Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3342 Snake people?

Chapter 3342 Snake people?

Finally done!

Sensing the situation in his body, Fang Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With the Temple of Water and the Temple of Wood, as well as the acceleration of time inside, it has to be said that any injuries were not worth mentioning to Fang Yi. It didn't take long for him to recover as before, and even improved to a higher level.

The divine power in the body has almost reached a certain limit.

Looking at the situation in his body, Fang Yi couldn't help but start thinking about what he should do next.

There are nine levels of avenues, and every time one avenue is condensed, one can break through the first level.

Now, he only condenses the way of water, although relying on the water temple and his own comprehension of the way of water, he can exert great strength.

But as long as the second avenue is not condensed for a day, it will be impossible to break through the second level, and the divine power will be limited.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to start choosing the second road.

Fang Yi comprehends a lot of power of rules. In addition to the way of water, he has dabbled in the way of fire, the way of strength, the way of space, the way of destruction, the way of eternity, the way of rebirth, etc.

Among them, the way of destruction and the way of rebirth should be the strongest, and the time to comprehend is the longest.

The second is the way of space and the way of strength.

The Dao of Space is known as the easiest to get started among the three thousand avenues, but the most profound and strongest, and it is also one of the six top laws. It is impossible to condense the Dao of Space.

Not to mention him, in the entire history of the Three Realms, he has never heard of it.

You must know that space is the six top laws. If it is really condensed, it will be the avenue of laws, which is many times stronger than the avenue of rules.

Therefore, the way of space can only be temporarily abandoned.

Of course, it's only for the time being. The way of space is infinitely mysterious, and it's impossible for Fang Yi to give up.

As long as the way of space is deeply understood, even if there is no condensed way, it may still be stronger than the general way, so...

Apart from the space, then it is destruction and rebirth, and the way of strength.

Fang Yi took the longest time to comprehend the way of destruction, but it was not perfect.

On the contrary, the way of strength, because of the existence of the Nine Dragon Seal, contains a complete way of strength. Before that, Fang Yi was anxious to gather the Dao and concentrate on comprehending the way of water, so he put it aside.

It's a pity that Fang Yi has a whole body of treasures, but he has so little time to comprehend them.

If the powerhouse of Lingxiao Palace knew that the inheritance of Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable was put aside by Fang Yi, I don't know how he would feel

"It seems to be the way of strength!"

Fang Yi reached out with his big hand, and the Nine Dragon Seal appeared in his hand out of thin air, with nine dragons hovering above it, which was extremely mysterious.

The Nine Dragon Seal is the Dao magic weapon of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable. After Jiu Chongtian got it, Fang Yi ignored it all the time, because before the Dao, the best way is to choose a way to concentrate on comprehending.

But now it was different, Fang Yi had to prepare for the second avenue.

The Nine Dragon Seal contains a complete way of strength.

Coupled with the acceleration of the Water Temple, this is definitely the best choice for Fang Yi, so...

Fang Yi already secretly made a decision in his heart.

But right now is obviously not the time. He still needs to figure out what kind of space the outside world is.

After all, Wu Chi entered here first.

In the dark space, a ripple swayed, and Fang Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

Divine thoughts spread out, hundreds of millions of miles away, all in the induction, but there is still a little breath of life.


Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly sighed, although the Water God Temple had time to speed up, but the outside world also had a lot of time, why didn't there be any breath of life, what about those people from the three major forces?


Just when Fang Yi was in doubt, he noticed a trace of strangeness in the surrounding space, it was heading in a certain direction, and the thunderous land between heaven and earth became more and more intense.

Strictly speaking, the power of thunder in this void was already extremely strong.

It's just that it entered from the Sea of ​​Thunder before, and the power of thunder there was already strong, so it's not surprising that the power of thunder here is stronger.

However, if the power of thunder is getting stronger, then there is obviously something unusual in that direction.

Before finding anything unusual, Fang Yi finally decided to take a look.

Kaka! !

As it got deeper, the power of thunder all around became more and more intense, terrifying.

Amidst the endless thunder, thunder dragons seemed to appear faintly. The thunder dragons were faintly visible, baring their teeth and claws, as if they wanted to completely tear everyone who entered this area to pieces.

The most incredible thing is that Fang Yi actually noticed that there was something in his body and blood that was about to be awakened, ready to move.

Endless lightning flashed from his blood and flesh, which was extremely miraculous.

what happened?

This sudden strangeness made Fang Yi's complexion change, because so far, although he has comprehended a lot of power of rules, he does not have the power of thunder.

But where does the power of thunder come from in his body at this moment?

It was as if it had been burned into the blood.

and many more!Could it be that Thor's Hammer? ?

Subconsciously, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of that Thor's Hammer, and what happened in his body during the battle that day, and even borrowed the power of that Thor's Hammer.

Could it be because of his own blood?

More precisely, because of the Pangu clan?The leader of the snake-human tribe once said that Thor's Hammer is the sacred object of the Pangu tribe, and the heavenly father and earth mother of Kyushu, Fuxi and Nuwa are the Pangu tribe.

The entire Kyushu human race is their blood, and as a member of the Kyushu human race, he is no exception.

Could it be because of this that the power of thunder is contained in his body?

Fang Yi couldn't find any other explanation, so he could only speculate like this.

But, why has it never been discovered before?Is it also because of Thor's Hammer?Was Thor's Hammer awakening the power of thunder in his body?

With doubts, Fang Yi quickly approached. He was really curious about the Pangu clan, because of Fuxi and Nuwa, and because of the strong man who almost caused the collapse of Kyushu.

For this reason, the Kyushu human race paid the price of countless blood.

The scene of Shengdian, when he recalled it now, he still felt the pain in his heart, this is a memory that he will never be able to erase.

For the sake of Shengdian and countless martyrs in Kyushu, he had to find that person.

And to find that person, it is undoubtedly the best to start with the Pangu clan.

Ow! !

Just as Fang Yi was meditating, suddenly, a terrifying roar came from afar, accompanied by the sound of terrifying fighting.


A look of joy flashed across Fang Yi's face. It is undoubtedly a gratifying thing to meet other beings in this empty space. Maybe he can figure out what this place is.

Immediately, with a movement of his body, he quickly moved towards the source of the sound.

"Huh? Snake people??"

As it approached, Fang Yi's expression couldn't help but change, because in the induction, the party fighting in front was the snake-human race, with a snake-headed human body.


(End of this chapter)

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