Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3152 Two Realm Barriers

Chapter 3152 The Barrier Between Two Realms

"What? It's not the Great Sun Dynasty that colluded with the Gods and Demons, but the New Moon Territory? The New Moon Territory deliberately placed the Gods and Demons in the Great Sun Dynasty's army to confuse the public and suppress the Great Sun Dynasty?"

"Tsk tsk! It's really a good strategy, but why do those gods and demons listen to them?"

"You don't know this, do you? It is said that the Lord of the New Moon and the son of the gods and demons are life-and-death friends, that day..."

Various rumors began to spread throughout Mochizuki Bay.

True and false, so that the world is a little confused.

Wangyue Bay also presents an unprecedented tranquility, and various forces are quietly watching, waiting for Mingyue Pavilion's decision.

Surprisingly, Mingyue Pavilion also seemed to be caught in a tangle, and did not take any further actions.

"I want to see the Pavilion Master!"

In the nothingness, there is a tall attic. Outside the attic, Lan Lingyue said loudly.

At this time, in front of the attic, a faint ripple rippled, and a transparent phantom appeared out of thin air, "The master of the pavilion is retreating, and no one should disturb him."

The transparent phantom has a positive color, and the figure seems to have no emotion.

"Retreat? Why is the Lord Pavilion retreating at this time?" Lan Lingyue looked suspicious, and turned to ask: "Does the Lord Pavilion have any instructions? How to deal with the collusion of the Great Sun Dynasty with the gods and demons?"

"This matter will be discussed after the Pavilion Master leaves the customs."

The transparent phantom said directly, his face expressionless.

However, Lan Lingyue was obviously not reconciled, because this was an excellent opportunity for Mingyue Pavilion, and if she missed it, she might not be able to find a better excuse.

"But, the Great Sun Dynasty..."

However, just when she wanted to explain, the transparent phantom spoke again.

"No, but, since the Lord Pavilion Master has no order, you just need to wait and see what happens."

"Besides, it is still unknown who is colluding with the Great Sun Dynasty, let them fight on their own!"

This! !

Lan Lingyue's expression couldn't help changing, and she hurriedly said: "The Great Sun Dynasty is mighty, and the Crescent Necklace is just getting started. If we let it go, I'm afraid that the Crescent Moon Necklace won't last long, and finally someone will stand up. This is an excellent opportunity. , how could..."

"Can't last long?" The transparent phantom had a hint of sarcasm, and then asked again: "Are you underestimating them?"

"What do you mean?"

Lan Lingyue looked puzzled, and looked at the transparent phantom suspiciously.

"A mere Crescent leader dares to fight against the Great Sun Dynasty, and so far, they haven't suffered a loss, have they?"


Lan Lingyue was stunned, a little stunned, and her eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

The fact seems to be the case, is it possible...

"You said, there is someone behind the crescent collar?" Lan Lingyue couldn't help asking.

"Whether there is support or not is not important. The important thing is that if they dare to do this, they must have some support. That being the case, Mingyue Pavilion remains neutral."

"Moreover, the rumors are true. The Lord of the New Moon is indeed closely related to the Son of Gods and Demons who has recently become famous. Fortunately, he did not use the power of the Sons of Gods and Demons to deal with the Great Sun Dynasty, although he used Some means, but it does not count as collusion with the gods and demons."


A gleam of coldness flashed across the transparent phantom eyes, as if he knew everything well.

On the contrary, Lan Lingyue was a little stunned, her face turned slightly pale. Is the Lord of the New Moon really related to the Son of God and Demon?This is too incredible.

She always thought that this was the revenge of the Great Sun Dynasty, deliberately confusing the public, and never thought...

"The pavilion master thinks that he is a human race after all, and he didn't rely on the power of the gods and demons, so he ignores it, but he wants Mingyue Pavilion to help, hmph..."

The transparent phantom snorted coldly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Lan Lingyue stopped talking, and her expression became a little strange.

And Fang Yi, the new moon lord who was thousands of miles away, naturally knew nothing about it.

Of course, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't react too much. Originally, he didn't have any hope for Mingyue Pavilion, and it didn't hurt if he couldn't.

Today, the Mingyue Pavilion can deal with the Great Sun Dynasty, and it will naturally be able to deal with the New Moon Territory in the future, so he doesn't care.

As for the use of the son of gods and demons, it should be said that Gu Qianqiu's power, he never thought about it at all.

If he really had this thought, he would not have come to Wangyue Bay, but would have conquered Shenmo Mountain together with Gu Qianqiu.

However, he was also a little surprised by the current situation in Mochizuki Bay. Surprisingly, the Great Sun Dynasty was able to hold its breath and did not directly attack. In that case, Mingyue Pavilion must not sit idly by, right?A war is inevitable.

Surprisingly, the Tongtian Temple came so quickly, so what about the Earth Temple?Should they come too?

If this is the case, I must quickly break through the Dao Realm, otherwise...

In fact, Fang Yi has nothing to rely on.

If he had to say yes, that was his enemy.

That's right!It was his enemies, such as Guanguan, and the Temple of the Earth.

He knew in his heart that as long as he grows faster and faster, the pace of the pursuit of these two major forces will also be faster and faster, and once this happens, the entire Mochizuki Bay will inevitably be in chaos.

At that time, how could the Great Sun Dynasty have the heart to deal with him?

It's a pity that in such chaos, his current strength is not enough to dominate one side, at least he must unite the Dao.

Fortunately, because of the fusion of time fragments in the Water God Temple, the flow of time is getting faster and faster. In a short period of time, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he is only a thin line away from the legendary nine realms, and he can break through at any time.

It is not far from the true cohesion of the Dao. In general, he is not afraid of the Daoist who is similar to the Tianwu War King.

And the nine mountains and eight seas have their own barriers, so he is full of confidence.

With his current strength, even if he loses, he is enough to protect himself.

Boom! !

However, at this moment, a muffled thunder came from nine days away. The thunder was not loud, but it was very penetrating, as if it spread throughout the entire Shenmo Mountain in an instant.

Countless strong men all looked up at the void, their faces pale, as if they were all aware of something.

Fang Yi did the same, his pupils shrank, and a flash of horror flashed by.

"It's the barrier of God and Demon Mountain, could it be..."

The next moment, he disappeared out of thin air with a single movement.

At the same time, countless powerhouses in the entire Shenmo Mountain moved after hearing the news and went straight to the sky.

There, a huge crack is tearing the space apart, as if it will split open at any moment.

"Not good! The barrier of God Demon Mountain is about to collapse." Someone exclaimed, and countless strong men came from all directions, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The barrier between the two worlds is the natural protection of the two worlds. Once it breaks, it will expose the entire Shenmo Mountain to the outside. Not only that, but the Shenmo Mountain will also become extremely unstable. Once there is a war, the consequences will be unimaginable. Now...


(End of this chapter)

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