This statement is obviously true. The Great Sun Dynasty is invincible. Now that it has suffered such a big loss in the New Moon Territory, the previous deterrence has become insignificant. To prevent this situation from continuing to deteriorate, it is not to suppress the forces of all parties, but to The source of all this must be suppressed, the Crescent Collar.

Once the Crescent Territory is completely wiped out, those signs of rebellion will also disappear on their own.

From this, it can be imagined that the revenge from the Great Sun Dynasty must be extremely violent, and the temporary calm is just an explanation.

The calm before the storm.


(End of this chapter)

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