Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3214 Order

Chapter 3214 Order

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A shocking thunder fell, directly tore the space, leaving a huge gap, which was extremely frightening.

The masked girl was obviously unprepared, she jumped in fright, her face was pale, and her teeth were chattering.

"This... this is too terrifying. The thunder here is more terrifying than the thunder field of the Nine Heavens. If it goes deeper, isn't it..." The masked girl looked at Fang Yi tentatively, with a hint of fear in her eyes. .

After all, she is a greenhouse flower that has not experienced many storms.

Although I have heard a lot of rumors, it is obvious that there are not many people who have actually been there.

Naturally, the Ice Queen would not put her daughter in such a dangerous situation, so her reaction was normal.

"What? Are you scared? If I remember correctly, this place has just entered the interior of the Sea of ​​Thunder, far from the core area."


When the masked girl heard this, a hint of fear flickered in her bright eyes.

However, there was still an expression of reluctance to admit defeat on his face, and he said: "It's just a sea of ​​thunder, this girl has even penetrated into the endless chaos, how can she care about this..."

While the masked girl was talking, her gaze kept wandering, obviously she was always paying attention to the changes around her.

Especially when she saw that the army of gods and demons in front suffered more and more heavy losses, and sometimes someone was chopped to pieces, her delicate body couldn't help trembling.

What a sea of ​​Lei Ze! !

Fang Yi was also extremely shocked at the moment. In the past, he had only heard of the danger of the Thunder Sea, but he had never experienced it in detail.

Now, being on the scene, he just realized that this is indeed the most dangerous of the three major dangers. In comparison, the Abyss of Oblivion may not be considered a dangerous place at all, but it is just a little weird.

But here, there are dense thunderstorms everywhere, like a vast thunder pool, anyone who steps into it will face the danger of life at any time.

Even Fang Yi didn't dare to be careless and was on guard.

Always pay attention to the changes in the void, because no one knows where the domineering thunder will fall from in the next moment.

"Everyone, be careful, the thunder here is extremely weird. It has changed from ordinary white to light blue. The damage is astonishing and irresistible!!"

Among the army of gods and demons, a tall man in golden armor shouted.

He was obviously the leader of this group of people, with a majestic aura and awe-inspiring power, which made Fang Yi dare not be careless, and followed him from a distance, for fear of being noticed by the other party.

And from the known information, this person should be one of the powerhouses who accompanied the Myriad Illusory Gods and Demons this time. This time the army was second only to the existence of the Myriad Illusory Gods and Demons.

It is precisely because of this that he was sent to the Sea of ​​Thunder.

At this moment, thunder was densely covered in his pupils, wantonly sweeping away the pool of thunder. Compared with others, he seemed completely unaffected by those thunders.

Just kidding, he controls the two ways of Leisha. Although these thunderbolts are a bit weird, they can't hurt him.

However, he seemed to be a little afraid of the light blue thunder in front of him.

"The blue thunder is the thunder of judgment!!"

When the masked girl saw these light blue thunders, she also blurted out, her eyes filled with unbelievable light.

Thunder of Judgment?

Compared with her astonishment, Fang Yi looked puzzled. He knew a little about Lei Ting, and his comprehension was not too deep. He only had a little contact with the previous Fenglei Sword Art. However, Fenglei's previous choice He has long been abandoned by him.

There is no way, the power of rules he has comprehended is too much, so...

The difference between the various thunderbolts is even more blurred.

Seeing the fuss of the masked girl at this moment, he couldn't help asking: "What is the thunder of judgment? How is this different from the white thunder before?"


The masked girl seemed a little surprised, she was very disdainful of Fang Yi's ignorance, but she still said: "Strictly speaking, the so-called Thunder of Judgment is no longer the Way of Thunder, but the combination of the Way of Thunder and the Way of Judgment."

"The six top laws are judgment, space, time, life and death, cause and effect, and reincarnation. Since the law of trial is one of the six top laws, if it can be related to it, the power of the thunder of judgment can be imagined."

what! !

Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised by these words. He naturally knew the six top laws, and he had already learned about them in the first bite of the Emperor Sword.

It's just that he has never touched the way of judgment, so...

Wait, the Way of Judgment?Judgment Sword?In the era of chaos and the age of gods and demons, both Shimo and the King of Time have faced that sword. Could it be that he is the way of judgment?But if Thunder is not mistaken, it is because it is purple.

Sure enough, the girl in the mask continued to say: "To be more precise, the light blue thunder is not considered the thunder of judgment, it's just a process of advancement."

"The way of thunder and the way of judgment are originally one, and thunder represents judgment, but what ordinary warriors understand is the way of ordinary thunder. It will turn into purple, and achieve the real thunder of judgment, the way of judgment."

"Of course, in the endless years of the Three Realms, I haven't heard of anyone who has completely controlled the way of judgment."

"Because no one can control the sword of judgment. It is said that the way of judgment cannot be controlled, just like the three supreme laws."

The masked girl was boastful and she obviously knew a lot. She even knew about the Sword of Judgment and the three supreme laws. Even Fang Yi didn't know this.

He only knows one of the three supreme laws, which represents the law of destiny on the side of the underworld.

As for the ones that represent the fairy world and the spirit world, they don't know anything about it.

"Why is the way of judgment uncontrollable? It is said??" Fang Yi asked cautiously.

Seeing this, the masked girl looked smug, but she still said: "Then let's start with the Three Realms and the Three Supreme Laws. The Three Realms of Immortals, Mortals, and Spirits, and the Immortal Realm are also known as the realm of rules. The rules of the entire Three Realms, the so-called no rules can not be square, just imagine, without the three thousand rules, how chaotic the Three Realms would be?"

"However, it is not enough just to have three thousand ways, but they must operate independently without interfering with each other, and they must be combined with each other. This requires an order, the order of the three realms, the order of the universe, and the operation of all things. Everything needs order, and it represents The supreme law of the Immortal Realm is the law of order, and it is also the basis for maintaining the operation of the Three Realms, the Three Thousand Ways, and order is respected."

"If there is order, there will naturally be things that do not operate in order, so there will be judgment. All factors that do not follow the order will be judged by the way of judgment. Obviously, the way of judgment is controlled by the law of order. The two are one , and the law of order is the will of heaven and earth, the will of the three realms, not affected by any living beings, but the will of the three realms itself, so it is said that the law of judgment cannot be controlled."


(End of this chapter)

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