Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3198 Can't keep it?

Chapter 3198 Can't keep it?

The huge scene also completely fell into a sluggish state.

The crowd was at a loss, as if they were in a dream.

The same goes for Shenwei Battle King, obviously at a loss, pointing at Dark Moon Sage Monarch and his party, unable to speak, ""

"What are you, God Mighty Battle King, you are not a god and demon, do you still want to help the evildoers?"

The Holy Armor King scolded angrily, as if he was about to make a move.

The Dark Moon Sage also spoke at this time, "Moon Moon Bay can give you another chance to break away from the Great Sun Dynasty from now on, and all the forces in Moon Moon Bay can let the past go, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Sage Dark Moon didn't continue, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"And you."

Afterwards, the dark moon sage swept towards the crowd again, "You are all part of Wangyue Bay, and you actually sacrificed your life for the emperor of the day and besieged Wangyue gorge. There is no distinction between right and wrong. If you abandon the dark and turn to the light at this moment, I promise that everything will be fine." Don't blame the past, otherwise, we will definitely clean up the door."

Dark Moon Sage's voice was cold, with an unquestionable tone, like a king visiting the world.

"Brothers, don't be fooled by the Great Sun Emperor anymore. He is a complete god and demon, and he is lurking in Mochizuki Bay for today."

At this moment, the fairy war king also hurriedly tried to persuade him.

Undoubtedly, he felt more empathy for what happened to these people, because he was one of them.

Of course, these ordinary soldiers have not been imprinted with their souls. With their strength, they obviously don't have the qualifications. They just obey orders.

In fact, many of them didn't know what the purpose of this trip was, and they probably thought it was to protect Wangyue Gorge.

"My lord, we don't believe that the Emperor of Japan is a god and demon clan, we just obey orders, and now..."

The crowd was obviously a little flustered, and everything in front of them was undoubtedly a little sudden to them.

Although the rumors that the Great Sun Emperor is a god-and-demon clan have been circulated a few days ago, the rumors are rumors after all, and malicious slander may not be impossible, so everyone did not take it to heart.

But at this moment, when the two war kings came forward to correct them, everything would naturally become different.

"You two lords, we are both members of Mochizuki Bay. Now that the Great Sun Dynasty is in chaos, we are willing to follow the two lords and fight against the gods and demons to the end."

These ordinary soldiers had originally obeyed the orders of several war kings. In such a situation, how could they not be in a hurry to show their loyalty, one by one, quickly bowed down.

"very good!"

The Holy Armor Warlord paused, glanced at Fang Yi subconsciously, and said: "This time, the two of us depended on the help of the New Moon Lord to get rid of the control of the Great Sun Emperor, and the New Moon Leader is also the bright moon." Court's favor, to resist the gods and demons with all our strength, so the two of us decided to join the New Moon Territory."

"Whoever is willing to follow, from now on, I will join the two of us and Lord Fang to fight against the gods and demons."

As soon as these words came out, not only the crowd, but even Fang Yi were shocked.

He didn't expect that if the kings of the two wars kept their promises so much, it would be fine to keep their promises, and just now they had just drawn a clear line with the Emperor Dayi, so...

Is it too fast?Aren't you afraid that these ordinary soldiers will resist?

In fact, this is what Fang Yi took for granted. You must know that the Holy Armor King and the Fairy King are the two kings of the Great Sun Dynasty, which shocked the three armies.

Usually in the Great Sun Dynasty, they are all unambiguous characters. Although the Great Sun Emperor has planted a brand in their souls, he will not interfere with them too much. After all, they are all powerful people. One is not good. If you really go all out, the kings of the two wars will fall, and the emperor of the day will not be worth the loss.

Moreover, since he is the King of War, he naturally has to fulfill his duty as a King of War.

The prestige of the Four War Kings in the Great Sun Dynasty is only that of the Great Sun Emperor. It is not a word to deter these ordinary soldiers, so why worry about their resistance.

What's more, where the righteousness lies, Mochizuki Bay is the home of everyone, there is no doubt about it.

"We are willing to follow the two lords and Lord Fang, and fight to the death against the gods and demons." Everyone shouted in unison, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Fang Yi looked at all this, although he was a little excited inside, he didn't react too much on the surface, but Lin Zhonghu was different, he seemed to be jumping up with joy, he couldn't help it.

It's no wonder that there are so many powerful people joining in at once, especially the two warlords, the power of the New Moon Territory undoubtedly skyrocketed instantly.

After this incident, it will inevitably become the number one force in Mochizuki Bay.

As the first batch of servants of the dragon, he was naturally extremely excited.

Dark Moon Sage Monarch's eyes flickered slightly at this moment, obviously a little surprised, but he didn't say anything, instead he looked at Fang Yi playfully, showing a strong curiosity.

"Mr. Fang is really extraordinary. He can even remove the soul imprint of Myriad Illusory Gods and Demons. It's really impressive."

Fang Yi knew the sea, and the voice of the dark moon sage suddenly sounded.

Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback by these words, and subconsciously blurted out: "Do you know the existence of soul branding?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing at himself, Mingyue Pavilion has ruled Wangyue Bay for so many years, how could he not even know about this, let alone, there is also a Dark Moon Tower whose origin is unknown.

Even if they didn't know it before, before the gods and demons invaded, these great masters would definitely be found by Pavilion Master Mingyue.

Perhaps, the Holy Armor Warlord and the Fairy Warlord have already told everything, but they just couldn't remove the brand without alarming the Emperor of the Sun, so...

as predicted!

Only the voice of the Dark Moon Sage continued to sound, "Naturally, could it be possible, Mr. Fang, do you think that I am so conceited that I can stop the Great Sun Dynasty with just one person?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Yi looked at him suspiciously.

"It's very simple, because the kings of the two wars have long decided to betray the Great Sun Dynasty and no longer help the tyrants, and this Lord is responsible for collecting their energy as much as possible, helping them to be reborn as soon as possible, and to reach the peak in the morning."

what? ?

Are the two kings ready to die?

Right!If they die like this, they can't help but become the legends of Mochizuki Bay, and they will surely get the strong support of Mingyue Pavilion to regain their peak as soon as possible.

On the contrary, even if they live on, they will be stigmatized for thousands of years and become the sinners of Mochizuki Bay, moreover, they will always be reduced to the puppet of the Great Sun Emperor.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the two war kings chose the former.

However, I am afraid that no one would have thought that he would remove the soul brand for the two war kings, making everything smoother, and the two war kings would not have to re-cultivate or die.

"Okay! I will leave everything here to you. As for Wangyue Gorge, if you are interested, you can also go and see it. However, Shou can't hold it anymore. As for the two of them, let them conquer the Great Sun Dynasty as soon as possible. Come on! Don't waste your time here."

The two people mentioned by the Dark Moon Sage are naturally referring to the two war kings.

In the end, he took a deep look at Fang Yi, and then drifted away.

What's the meaning?Can't keep it? ?

Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces livid.


(End of this chapter)

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