Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3162 Palace 9

Chapter 3162

kill kill kill! !

The shouts of killing and killing were overwhelming, and the army of the Great Sun Dynasty swept across, leaving no armor behind.

The New Moon army retreated steadily, and it seemed that it was already in danger.

As for Wu Chi above the sky, he is also suppressed by the mighty King of War. It is not surprising that there is a world of difference in cultivation between the two. The so-called first-order and first-heavy, as tyrannical as Wu Chi, being able to barely deal with it is already extremely remarkable If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have already been defeated.

The crowd watching from a distance couldn't help shaking their heads secretly, showing regret, because everything was over in their view.

Crescent Leader's defeat is set.

Strictly speaking, the defeat of the New Moon Territory has long been doomed. From the day of hostility with the Great Sun Dynasty, everything has been irreversible.

The crowd felt a little sorry.

Lan Lingyue in the dark also gritted her teeth, looking a little aggrieved.

In the past, she also hoped to use the crescent collar to deal with the Great Sun Dynasty, and reached a cooperative relationship with Fang Yi, but the result...

Her pavilion master just gave up the crescent collar, which made her somewhat guilty and helpless.

But unfortunately, faced with the instructions of the master of the Mingyue Pavilion, she naturally did not dare to disobey, and could only watch this scene helplessly, watching the Xinyue army retreat steadily.


On the other side, the Lord of the New Moon, the sound of thunder fell from the nine heavens, resounding in all directions.

Countless people on the huge planet were all startled, staring blankly at the void, full of fear.


The corner of Dark Moon Sage's mouth twitched playfully, with a hint of excitement, and continued: "Young Master Fang, don't forget about our cooperation, Gong Jiu will be handed over to me, as for the others, it's up to you."

As the Dark Moon Sage said, he stepped on his feet, and ripples immediately centered on him and scattered in all directions.

An invisible coercion also enveloped the four directions.

Everything around him seems to be under his control, as if he is the king of this world, sacred and inviolable.

So strong! !

A look of horror flashed across Fang Yi's eyes. With just this aura, he could be sure that the Dark Moon Sage King must be far superior to the Tianwu War King.

In fact, this is not surprising. Since the Dark Moon Sage dared to make a guarantee and stopped Gong Jiu, and he also bluntly said that Gong Jiu is the ultimate powerhouse at the second level of the Dao, then thinking about it, he himself is not far behind, and he must have reached Avenue double.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi replied, "Master An Yue is so forthright, I will naturally not let you down."

Boom! !

Above the nine heavens, the sound of thunder was even louder, as if the heaven and earth had just opened.

Immediately afterwards, a presumptuous and majestic voice followed. The voice sounded far away, but it couldn't suppress the overwhelming anger in its tone.

It resounded throughout the entire world like thunder, echoing on the huge planet.

"Arrogant child, hurry up and die!!"

Hearing this voice, the faces of the crowd on the huge planet changed drastically, because it was not the first time they heard this voice, they had heard it last time, but in the end, the owner of the voice was defeated.

This time, the master of the voice made a comeback again, and naturally he would not be unprepared.

And the owner of the voice, needless to say, is the Tianwu War King.


Amidst the sound of thunder, a voice of astonishment also came, and the next moment, several figures also appeared.

Tianwu Zhanwang was naturally among them. At this moment, his eyes were like torches, as if two raging flames were burning, and he looked straight at Fang Yi, like a hungry wolf.

And in front of him, there is a man in green robe. The man in green robe is thin and pale, giving people a gloomy feeling, especially his pair of pupils, which are cold and faint, as if they are connected to the abyss of hell generally.

Just one glance at him sent chills down the spine and shivering all over the body.

The previous sound of surprise came from him.

And he is the existence of the Great Sun Dynasty second only to the Great Sun Emperor, the supreme powerhouse of the second level of majesty, Gong Jiu.

At this moment, he was staring at the Dark Moon Sage with incomparably cold eyes.

Obviously, he has already noticed the extraordinaryness of the Dark Moon Sage Monarch, unlike the Tianwu War King, Fang Yi is the only one in his blood-red eyes, and he seems to wish to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

Especially thinking of the shame that Fang Yi brought to him last time, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Master Gong, it's this kid! My Great Sun Dynasty has suffered a secret loss at the hands of this kid several times, and we must not let him leave alive today."

Tianwu Zhanwang gritted his teeth, wishing he could immediately suppress Fang Yi on the spot.

If it wasn't for being unsure, he might have already made a move.

However, Gong Jiu did not reply, and still stared at the Dark Moon Sage coldly, saying: "No wonder a little crescent leader dares to be so rampant. It turns out that there is such a backer, the Dark Moon Sacred Lord, why? You secretly Does Yuelou also want to meddle in these affairs?"

What?Dark Moon Sage? ?

Behind Gong Jiu, the faces of all the powerhouses of the Great Sun Dynasty changed drastically upon hearing the words.

Who is the Dark Moon Sage?That's the first seat of the Dark Moon Tower. The Dark Moon Tower has always focused on assassination. As the first seat of the Dark Moon Tower, one can imagine its strength?

How can everyone not be surprised?

However, the affairs of the Dark Moon Building doomed the Dark Moon Sage to keep a low profile and seldom appear in front of others.

It is impossible for ordinary people to know him, even the King of Heavenly Martial Arts. Hearing the identity of the Dark Moon Sage, his complexion can't help but change drastically.

Not only because of the strength of Dark Moon Sage Monarch, but also because of the relationship between the two.

Who would have thought that the two would be linked together?

"Backer?" Dark Moon Sage smiled, then shook his head, and said, "Master Gong Jiu was joking, the Crescent Moon Leader doesn't need me as a backer, but Mr. Fang announced the A task, the reward happens to be of some interest to me, so I came here."

"Oh, really?"

When Gong Jiu heard the words, doubts flashed in his cold eyes, he paused, and then asked, "What kind of mission is that?"

He couldn't help feeling a little curious about Sage Dark Moon's denial.

Moreover, whether it is the Dark Moon Sage or the Dark Moon Building, it is best not to offend, especially at this juncture.

It's a pity that this is out of his control, and the Dark Moon Sage continued: "The task is very simple, that is to stop Master Gong Jiu, as long as Master Gong Jiu does not make a move, I will keep it and never make a move, how about it?"

The dark moon sage's expression of solicitation made Gong Jiu's face suddenly turn cold, and he became paler.

"So, Master Dark Moon must intervene?"

Gong Jiu no longer tried to persuade her, and her tone became more and more harsh, like a blade of ice.

"You can't say that. The Dark Moon Tower has always been innocent. Since you have accepted the task, you can't give up halfway. Does Master Gong Jiu think so?"

Dark Moon Sage asked back, and the playful look at the corner of his mouth became more intense.

His eyes also became extremely sharp.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the battle was imminent.


(End of this chapter)

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