Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3229 Snatch

Chapter 3229 Snatch

"It's coming so fast!"

Fang Yi turned his head to look outside the light hole, and then looked at the black spot again. He couldn't help stepping on the Thor's Hammer.

It's just a pity that the power of thunder around Thor's Hammer became extremely violent, like a wanton turbulent current, even Fang Yi had to muster up his spirit and move forward carefully, like walking on thin ice.

Even so, Fang Yi was still struck by lightning from time to time, as if being cut by a sharp sword, leaving a series of hideous cuts.

Blood flowed out of it, staining Fang Yi's clothes red, making him look like a blood man.

Extremely embarrassed! !

Fortunately, his physical body is so strong, the terrifying thunder can only leave some mouths on him, and because of his amazing resilience, he can be repaired soon.

If this were replaced by other legendary warriors, there would be no possibility of survival.

Just kidding, those terrifying thunder powers are no fun.

Not to mention Legendary Realm warriors, even powerful Dao Realm warriors would find it difficult to move even an inch once they stepped into it. The Snake People Tribe have been trying to collect this sky thunder for countless years, but they all failed in the end. There is a reason for this.

The terrifying power of thunder around Thor's Hammer is one of the biggest reasons.

Countless strong people of the snake people lost their lives because of this.

At this moment, Fang Yi only felt that it was difficult to move. The terrifying and dense thunder force made him unable to find a foothold, so he could only resist with his body.

However, such resistance is obviously not the answer. If the distance is shorter, there may be hope. However, although Thor's Hammer seems to be right in front of him, no one is sure how far there is between them.

Because every time Fang Yi took a step, he could feel the increase in the power of thunder.

Obviously, the closer you get to Thor's Hammer, the more violent and terrifying the power of thunder will be. Whether you can support Thor's Hammer at home, at this moment, even Fang Yi is not sure.

The only thing he can do is to take one step at a time and make a difficult step towards Thor's Hammer.

Boom! !

However, amidst Fang Yi's firm steps, outside the light hole, the sounds of killing and fighting became more and more loud, and they were getting closer, as if they were approaching here.

Obviously, the army of gods and demons noticed this strange light hole, and they would definitely not let it go.

Or, knowing that the Snake People were invincible, they had no choice but to retreat into the light hole.

And this is obviously not good news for Fang Yi, because Thor's Hammer has not yet been obtained. Once the army of gods and demons really approaches, then it will be even more difficult to collect Thor's Hammer.

After thinking this through, Fang Yi gritted his teeth, and his breath rose accordingly.

The firm steps did not waver at all, and they went resolutely.


"That is?"

Outside the light hole, the masked girl looked at the fiercely fighting crowd in front of her from a distance, and that strange light hole, her eyes were full of strange light.

The same is true for the giant red bird, staring at the blood-red eyes like lanterns, full of doubts and consternation, "It's so weird that the power of thunder has twisted into a ball and turned into a magical light hole. It's unimaginable."

The giant red bird exclaimed in admiration. Obviously, this light hole was far beyond his expectations.

At the same time, it also made him extremely afraid, and his eyes were full of jealous light.

"This is the base camp of the snake people? Could it be that they live in that light hole?" The masked girl looked surprised, as if she had discovered some new continent.

But soon, she seemed to realize the purpose of her trip again, put away the curiosity in her eyes, looked around, and murmured: "Why didn't you see him? Isn't he here? Or has he entered the light hole?" ?”

At this moment, the army of gods and demons and the snake-human race around the light cave are in a mess.

The Snake Race was obviously invincible, retreating steadily, and suffered heavy casualties.

And those injured all fled towards the light hole, on the contrary, the army of gods and demons surrounded them from all directions, pressing every step of the way.

Especially the leading Leisha god and demon, their eyes brightened when they saw this light hole.

"Everyone, work harder and rush in. This is the base camp of the snake-human race. There must be a lot of good treasures in it, kill it!!!"

Among the army of gods and demons, whoever was shouting loudly, suddenly, the army of gods and demons, which was already extremely powerful, swarmed towards the light hole like a pack of wolves and hungry tigers.

"Miss, this hole of light doesn't seem to have a large range, if you go deep into it rashly, I'm afraid..."

The giant red bird was afraid that the masked girl might not know how powerful she was, so she quickly reminded her to try to dispel the idea of ​​the masked girl.

But unfortunately, the masked girl was not moved at all. Instead, she gave the giant red bird a contemptuous look and said, "Coward, I know you are afraid of death, but I didn't expect you to be so afraid of death. If you want to go or not, this lady must go see it." Look."

"The origin of this snake-human race is not simple, and this light hole is even more weird. There may be some treasures inside."

The words of the masked girl were obviously tinged with temptation.

The giant red bird's eyes lit up slightly, but that was all, and soon dimmed. After all, no matter how good the baby is, it must be enjoyed with life.

Under such circumstances, it is superfluous to talk about any treasures, and it would be nice to be able to save one's life.

However, my young lady is determined, no matter how much he refuses, it will be in vain.

When the masked girl snorted softly and rushed towards the light hole, he had no choice but to follow.

Fortunately, the army of gods and demons only cared about the snake-human race and broke into the light hole to find out. They didn't pay any attention to the masked girl and the giant red bird behind them.

Coupled with the power of the violent thunder in the light hole, it also played a considerable role in disturbing the two, and finally let the two of them cross the sea and slowly penetrate into it.

Boom! !

Step by step, the sound of fierce fighting became more and more loud, and the giant red bird was frightened.

On the contrary, the masked girl was calmer, and her eyes were fixed on the depths. She didn't care much about the thunder around her. Of course, all of this was due to the frost covering her body, which made it impossible for the thunder to get close.

And she only needs to focus on finding things that interest her.

"Look! What is that? A huge sky hammer??"

At this time, an exclamation came from nowhere, and a huge sky hammer appeared in the sight in the distance.

The whole body of the hammer was pitch black, and it was engraved with obscure inscriptions, giving people a feeling like an abyss. It was the hammer of Thor. It turned out that the army of gods and demons had already penetrated into the light hole.

Thor's hammer is far away.

When the masked girl heard the words, her bright eyes could not help but brighten up, revealing a look of surprise, but soon, she saw a figure closest to Thor's Hammer, that figure with white hair and blue robe, extremely tall and straight, as if standing between the sky and the earth a pillar of heaven.

However, at this moment, the figure's blue robe was already stained with blood, and it looked extremely embarrassed.

The pace also became extremely slow, like a toddler, as if he would fall down at any time.

Seeing this, the face of the masked girl couldn't help but darken, showing a hint of worry.


(End of this chapter)

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