Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3193 Promise

Chapter 3193 Promise

It's no wonder that soul-type rules are extremely rare, especially those with repairing effects.

But at this moment, the warm feeling made the two feel very comfortable as if they were bathed in the sun. Obviously, this is a rule of the soul, and it has an extremely difficult repairing effect. The two couldn't help but look at Fang Yi's eyes were completely different.

"How is it possible, you... who are you?"

The Holy Armor King pointed at Fang Yi, a little speechless.

The fairy war king is similar.

However, Fang Yi did not answer the two, and the golden light around him gradually faded away. At the same time, his indifferent voice sounded again in the sea of ​​consciousness between the two.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I may remove the imprint in your soul, it depends on whether you dare to try."

If Fang Yi said this before, the two scoffed.

But now, feeling the incomparably comfortable feeling that their souls are bathed in the sunlight, the two couldn't help but glance at each other, and there was actually some eagerness to move in the depths of their eyes.

Just kidding, who doesn't want to be free?

Who wants to hold their own life in the hands of others?

It's just a last resort.

If there is such an opportunity, the two will naturally not miss it, but, does the other party really have such ability?You must know that the one who planted the imprint in their souls was the Great Sun Emperor, the myriad gods and demons of the Temple of Gods and Demons. Once they are noticed by the other party, what awaits them may be doomed.

Of course, it's not like they didn't try this way, and the Emperor of the Sun would not kill them easily. After all, 'puppets' like them are not so easy to find.

If it is really noticed, at most it will be another torment for the soul.

But for the sake of freedom, there is no harm in taking another risk.

Afraid to be afraid...

"Are you really sure?" The Fairy Battle King was obviously moved and couldn't help asking.

"No!" Fang Yi denied, "Before I check again, I dare not say that I am sure. Moreover, it is not that simple to remove the soul brand. Even if you are sure, accidents may happen. It depends on your cooperation .”

"If you really want to try it, you must absolutely trust me, even if I tell you to die, you must do so without hesitation, otherwise..."

Having said that, Fang Yi stopped, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The King of the Second World War couldn't help but glanced at each other, seeing a hint of hesitation in each other's eyes.

It is not easy to eliminate the soul brand. As two powerful people, they naturally don't understand that it is equivalent to completely handing over their souls to each other.

Life is also in the other party's thought, if you have any conflicts or other things, it is very easy to make mistakes.

And once this is the case, not to mention the damage to the soul, the Emperor of the Great Sun will definitely notice it. At that time, it is inevitable that all previous efforts will be wasted. One bad thing is the disappearance of life and death.

Taking a step back, even if he succeeds, his soul may be controlled by others again, but the object has changed, Fang Yi.

This is undoubtedly a difficult choice for the two of them.

If it was changed to the past, I am afraid that the two of them would not even think about it. Since they are also controlled by others, why not control a stronger person instead of being controlled by a legendary warrior? Isn't this superfluous?

But now it's different, Wangyuewan saw a catastrophe approaching, but the two became accomplices.

This is unacceptable to them anyway.

But their souls are restrained, forcing them to do this again, so...

"Are you really confident? Why do you want to do this?" The Holy Armor King looked a little complicated, looking straight at Fang Yi with his eyes, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yi.

However, Fang Yi remained indifferent as before, still acting like a normal person.

"Why? Naturally, it's for Wangyuewan, but also for you. The dignified masters of the Dao realm have become the puppets of the gods and demons. Once the news spreads, how can those ordinary masters of Wangyuewan have the confidence to resist the temple of gods and demons? "

Fang Yi realized that this sentence was not lying to the two of them, but the truth.

Once the outside world spreads that two of the four kings of the Great Sun Dynasty were controlled by the Temple of Gods and Demons, then the morale of Mochizuki Bay will be greatly affected.

Now that he has settled down in Mochiyue Bay, no matter from which aspect, Fang Yi does not want to see the Temple of Gods and Demons grow bigger here.

and so……

"It sounds good. I see that you want to take the opportunity to control me, right? You probably have the same virtue as the Great Sun Emperor." The fairy war king finally said what he was most worried about, that is, Fang Yi In the name of eliminating the brand, he re-planted his own brand in the souls of the two.

Because in the process of elimination, the two must absolutely trust Fang Yi and hand over everything to Fang Yi. If Fang Yi really does this, they have no ability to resist at all.

And this is their biggest concern.

"Heh! Then it depends on whether you are willing to take a gamble, and bet on whether I will do this."

Fang Yi smiled, but did not answer directly.

Because in the depths of his heart, there was such an impulse. After all, those were two Dao realms. Once he really controlled them in his own hands, it would be a huge blow to both him and the New Moon Territory. promote.

Of course, that kind of thought was just a flash. Although he had the urge, he didn't do it.

If he wants to do it, he will do it openly, instead of taking advantage of others' danger.

The two warlords looked at each other again, and they were obviously a little tangled. This was indeed a difficult decision for them.

"Even if we believe you, dare to ask, how can you hide from the perception of the Emperor of the Great Sun?" The Holy Armor King still has some doubts. The Japanese emperor noticed.

At that time, the other party only needs one thought, and all previous efforts will be wasted, so...

"You don't need to worry about this. Since I said you can try it, you can naturally isolate the perception of the Great Sun Emperor. Otherwise, how can you eliminate the brand?"

"It depends on whether you dare to bet!"

Fang Yi said lightly.

yes!To eliminate the branding, the most important thing is to isolate the perception of the Great Sun Emperor. However, it is almost impossible to isolate ordinary things from the perception of the soul, but it just so happens that Fang Yi owns the Water Temple, which is enough to isolate any perception.

If you add the Sleepy Sky Sword Formation, it will be a double guarantee, so naturally it is no problem.

"Okay! We bet!!"

The two war kings looked at each other, then at Sage Lord Dark Moon, and finally made up their minds.

As for whether to be subject to Fang Yi again, they can't care so much anymore. Even so, at least, Fang Yi will not let them attack Wangyue Bay, so their protection for so many years is not in vain, and they don't have to be cast aside by future generations .

"The two of us promise you that as long as you successfully remove the soul brand for the two of us, then, from now on, the two of us will sit in the new moon collar for you."

The fairy war king expressed his favor.

This is not a prevarication, because once this happens, the Great Sun Dynasty will basically disintegrate, and it is logical to join the New Moon Territory.

Of course, this is all for later, and everything depends on whether Fang Yi can really remove the brand of the two.


(End of this chapter)

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