Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3225 Pangu Clan

Chapter 3225 Pangu Clan

Fang Yi had a dream, a long dream.

In the dream, he felt that he was in an endless thunderstorm, and those thunderstorms rushed into his body unscrupulously, every inch of skin made him feel as if he was going to burst completely.

Not only the body, but also the soul is suffering, tempered in the endless thunder.

Just like that, after an unknown period of time, he felt as if some kind of change had taken place in his body, and his blood boiled.

Faintly, he saw a huge Sky Hammer, and an incomparably huge Thunder Dragon, that Thunder Dragon was much bigger than the two Thunder Dragons he had encountered before, and the terrifying thunder covered his body densely. Finally, The Thunder Dragon roared and came straight towards him.

He was shocked in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but opened sharply.

Click! !

Two terrifying thunderbolts shot out from his eyes immediately, tearing apart the space, exuding an aura of destruction.

"you're awake!"

At the same time, a heavy voice rang in his ear.

Fang Yi looked sharply, and saw that the speaker was suddenly the former leader of the snake people.

The leader of the snake man was wearing a golden robe, but he was dragging a snake tail covered with black scales. The snake tail was thick and swayed from side to side, and the leader of the snake man moved quickly towards Fang Yi.

Seeing this, Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and a hint of anger emerged.

Before, the snake man wanted to kill him without asking indiscriminately. Now, seeing the leader of the snake man again, how could he not be angry.

"Sir, please calm down, this is a misunderstanding, please listen to me in detail."

The leader of the snake man obviously also saw the anger in Fang Yi's heart, and said quickly.


Fang Yi sneered, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, but he was not in a hurry to make a move. It doesn't matter to listen to what the other party has to say first.

Moreover, he wanted to understand everything in the previous dream, as well as the Thunder Avenue and Sky Hammer, because he had a faint feeling that the changes that happened to him were definitely not accidental.

yes!The moment he just woke up, he had already checked his condition. Every inch of skin in his body was filled with terrifying thunder power. Even his soul was the same. Not only that, even his blood seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation. , but for a while he couldn't figure out what had changed.

But there is no doubt that the changes are huge, and even his cultivation has reached the peak of the legendary nine realms.

Condensed avenues, perhaps in the near future.

"My lord, have you ever heard of the Pangu clan?" The leader of the snake people paused, but still asked quickly.

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, thinking that sure enough, he was right, these snake people were really related to the Pangu clan.

"I've heard of some."

Immediately, Fang Yi nodded, and tentatively said: "Look at your appearance, what's the matter? Could it be that you are the Pangu clan, or have something to do with the Pangu clan?"


Unexpectedly, the leader of the snake people shook his head, then looked at Fang Yi with a very strange look, and said slowly: "We are not from the Pangu clan, but if there is any relationship, there is indeed a little bit, but it is the son. They are the real Pangu clan."


As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi was undoubtedly taken aback.

Are you a Pangu clan?Just because of Fuxi and Nuwa?Is that too childish?If this is the case, isn't the entire Nine Provinces human race all Pangu clan?

Didn't it mean that it was extremely difficult for the top ten god races in ancient times to reproduce?If he is a Pangu tribe, then what is the Kyushu people?

Fang Yi smiled contemptuously, and then asked back: "Is this joke too big, Your Excellency? The legendary Pangu tribe has the body of the Great Dao, the head of a man and the body of a snake, and lives in Lei Ze. They are born with endless supernatural powers, and this Lord... ..."

Fang Yi was about to get rid of the relationship, although because of the relationship between Fuxi and Nuwa, he was a little curious about the Pangu tribe.

However, if it is said that he has any sense of identity with the Pangu Clan, it obviously does not exist.

Although the Pangu tribe is mysterious and powerful, it is not enough for him to rush to cling to it.

"Young master is right!"

The leader of the snake people did not refute, but then changed the subject and said: "However, that was the Pangu clan in the past. I believe you have heard that it is extremely difficult for the top ten god clans in ancient times to reproduce, because they are born with great strength and hardly reproduce. Ability, and the order of the Three Realms, any living being will be wiped out one day, even if it achieves true immortality, it will be inevitable in the Three Realms catastrophe."

"Therefore, the top ten god races in ancient times are all looking for ways to reproduce and want to continue forever."

"Most of them failed. In desperation, some strong people chose to seal themselves and sleep in the long river of time."

"As far as I know, among the top ten god clans in ancient times, only the undead royal clan succeeded. However, their success was not due to finding any method, but because of their own characteristics. Tao, so they can go on and on.”

"However, their continuation also needs to pay a price, that is, before the catastrophe of the Three Realms comes, all the divine power, including memory, will be dissipated, and the self will be sealed."

"Wait until the future, slowly awakening."

This! !

Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard this, and he couldn't help but think of the Immortal Corpse King. He was also one of the top ten ancient gods?Could it be possible that the Longevity Coffin and Wujiang Outer Coffin were the places where he sealed himself?

But, why did he go to the world where Kyushu is located?

Along the way, people from all over the world are almost completely unaware of that world, and it seems to be a lost world.

But there are very few people who know it, and each of them is extremely powerful, such as the blood demon ancestor, or perhaps the Styx ancestor, for example, the ice queen and the immortal king.

All of these were existences that once stood at the top of the Three Realms.

What is so strange about that world, and why is it so special?

At one time, Fang Yi thought that the world he was in was just an inconspicuous place to the whole Three Realms, but along the way, he suddenly discovered that that world was so different.

"The same goes for the Pangu clan. They are also looking for a way to reproduce, hoping to continue."

The snake leader continued.

"However, like other ancient protoss, they all ended in failure. However, they did not give up and tried all kinds of possibilities. For this reason, they traveled all over the three worlds and created many races, and the snake-human race is just one of them."

When the leader of the snake people said this, his voice seemed a little lonely.

When Fang Yi heard this, his expression couldn't help being stunned. Is this the relationship between the Snake Human Race and the Pangu Race?Were they created by the Pangu tribe in imitation of themselves?

and many more! !

What about the Kyushu people?Could it be that Fuxi and Nuwa created it for the continuation of the Pangu clan?


(End of this chapter)

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