Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3231 Mutation

Chapter 3231 Mutation

However, Fang Yi didn't see much change on his face, and he didn't show the slightest fear from the beginning to the end.

If there is one thing to say, it is disgust.

Not bad!

Seeing Thor's Hammer is close in front of him, Fang Yi is naturally disgusted by such a horizontal attack by the God of Thunder, but what is helpless is that the God of Thunder is so powerful, Fang Yi is far from being an opponent, so he can only pin his hopes on Thunder God on the hammer.

But the current situation seems to be out of his control.

His pupils shrank, the long sword in his hand slashed suddenly, and a unparalleled cyan sword light burst out, tearing everything apart.

The surrounding space is like paper paste, and it bursts instantly.

Even Lei Sha Shenmo's terrifying palm froze, as if it was resisted by the blue sword light.

But soon, the giant palm of fear fell again. Although the speed was much slower, it was still extremely firm.

And the surrounding space also exploded at this time, as if the sky was turned upside down.

Boom! !

The sound of thunder continued, as if countless bombs had been thrown into the entire space, and the roaring air waves wantonly destroyed everything around.

Even those terrifying thunderbolts were wiped out inch by inch under the fierce impact of these two domineering attacks.

The surrounding area instantly turned into nothingness, as if returning to chaos.

And Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help but change. In comparison, his strength is undoubtedly weaker than Leisha God Demon. Under the giant palm of fear, if he is struck by lightning, his whole body is like a broken wire The kite flew out like a kite.

Not only that, but with one blow from Lei Sha God Demon, he wished to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

The ferocious look at the corner of his mouth was like a ghost from hell. Before Fang Yi could react, he stepped on his foot, and terrifying energy erupted from his body again.

Seeing it, he was determined to kill Fang Yi and not give Fang Yi a chance.

"Be careful!!"

The masked girl's pretty face was pale, and she seemed to be falling into an abyss, shouting loudly.

She even wanted to rush out, but unfortunately, not to mention that she didn't have that kind of strength, even if she did, it was too late at this moment.

The leader of the Snake Man was similar. He was full of hope, but now his face was ashen. He stretched out his hand to grab Fang Yi's direction, but finally stopped because he also didn't have that strength.

Otherwise, there would be no today at all.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to be hit by Thunder God again, it was different from the last time, Fang Yi was able to fight back last time.

But this time, Fang Yi had just been knocked into the air, and his figure had not yet stabilized, so how could he resist this blow?

The current situation can be described as critical.

Even Fang Yi's face became a little ugly. Although he has a strong physical body, casual attacks will not have much effect on him, but it is obviously not a solution in the long run. Wouldn't he become a sandbag?

This is absolutely unbearable for him.

Just as he was clenching his teeth and preparing to fight with all his strength, suddenly, the Thor's Hammer trembled slightly.

At the same time, a faint ripple also rippled out.

In the surrounding space, the previously annihilated thunder powers also recovered in an instant, even stronger than before. Countless thunder strikes and interweave everything, cutting the whole world into pieces.

Even the attack of Thunder God and Demon was no exception, and it disappeared in an instant.

"what happened??"

The crowd obviously didn't expect this scene, their eyes widened in disbelief.

The same is true for the masked girl, but in comparison, there is more of a sense of relief, and besides that, there is also a deep curiosity about that Thor's hammer.

On the other hand, Thunder God and Demon shrank their pupils suddenly, full of disbelief, but soon, those disbeliefs turned into fanaticism, fanaticism and greed for Thor's Hammer, "Thor's Hammer! It really deserves to be Thor's Hammer!" The Hammer, an ancient innate artifact, contains inexhaustible power of law."


The Lei Sha God Demon laughed wildly, his eyes straightened, full of excitement, as if Thor's Hammer was already in his pocket.

It's no wonder that he is the strongest present and has mastered the way of thunder. Who else is more qualified than him to obtain Thor's Hammer?

Even Fang Yi didn't dare to make such a promise.

Moreover, he still doesn't know anything about the sudden change of Thor's Hammer, let alone other things.

Buzz! !

Thunder Hammer continued to vibrate, getting stronger and stronger, as if it had been completely enraged by being violated. In the terrifying thunder, Fang Yi could clearly sense a surge of anger.

Inviolable anger is like a king condescending and ignoring the common people.

At the same time, the terrifying power of thunder in the surrounding area became more and more intense, like a torrential rain, one thicker than the other, more terrifying than the other, slashing down the sky, wantonly destroying everything in the world, and at an extremely fast speed, towards the surrounding Spread away.

Some warriors who are not strong enough to dodge in time will turn into fly ash in an instant, not even slag left.

"Run away!!"

Seeing this terrifying scene, the crowd was already terrified and fled in panic one by one.

Even Lei Sha's expression changed drastically, because of the dense thunder, even he felt a lot of pressure.

You know, he is a strong man who controls the two ways of thunder, especially the way of thunder. At this moment, he feels great pressure under the thunder, which is absolutely incredible.

Even if he is like this, if this is replaced by other powerhouses of the same level, I'm afraid it will be even worse, and he may not even be able to get close, so it can be imagined.

As for Fang Yi, even though he was in the midst of those thunderstorms at the moment, he didn't feel too much pressure. Instead, he felt an extremely cordial and familiar feeling.

That feeling is the same as before, but more and more mysterious, like an old friend who has not seen for a long time, and like an inheritance from the blood, it is unclear.

But one thing is certain, the power of those thunder seems to be immune to him, unable to hurt him in the slightest.

This is undoubtedly good news for Fang Yi.

Therefore, he looked at the Thor's Hammer again, and stepped forward step by step, heavy and firm.

"How is it possible! are not affected in the slightest? This is absolutely impossible!!" Leisha God Demon undoubtedly noticed this scene, and his face became extremely ugly in an instant. Sha Liang Dao, the overbearing power of these thunders, naturally no one knows better than him.

Even if he can't get close, Fang Yi is not affected in the slightest. How dare he believe this, and how can he accept it?

The wide-open pupils seemed to have seen a ghost.

It's just a pity, no matter how much he didn't believe it, Fang Yi was already close to Thor's Hammer. The next moment, a giant palm directly grabbed Thor's Hammer.


(End of this chapter)

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