Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3183 Defeat

Chapter 3183 Defeat

kill! !

There was a sound of killing and shouting at the scene, full of blood and blood, just like the battlefield of Shura.

The black-armored man's aura was overwhelming, he was as majestic as a prison, and he had the demeanor of a peerless war god. Fortunately, the middle-aged man in the black robe was not weak.

In fact, the Palace of Gods and Demons has been able to dominate the Gods and Demons Mountain for so many years. Its strength is obviously not as simple as imagined, at least it is not something that Gu Qianqiu can catch up in a short time. The way of time and the sword of gods and demons, otherwise, even if Gu Qianqiu has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to compete with the temple of gods and demons.

The reason why such a situation can be formed is because of this.

Gu Qianqiu was able to grow rapidly because of the attachment of some strong men who believed in the King of Time and the forces that were hostile to the Temple of Gods and Demons.

Thus, he has the qualifications to challenge the Temple of Gods and Demons a little bit.

Of course, it was just such a qualification. In the real face of the Temple of Gods and Demons, Gu Qianqiu could avoid it as much as he could.

For example, this time, when he learned that the Temple of Gods and Demons was going to invade Wangyue Bay on a large scale, Gu Qianqiu ordered people to ambush near here and break them down one by one.

No matter whether it is successful or not, it can somewhat disintegrate the strength of some temples of gods and demons.

If Mochizuki Bay is working harder, then...

"Huh! A bunch of trash, dare to show off their power in front of this lady, go to hell!" The masked girl is high above, riding on the giant red bird, as cold as frost.

Boo! !

When the words fell, the giant red bird let out a loud cry, tearing through the sky like a sharp sword, which was extremely ear-piercing.

At the same time, a fiery red light shot out from its mouth, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, tearing apart everything, and the space collapsed wherever it passed. Those armies of gods and demons are indeed powerful, but they can be compared with that giant red bird , undoubtedly far worse.

Immediately, there was a shrill sound, and there were countless casualties, and most of them had no bones left.

jittery! !

The red giant bird succeeded in one blow, its huge wings shook violently, the surroundings were shaken by wind and rain, and endless space storms raged, engulfing an unparalleled aura into the battlefield.

And the giant red bird is like the messenger of the god of death. Wherever it passes, there is only endless death and despair.

The masked girl stood tall on it, overlooking everything, with a look of contempt on her mouth, like a peerless fairy who surpassed all living beings. In her eyes, the living beings in front of her were like ants. I can't help feeling cold all over my body.

"Bastard! You are looking for death!!"

The man in black armor was furious. As a member of the God and Demon Palace, how long ago did he suffer this humiliation?

Usually, no matter where he goes, no one treats him respectfully.

But now, a subordinate who is a rising star, and a so-called junior whose background is unknown to the new moon princess, have caused him such a big loss, how can he not be angry?

You know, the former army of gods and demons was a terrifying existence.

Who dares to provoke?

"Don't be ashamed, do you really think that the current Temple of Gods and Demons is still the Temple of Gods and Demons it used to be? Your Majesty was born out of nowhere, and the end of your Gods and Demons Palace has come. If you don't let go, I can give you a good time. If not, today you will be let If you save your life, you will surely die next time without a place to bury you."

The middle-aged man in black robe shouted like thunder.

For this ambush, he had already made sufficient preparations, not to mention [-]% sure, but [-]% sure.

Now that the two masked girls have joined, this confidence has been improved a lot.

The only thing that made him uncertain was the man in black armor. The two were of equal strength. Although he was sure of defeating this army of gods and demons, he was not sure of defeating the man in black armor.

Of course, there is no need to be like this, as long as the opponent is held back and the army of gods and demons is severely damaged, it will naturally be a success.

"Presumptuous! Something that does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, the Temple of Gods and Demons will always be the existence you need to look up to, die!!"

The black-armored man was furious, and the terrifying aura all over his body could not be concealed, and he rushed out with all his strength.

The energy engulfed like a mountain torrent, ravaging the world, causing the faces of the middle-aged man in black robe and his subordinates to change drastically. Obviously, this terrifying energy was somewhat beyond their expectations, and they subconsciously back off.

Only the middle-aged man in black robe gritted his teeth and rushed forward with all his might.

But looking at the situation, the middle-aged man in black robe is faintly inferior to the man in black armor, and it is conceivable that the man in black armor completely ran away.

Slowly gained the upper hand.

"My lord, be careful!!" Behind the black-robed middle-aged man, all the attendants were extremely nervous, but they couldn't intervene in such a battle.

"It's boring!"

However, when everyone was extremely nervous, Chi Pin was sitting on the back of the giant red bird in the army of gods and demons, and the masked girl couldn't help sighing softly, looking a little bored.

Afterwards, she pinched five fingers, and a white snow lotus bloomed instantly from her fingertips.

The icy air also diffused, and with her as the center, the whole world seemed to have turned into a kingdom of ice and snow.

Everything in the space seemed to have come to a standstill, becoming extremely slow.

Even the actions of the man in black armor and the middle-aged man in black robe are the same.

how is this possible? ?

Both of them obviously noticed this change, their pupils changed greatly, and they looked at the masked girl in disbelief, their faces full of horror.

It's no wonder that the masked girl gave them the impression that they were at the fifth level of legend at most, but with this attack, even they who were at the eighth level of legend could not move, which made them not surprised, but how dare they believe it.

" is it possible for you, what method did you use??"

The pupils of the man in black armor were full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

But the masked girl just showed a contemptuous expression, she didn't bother to pay attention to the other party at all, and waved her hand casually.

Immediately, an invisible cold wind blew across the sky, and everyone here couldn't help shivering. The middle-aged man in the black robe suddenly realized that the ice covering his body disappeared, and his actions returned to normal.

But the man in black armor is still the same.

good chance! !

The eyes of the middle-aged man in the black robe brightened, why didn't he understand the meaning of the masked girl, and immediately attacked the black armored man with a figure like lightning.

"You!!" The black-armored man wanted to tear the masked girl into pieces one moment ago, but realized something was wrong the next moment. He was still restrained, but the other party had already lifted the restraint. There was no way to hit him again, and his expression changed drastically.

"You group of ants, if you dare to be an enemy of our Temple of Gods and Demons, it will definitely kill you without a place to bury you."


The man in black armor roared and made a decisive decision.

He also had some courage, knowing that he was invincible, he retreated immediately, but unfortunately, under the cover of ice and snow, how easy is it to retreat?

Not to mention those ordinary soldiers, even he felt that it was difficult to move forward, especially under the bombardment of the black-robed middle-aged man, he had already suffered repeated injuries.

The defeat seemed irreversible.


(End of this chapter)

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