Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3353 Strong

Chapter 3353 Strong


There was a loud noise, and several strong men were suppressed on the spot. Even the Qingfeng general and the middle-aged Taoist were shocked, feeling the great pressure.

"Boy! There is a way to heaven and you don't go, but there is no way to hell, but you still want to break in, die!!"

The middle-aged Taoist was the first to react, his pupils shrank sharply, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

As for the general Qingfeng, it seemed that he was half a step too late, but his eyes gave off an incomparably deep feeling.

"Very good! You are the one who will die today!"

Fang Yi yelled loudly, his breath soaring.

He had just condensed the second avenue, and he couldn't wait to try the power. It was just that he was a little concerned because of the two sixth avenues, but at this moment, these people would not make him shrink back.

Bang! !

While speaking, he took a step forward, and the terrifying aura surged again, and the power of endless rules surged.

The force field multiplied again, like mountains pressing down on the surrounding people.

The crowd of people suddenly felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and their faces turned pale.

Even the middle-aged Taoist who came galloping could not help but pause, and his speed suddenly slowed down a lot. Not only that, he also felt a majestic force coming towards him, as if he was going to completely crush him .

At the same time, on the Nine Dragon Seal, nine divine dragons roared to the sky, suppressing the middle-aged Taoist together with unparalleled power of rules.

what? ?

The pupils of the middle-aged Taoist changed drastically. Although he had expected Fang Yi to be extraordinary, as a fourth-level powerhouse in the Dao, he had absolute confidence. Even if he couldn't win the opponent, he would definitely not be in the slightest danger.

But at this moment, that terrifying power made him feel extremely dangerous in his heart.

This breath almost made him a little unbelievable.

After all, that's just a Dao Yizhong, no!Dao Erzhong, "You... you actually broke through??"

The middle-aged Taoist seemed to have seen a ghost.

Naturally, he wasn't afraid of Fang Yi's cultivation, but the speed at which his cultivation was improving. He was obviously at the first level of the Dao before, and it seemed that the breakthrough hadn't been long, but in a blink of an eye...

You must know that reaching the Great Dao Realm does not mean that you can break through through a breakthrough. An epiphany or something can't change anything at all, and it takes endless years to accumulate little by little.

But Fang Yi was lucky, he broke through to the second level of the Great Dao in such an inexplicable way.

And what condenses is the incomparably domineering way of strength.

"Jiulongxi, you have obtained the inheritance of Jiulong Xianzun? No wonder..." The middle-aged Taoist finally recognized Jiulongxi at this moment, and his eyes were full of shock.

At the same time, there is a trace of ardor and desire.

Nine Dragons Immortal Venerable is also famous in Jiuchongtian, and countless people flock to his inheritance.

There is no hope for the Immortal Sword, but if Fang Yi is taken, the inheritance of the Nine Dragon Immortal Venerable may not be without a chance. Therefore, his eyes are full of desire and greed at the moment.

However, he obviously underestimated the power of the Nine Dragon Seal and Fang Yi even more. The terrifying power swept over like mountains, unshakable.

The Kowloon roared with peerless might.

Bang! !

There was a loud noise, and his huge figure was blown away.

this?how is this possible? ?

The crowd was completely stunned, especially the disciples of Tongtianguan, all of them seemed to have seen a ghost. They chased Fang Yi all the way, and Fang Yi had a certain understanding. In time, even the fourth level of the Dao is no longer an opponent.

This simply subverted their cognition, making them one by one, like stone sculptures.

Not to mention middle-aged Taoists.

After the blow, his face turned slightly pale, and the corners of his mouth even overflowed with scarlet, but he completely ignored these, and instead looked straight at Fang Yi, not to mention how exaggerated it was.

It's no wonder that, as a fourth-tier Daoist, he would never have imagined that he would be knocked into the air by a second-tier Daoist, and there was no tricky, head-on collision.

He could only hear the corners of his mouth twitching, full of disbelief and anger.

"Impossible! You must die today, kill him!!" The middle-aged Taoist yelled, and at the same time he spoke, he shot at Fang Yi like an arrow.

A group of Tongtian Temple disciples also left one after another after hearing the order.

All of them seemed to wish to kill Fang Yi on the spot.

As for Fang Yi, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He was not afraid of these people before, let alone now.

Except for the two Dao Liuzhong, he really didn't pay attention to these people, even if the number of the opponents was counted, unfortunately, it didn't matter to him at all, the force field of the Dao of Strength was enough to cover all these people.

No matter how many people come, it's just death!


Hearing him coldly, the force field suddenly increased greatly, and the surrounding space was enveloped by endless force rules. The crowd suddenly felt as if they were out of control.

The terrifying law of force came from all directions, from within their own bodies.

bang bang bang! ! !

Immediately, there was a sound of explosion, and those experts who hadn't approached Tongtianguan directly burst open in mid-air, turning into countless blood mist, scattered in the sky.

The entire battlefield became extremely bloody and terrifying.

The shivering nebula in the distance seemed to have its eyeballs falling out, its face became extremely pale, its teeth chattered, and it looked like it had seen a ghost.

yes!In his mind at this moment, Fang Yi's performance was probably even more terrifying than Gui.

It's not just him, so it's not the group of Earth God Temple powerhouses.

Even Qingfeng General's face became a little pale.

Not to mention the middle-aged Taoist, his eyes were full of horror.

Because the Tongtian Guanqiang who came along with him had already been damaged by more than half, but those who were weaker were killed on the spot, and only a few stronger ones survived, but the situation is not optimistic.

As for Fang Yi's attack, don't be kidding, how can he make a move if he can't even make a close connection?

Even if it is an attack, they will be crushed one by one by touching the force field.

Can be imagined.

"Tongtianguan, is this your method?" Fang Yi was also in high spirits at the moment, and the horror of the way of strength obviously exceeded his expectations.

It can be described as truly overbearing.

Of course, the reason why the way of strength is so domineering is not only because of the rules themselves. Fang Yi has not been comprehending the rules and the way of cohesion for too long. The real domineering one is the Nine Dragon Seal.

It is the artifact of the Great Dao of the Nine-Dragon Immortal. As a former peak powerhouse of the Ninth Layer of the Dao, the Nine-Dragon Seal has always been the magic weapon of the Nine-Dragon Immortal, and its power can be imagined.

This is because Fang Yi's understanding of the way of strength is not deep enough, otherwise, he would be even more domineering.

But that's all, it's more than enough to crush Tongtianguan and his party.

"Aren't you crazy before? Now, show me your methods and let me see, otherwise..."

Bang! !

Fang Yi took a big step, and his aura surged again, as if he had turned into a giant of heaven and earth, ruling life and death.

The Nine Dragon Seal was shining brightly, like a sacred mountain, pressing down on the middle-aged Taoist again.


(End of this chapter)

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