Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3220 Provocation

Chapter 3220 Provocation

Boom! !

The surrounding space was the first to crack, unable to bear the terrifying energy at all, falling off one after another like shattered glass.

The two domineering figures stood in it like two gods, unshakable.

Compared with the calmness of the army of gods and demons, those snake people are obviously much more nervous. Fang Yi's appearance is extremely sudden, regardless of his strength for the time being. , they came together.

The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend, probably so.

As for what Fang Yi's purpose is, whether it will threaten the snake man, it is not in their consideration at all.

In fact, if it was the past, any cultivator who dared to step into the core area of ​​the Thunder Sea would be the target of their attacks.

But today is different from the past, the situation is compelling, and they can only use Fang Yi's strength to regain a little bit of the situation.

However, they naturally knew nothing about Fang Yi's strength.

Facing such domineering generals of gods and demons at this moment, they are naturally extremely nervous, because Fang Yi's defeat is closely related to them, even their lives, and the future of the snake-human race, how can they not be nervous.

As for the army of gods and demons, their morale is like a rainbow, as if they are full of confidence in the middle-aged general.

In fact, Fang Yi also paid attention to his opponent at the moment.

Just kidding, he followed all the way. Naturally, he would not be unaware of these outstanding generals in the army of gods and demons, and the middle-aged general in front of him would definitely be able to be photographed.

He is also one of the few powerful Daoists in the army of gods and demons in front of him, and he is even the best among them.

It's not difficult to see from his domineering expression at the moment, as if he didn't take Fang Yi seriously.

You know, in the battle of Wangyue Gorge, Fang Yi used the Immortal Trapping Sword to kill a Daoist. Although that Daoist had just broken through and his strength was limited, it was not something that could be killed by just one person.

Even a powerful Daoist would not dare to make such a guarantee.

In fact, the reason why Fang Yi succeeded was more of a surprise, and the domineering of the Trapping Immortal Sword was beyond the opponent's expectations, otherwise, the battle situation is still unknown.

And the middle-aged general in front of him, after witnessing everything back then, still dared not to take Fang Yi seriously, which shows his strength.

It must be extraordinary.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that Fang Yi's cultivation base has given him points. After all, he is only at the Ninth Legendary Realm, and there is still some distance from the Great Dao Realm.

Although he beheaded the Daoist that day, in the eyes of the middle-aged general, this may have been just an accident, because his companion underestimated the enemy, or the scene was too chaotic at the beginning, Fang Yi succeeded by chance.

"Watching the Moon Bay is a mere area. It is vulnerable to my army of gods and demons. It is just a defeated general. How dare you find it? You are looking for death."

"Today, I will see where you can escape!"

The middle-aged general shouted loudly, and the terrifying aura around him became more and more violent, and divine power swarmed out of him like a tide.

It can be seen that although he said it lightly, he didn't dare to be careless. After all, Fang Yi can destroy the existence of the Dao Realm. Maybe this is not necessarily the strength of the opponent, but it is already a great achievement to be able to do this. A kind of proof, at least the sharpness of the sword exuded, so that he did not dare to be careless.

Boom! !

In an instant, the two domineering attacks collided violently, the heavens and the earth were shattered, and the void disappeared.

Thousands of miles away, they were all shrouded in violent air waves, like a huge black hole, wantonly devouring everything in the world, extremely horrified.

Some warriors who were close were instantly involved, and before they could even howl, they were turned into countless fragments, and their flesh and blood flew all over the place.

What a majestic picture.

The crowd was completely stunned, one by one, like stone sculptures, watching this scene in astonishment, looking at the huge black hole that was violent and capable of destroying everything, completely at a loss.

The same goes for the masked girl, her small face was slightly pale, and she was holding her palms tightly. She no longer had the cynical look she had before, but only had a tense expression on her face, and her heart seemed to be in her throat.

If you get closer, you can even hear her muttering, "No! He is so good, he will be fine."

And those snake people are naturally similar, looking at the void with piercing eyes.

Until, from the huge black hole, a domineering figure slowly stepped out. He was white-haired and blue-robed, and he was not angry and majestic, like a peerless emperor who surpassed all living beings, looking down upon the world.


Seeing this scene, the nervous expression of the masked girl instantly turned into excitement and excitement, with a hint of pride.

The eyes of those snake people were also bright, revealing a fiery light.

In contrast, the army of gods and demons looked unbelievable. Perhaps they never dreamed that Fang Yi would be the first to step out of the black hole intact.

But they couldn't help but believe it. The next moment, the black hole dissipated, and another figure reappeared in everyone's sight. The difference was that the figure's face was pale, the corners of its eyes twitched, its whole body couldn't help trembling slightly, and the corners of its mouth were even more A faint trace of blood overflowed, it was so shocking.

how is this possible?lost? ?

Seeing this scene, the army of gods and demons was stunned, as if they had seen a ghost.

Because in their eyes, Fang Yi is just a legendary warrior of the Nine Realms. Although he is very powerful, he is naturally not worth mentioning compared to the powerful Daoist.

Especially for middle-aged generals, they even delivered food, but the fact... undoubtedly subverted their cognition and made them feel like a dream.

In fact, not to mention them, even the middle-aged general himself, at the moment, was dazed deep in his eyes, as if he couldn't figure out why he was the one who lost, and how could that brilliant sword light cut off his attack?How could a legendary warrior of the Nine Realms defeat him?

"No! This is absolutely impossible? This is the legendary Ninth Realm, it can't be so strong!"

"Give me my life!!"

The middle-aged general bared his lips, obviously unable to accept the facts before him, and completely ran away like a berserk behemoth.

Wherever they passed, the space burst and collapsed in an instant.

The faces of the surrounding crowd suddenly changed with fright, and they retreated hastily.

However, Fang Yi naturally dismissed it, and sarcastically said: "It's up to you? What's the point of gathering another Dao? Waste will always be waste. It's not that I am strong, but that you are too useless to be vulnerable."

This contemptuous and sarcastic remark undoubtedly made the middle-aged general Lei Ting furious, and his teeth were gritted.

As a powerful Daoist, how had he ever been humiliated like this?But today...

The anger in his chest suddenly erupted like a volcano.

"Bastard! Don't be presumptuous, I'm going to tear you to pieces today and die for me!!"


(End of this chapter)

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