Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3164 Don't even try to escape

Chapter 3164 Don't even try to escape

tear it up!

The space was torn, divided into two, leaving a long crack.

The crack stretched all the way to the sky, and passed over the body of a heaven and earth messenger, and the body of the heaven and earth messenger was also divided into two, with a terrified and dazed look on his face.

Obviously, he didn't understand what was going on until his death.

Where did that sword come from, and why is it so powerful.

His frozen expression was slowly frozen under the shadow of the sword, and finally, it turned into a little bit of fly ash and disappeared invisible.


A generation of Liuhe envoys, the majestic and legendary Nine Realm top powerhouses, died completely and silently like this, without leaving any traces, and was instantly killed by a sword.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe it.

Yet it is so.

Tianwu Zhanwang and the remaining five Liuhe envoys were all stunned on the spot at the moment, one by one, like stone carvings, their faces and eyes were full of disbelief and horror.

Maybe they never dreamed that everything would start like this.

At this moment, the world also seemed extraordinarily silent, deathly silent.

"Bastard, you..."

The Tianwu Zhanwang couldn't rest in anger, his whole body seemed to burst into flames, and his whole body was like a cannonball that was about to explode completely.

But, it's a pity, before he could react first, the radiant sword had already slashed at another heavenly envoy again. The terrifying power seemed to be able to tear everything apart. Under the edge of the sword, a large area of ​​space collapsed, like the end , What a terrifying sight.

The Liuhe envoy was still immersed in the shock of his companion being instantly killed by Fang Yi, and he seemed to be stunned.

Fortunately, his strength is also extraordinary. He felt the sword and reacted instantly.

His complexion also changed greatly.

But it's a pity that no matter how fast his reaction was, it was still not as fast as that bright sword shadow. Fortunately, the Tianwu War King was prepared.

After all, he is a strong man in the Dao realm, and Fang Yi beheaded a person before, which already made him feel extremely humiliated.

Facing this sword shadow at this moment, his pupils shrank sharply, his figure was like lightning, and the terrifying divine power poured towards that sword shadow like a flood.

Whoa! !

Everything in the world seemed to have been washed clean, and everything, under this terrifying divine power, was vulnerable to a single blow, and burst apart one after another, like pieces of paper.

However, except for that bright sword shadow.

If that terrifying divine power is like a rushing tsunami, then that resplendent sword shadow is like a huge dragon that overwhelms the river, riding the wind and breaking the waves.

what? ?

Seeing this scene, the face of Tianwu Zhanwang couldn't help changing dramatically.

Compared to the last time, the radiant sword shadow was even stronger, but it didn't make him feel invincible. But this time, facing that sword shadow, he felt extremely dangerous, even Some fear.

This is absolutely unbearable for a strong Daoist, and what's more, his opponent is still a Legendary.

brush! !

The sword shadow fell, and everything was cut, and the terrifying divine power was torn apart.

Of course, Jian Ying also suffered great resistance, and the speed of falling became much slower.

This kind of slowness is naturally indistinguishable with the naked eye, it is only a fraction of a millimeter, but for a strong man like this, a centimetre is already the difference between life and death.

The Liuhe envoy reacted instantly, and retreated violently.

Unfortunately, he was still half a step too late, and the bright sword shadow passed over his left shoulder. Suddenly, half of his body turned into a cloud of blood mist and dissipated between the sky and the earth, as if being eaten by a giant beast.

Ahh! !

A shrill scream followed, heart-piercing.

And below, on the huge planet, the crowd also woke up from a dream at this moment, and everyone was shocked from ear to ear.

Because everything happened so fast, within an instant, before the crowd even realized what was going on, where did these people come from, and why did they come, as a result, one died and the other was injured.

The bloody scene left them completely stunned.

Man said that they are ordinary people, even the other envoys from heaven and earth are still in a state of confusion at the moment.

Before he could react at all, his own body was already dead and injured.

Such a tragic consequence was probably something they never imagined in their dreams. Fang Yi's decisive and domineering actions completely exceeded their expectations.

It also made them at this moment, one by one, all face extremely pale.

The eyes looking at Fang Yi were completely different, full of fear and anger.

"You!! Bastard, today you will definitely die!!"

The Tianwu Zhanwang shouted like thunder, like a huge beast that had completely run amok, the terrifying aura spewed out from his body, no longer pretending to hold back, it rushed towards Fang Yi.

"What are you doing in a daze! Why don't you kill this kid yet?"

Hearing this, the heaven and earth envoys finally came to their senses, and they didn't dare to be careless anymore. They all burst into breath, gritted their teeth, and rushed towards Fang Yi.

Immediately, Fang Yi was completely surrounded, and he was attacked from both sides.

The terrifying attack poured towards Fang Yi like a violent storm, and the surrounding space instantly fell into chaos, and Fang Yi was in this chaos, surrounded by terrifying power.

As tyrannical as Fang Yi, he couldn't help but change his expression slightly at this moment, only feeling that the pressure had increased tremendously.

Fortunately, his body skills are so good, the way of water escapes the world, and his physical body is unparalleled, ordinary attacks have no great effect on him at all.

Just kidding, his physical body has been tempered by the fire of chaos and fused with the energy of chaos.

Even compared to the general Dao artifact, it is only strong but not weak.

The envoys of Liuhe finally realized this at this moment, and they looked at each other, seeing the deep shock in each other's eyes.

Perhaps it wasn't until this moment that they finally realized why Tianwu Zhanwang, as a powerful man in the Dao realm, paid so much attention to and feared the person in front of him.

It turned out that the person in front of them really had the power to make them afraid.

Do not!It is a strength that makes anyone afraid.

"Bastard! Let me die!!"

The anger of Tianwu Zhanwang turned into a dragon of rules, and devoured towards Fang Yi.

The avenue of rules evolves, vowing to trap Fang Yi in it.

But Fang Yi is obviously not stupid. If he is only the King of Heavenly Martial Arts, he will naturally not be afraid of relying on the Immortal Trapping Sword, so why not fight head-on?

However, there are still four Liuhe Envoys right now, and the strength of the four cannot be underestimated. It is obviously not a wise move to head-on. The best way is to defeat them one by one.

And to defeat them one by one, the remaining four heavenly envoys are undoubtedly the best targets. As for the Tianwu War King, there is no need to be in a hurry.

Therefore, with a thought in his mind, he disappeared into the same place out of thin air, and an indifferent and sarcastic voice sounded, "Death? You are the ones who are going to die today, so don't even try to escape!"


(End of this chapter)

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