Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3186

Chapter 3186

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In the silent nothingness, a thunderbolt suddenly flashed across, tearing apart the sky.

Immediately afterwards, dense thunderstorms fell from the nine heavens, turning the entire emptiness into a pool of thunder, and anything caught in it would be doomed forever.

"What a sea of ​​thunder!"

The black-robed middle-aged 'Wang An' smacked his mouth, his face showing a trace of horror, and the followers behind him were all shocked, their eyes full of jealousy and fear.

As for the masked girl, she had a resentful and playful look on her face.

The giant red bird didn't dare to be negligent, and carefully reminded: "Miss, this thunderstorm area is extremely dangerous, so don't set foot in it lightly."

Seemingly seeing the curiosity in the eyes of the masked girl, the giant red bird was afraid that the former would not know the danger, and would rush into it rashly.

Hearing this, Wang An subconsciously glanced at the two of them with a hint of doubt.

Since the other party claims to be the Princess of the New Moon, how can she not understand the danger of this sea of ​​thunder?Could it be that she is a young lady who has never seen the world before?

Sneaked out?

That's it!

Wang An shook his head, and didn't bother to pay attention to it. As long as everyone has the same goal, the rest will be ignored for the time being.

"Girl, Moon Gorge is ahead, and there are more and more armies of gods and demons around here. I believe that they will soon gather at Moon Gorge, and a big battle is inevitable."

"I just don't know, what can be done in Mochizuki Bay?"

Wang An probed.

"There is no need to make a fuss about a mere army of gods and demons. Wangyue Gorge has already been fortified by forces of all sizes in Wangyue Bay. It is as solid as gold. Even if the army of gods and demons has the power to reach the sky, they will never want to step into it." The masked girl said carelessly, completely inappropriate. thing.

These words undoubtedly made Wang An frown.

How powerful the army of gods and demons is, but no one knows better than him. Now, a so-called princess of a small power in Wangyue Bay is shouting, completely ignoring the army of gods and demons, which makes him a little speechless.

At the same time, there is also some contempt in my heart.

However, he didn't bother to care about it, he just sneered in his heart, because he didn't care about the life and death of the forces in Mochizuki Bay.

What he cares about is taking advantage of this opportunity to severely injure the Temple of Gods and Demons, that's all.

"That's good!"

Wang An smiled perfunctorily, and the group continued on their way.

"My lord, there is news from the front that the army of gods and demons has gathered. I believe that it will not take two days to launch a full-scale attack on Wangyue Gorge."

A group of people came to a hidden spot, and a soldier quickly greeted them, bowing and reporting.

Apparently, this is the meeting point that Wang An had planned in advance, as well as the spies sent out to inquire about the news.

"Oh! What about our people?" Wang An's pupils shrank, and a cold light shot out.

"Returning to my lord, our people are also coming to this area. However, it is inevitable that the Temple of Gods and Demons will notice it, so it has been delayed a lot. I believe it will arrive in two or three days." The soldier replied quickly.

"So good!"

Wang An nodded, "Let them fight Moon Moon Bay first, and then we will launch a sudden attack and attack Moon Moon Bay before and after. We must wipe them all out."

Wang An's eyes were dark and stern, as if he had turned into a Shura.


The soldier quickly took orders, and then withdrew.

On the other side, the masked girl is also looking into the distance. In the direction of Moon-watching Gorge, the red giant bird is the same, flapping its huge wings, saying: "Miss, Moon-watching Gorge is right in front of you, do you want to go and see it?"

When the masked girl heard the words, a flash of emotion flashed in her bright eyes.

But then, he shook his head again and said, "Don't worry, wouldn't it be more interesting to follow these people and attack the army of gods and demons back and forth?"

The giant red bird nodded subconsciously, as if it also felt that way.

"By the way! Is there any news about the New Moon collar? Is he also in Wangyue Gorge?"

The masked girl asked again.

"This! Miss Hui, there is news, but neither he nor Crescent Leader seems to have moved, and they haven't rushed to Wangyue Gorge." The red giant bird replied, with a trace of doubt on his face.


The masked girl was obviously surprised and disappointed.

"Miss, don't worry, when we arrive at Moon Bay, we will naturally see him." The giant red bird seemed to have seen something, and said hastily.

"En!" The masked girl nodded, but didn't say anything more.


Wangyue Gorge is said to be a gorge, but in fact it is vast and boundless. However, only the most central area is the safest. There are hidden thunderstorms on both sides, which will fall from time to time. If you are not careful, you may be torn apart. live.

For those powerful warriors, the interest is not hindered, but for the army, it is obviously impassable.

Therefore, this central area is particularly important.

Lan Lingyue is patrolling at the moment, even though this area is guarded by a large formation set up by Mingyue Pavilion, any creature that wants to pass through it will be noticed.

But at this critical moment, she was still worried.

Moreover, the army of gods and demons is about to arrive, not to mention her, the entire Mochizuki Bay is in an extremely tense atmosphere.

"Master Lan, is the army of gods and demons really that powerful? Can we block their attack this time?"

Behind Lan Lingyue, a soldier couldn't help asking.

Obviously, there are some newcomers here, those who have never been out of Moon Bay, have limited understanding of the army of gods and demons, and the rumors about the army of gods and demons during this period have already made them look like snakes.

Lan Lingyue's eyes darkened, and she glanced at that person. Although she was extremely worried, she still scolded: "Hmph! What kind of army of gods and demons, if it is so powerful, how can I, Wangyue Bay, last until today?"

"There is no need to make a fuss, they are not much different from the Great Sun Dynasty, at most they are stronger, but this time, we have united the entire Mochizuki Bay, what are we afraid of?"

Lan Lingyue looked quite proud.

Hearing this, the soldiers felt a lot less timid in their hearts, but...

"But, the people from the New Moon Territory and the Great Sun Dynasty didn't come, they..." Someone continued to ask, with a suspicious face.

This! !

Lan Lingyue couldn't help but choked, she understood the Great Sun Dynasty, because the Great Sun Dynasty was probably related to the Temple of Gods and Demons, and asking them to come would not cause trouble for herself.

But for the crescent collar, she didn't understand.

"That's enough. You don't need to ask about these matters. The pavilion master has his own arrangements. But behind us, Wangyue Gorge entered a certain area of ​​Wangyue Bay. Didn't it fall into the hands of the Great Sun Dynasty a long time ago?"

There was worry in Lan Lingyue's eyes.

"Yes!" A soldier replied, "Master Lan is worried that the Great Sun Dynasty will take the opportunity to attack and cooperate with the Palace of Gods and Demons?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's expressions could not help but change, because if this was the case, it would definitely be a disaster for Wangyue Gorge and even the entire Wangyue Bay.

And, it seems inevitable.


(End of this chapter)

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