Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3160 Godly Battle King

Chapter 3160 Godly Battle King


The golden-armored general's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a look of horror and disbelief flashed inside.

As for Yun Zhonglong and Lin Zhonghu, who were originally in the center of the black hole, their eyes brightened, as if they had been saved, because that figure was none other than Wu Chi.

At this moment, he came slowly, stepped out step by step, and was in the black hole, like strolling in a garden, giving people an incomparable feeling.

"it's him!!"

Tian Zhan's expression also changed at this moment, unlike the golden armored general, he had already seen Wu Chi's domineering, and when he met again at this moment, he immediately felt as if he was facing a big enemy, his face was full of fear.

Fortunately, he knew that there was strong support behind him, otherwise he didn't know what it would be like.

"It's you!"

Hearing the words, the general in golden armor had murderous intent in his eyes, and his whole body was agitated by it, like an erupting volcano.

"Good job! This seat has long wanted to experience the body of the legendary Valkyrie, take your life!!"

Just hearing him shout loudly, a terrifying aura erupted immediately.

Boom! !

The huge black hole was also shaking, as if it was going to burst completely and destroy everything.

However, Wu Chi's eyes sank slightly, and a mysterious force of rules suddenly surged from his body, sweeping all directions in an instant, and the terrifying black hole containing endless energy seemed to be frozen in an instant, becoming It was extremely slow, as if it lacked some kind of explosive power.

In the end, it dissipated a little bit.

"how is this possible?"

The golden-armored general's eyes were full of disbelief, and he was full of confidence in his own strength.

As long as it is not in the Great Realm, he is confident that he will have the strength to fight, especially such an ultimate move that has accumulated a huge amount of energy, it is impossible to be easily resolved.

But the fact is that it is so unbelievable, that terrifying energy seems to be invisible in the opponent's hands.

"This is absolutely impossible, die!!"

The golden-armored general roared, and the terrifying energy in his body didn't hold back at all, and poured straight towards Wu Chi.

However, no matter how majestic this energy is, it can't shake Wu Chi, he is like a great emperor walking in the void, sacred and inviolable.

Boom! !

With a wave of his hand, there were ripples in the air, followed by a loud noise.

Accompanied by this, the huge space also fell, pieces collapsed, as if the doomsday had arrived.


The next moment, a loud noise followed, and the huge body of the golden-armored general blasted out like a shell fired, a splash of bright red splashed, dyeing the sky red.

What? ?Knocked out? ?

The people below are all staring at the moment, as if they have seen a ghost, especially the mighty army, the gold-armored generals, they are all clear, but in front of them...

In contrast, the Tianwu army is much calmer, because it is not the first time for many of them to see Wu Chi's dominance, and among them, Tian Zhan is the most familiar, because he has fought against Wu Chi before. , I can't help trembling every time I think of it.

Not to mention seeing him now, his entire face has become extremely pale.


Blood gushed from the mouth of the golden-armored general, and his eyes were wide open, filled with blood red, full of fear and anger.

Perhaps he never dreamed that with his own strength, he would not be able to take a blow from Wu Chi, and even he hadn't even experienced the opponent's body of a Wu Chi.

Ridiculous, he even clamored to suppress the opponent on the spot, but...

"No! It's impossible for you to be so strong, absolutely impossible!!" The golden-armored general gritted his teeth with his mouth full of blood, as if he was about to come towards Wu Chi again.

However, Wu Chi didn't even bother to look at him, his indifferent eyes swept towards somewhere in the void, as if he had discovered something, his face gradually sank, and his eyes became more and more fierce.

"Damn it!" The golden-armored general was ignored, his heart was full of anger, and he was about to explode.

Just at this moment, a cold voice came.

"Isn't it shameful enough?"

The voice was indifferent, high above, revealing an unquestionable tone.

Hearing this sound, the golden-armored general, who was extremely angry, suddenly acted like a deflated balloon. He didn't dare to do anything else again, and turned towards the source of the sound, pretending to be respectful.

Just like him, Tian Zhan is also the same, his face is full of joy.

Because both of them knew who the person was, that was the Godly King of War, one of the four Great War Kings of the Great Sun Dynasty, a true Dao Realm powerhouse.

Boom! !

Nine days of wind and cloud surges, muffled thunder, a terrifying breath seems to fall from the nine days, above all living beings, giving people an incomparable feeling.

Everyone present was completely out of breath.

Rao is a martial idiot, at this moment the pupils seem to shrink into a slit, and the energy in the whole body is surging, as if it is about to explode at any time.

And at the end of his line of sight, amidst the sound of rolling thunder, a faint figure slowly stepped out.

That figure was a middle-aged man, very majestic, with a stern face, and his cold eyes were like poisonous snakes. Let him look at him, and he couldn't help feeling cold all over his body, as if falling into an abyss.

"Very good! There is such a method in the Ninth Legendary Realm, and my defeat in the previous battle of the Great Sun Dynasty is not injustice."

Needless to say, the middle-aged man is the Godly King of War.

At this moment, he is staring at Wu Chi with a gloomy expression, with a gaze overlooking all sentient beings.

"It's the Godly King of War. Unexpectedly, the Great Sun Dynasty actually dispatched the King of Godly King. How can we fight this battle? The Crescent Moon Territory is completely over now."

"Who says it's not the case? A strong Daoist actually went out in person. This is simply..."

The strong people in the Great Dao Realm have always been Wangyuewan, no, not only Wangyuewan, but also the peak of Shenmoshan, and even the entire Three Realms. Now, even going out in person, how can this battle be fought?

Everything is meant to be over.

At least, in the eyes of many people, this is the case, the army of the Great Sun Dynasty, the army of the New Moon, and even the crowd of onlookers hiding from afar.

Also, the Mingyue Pavilion hidden in the dark.

Lan Lingyue was the leader of this group of people, her pretty face was pale, her teeth were clenched, but she didn't know what to say.

"Unexpected! The Great Sun Dynasty really thinks highly of the New Moon Collar, and they don't hesitate to dispatch the Godly King of War to personally lead the army. This is to completely erase the Crescent Collar!"

Behind Lan Lingyue, someone clicked his tongue, full of disbelief.

"Who says no! This is still a duel between the soldiers, what about the New Moon Lord Star? What will it look like? Which strong men were sent by the Great Sun Dynasty to deal with the New Moon Lord?..." Everyone was full of doubts, and there was still some confusion. A trace of yearning, want to see what happens.

Lan Lingyue's body couldn't help trembling, and her face became even paler.

And at this time, above the sky, the auras of the two extremely powerful men were already on the verge of erupting.

It's on the verge!


(End of this chapter)

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