Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3356 Kunlun

Chapter 3356 Kunlun

"That's it?"

Soon, a group of people came to a dark space, and there was chaos in front of them, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

"Yes! This is it!"

Ao Dong nodded affirmatively. Although he didn't understand why Fang Yi came here because he wasn't a dragon, it didn't matter. Anyway, he couldn't enter if he wasn't a dragon.

So it doesn't matter to him.

Xing Yun also looked confused, not understanding what Fang Yi wanted to do.

Obviously Fang Yi belongs to the Pangu clan, why...

Bang! !

Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to the few people, and strode directly towards that space.

But the next moment, a huge force stood in front of him like an invisible wall.


With a thought in Fang Yi's mind, the majestic dragon energy in his body shot out of the sky. Not only that, the real dragon of destruction and the real dragon of eternity roared out together, hitting the invisible wall.

The four of Ao Dong, as well as Xing Yun, were completely stunned at the moment, as if they had seen a ghost.

Especially the four of Ao Dong, who belonged to the Dragon Clan after all, had some understanding of the three real dragons. Seeing the phantoms of these two real dragons at this moment, their faces changed drastically in fright, and they didn't know what kind of turbulent waves were set off in their hearts.

"It's the True Dragon of Destruction, the True Dragon of Eternity, how is this possible?"

The three true dragons are all legendary existences, and with the passage of time, they have already disappeared into the long river of time.

Only the rules they control last forever.

However, it is extremely difficult to comprehend the power of this rule. Whether it is destruction or eternity, it ranks extremely high in the Three Thousand Ways.

But now, Fang Yi has condensed and comprehended these two avenues alone, so how dare the four of them believe it.

The eyeballs seemed to be falling out.

The look in Fang Yi's eyes was completely different.

"Or not?"

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to pay attention to the reactions of the four people. What made him depressed at the moment was that the invisible wall hadn't been loosened from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that the Dragon Clan really cannot enter?

Fang Yi was a little disappointed. Originally, he wanted to see if he could get the inheritance of the Dragon Clan from it.

But right now, I have to give up.

That's all!It seems that he is too greedy, condensed the way of strength, and still wants to gain something here, Fang Yi smiled wryly.

"Senior Fang, you are really not a dragon? But why do you have such a strong dragon breath, even the meaning of two real dragons..."

The four of Ao Dong also looked puzzled at the moment.

Judging by the breath alone, Fang Yi is even more like the dragon clan than them, but everything in front of him seems to explain everything.

Fang Yi didn't bother to explain, and then asked a few more questions about Wu Chi and others.

It's a pity that none of them knew that they had been in the dragon clan's awakening place before, and they didn't know what happened outside. This is just when they came out, they ran into the ancient giant beast.

Needless to say after that.

"Fang Daoyou, I'm afraid we can't get in here, so why don't we go out?" Xing Yun only tentatively asked.

Follow Fang Yi all the way, it can be said to be on tenterhooks.

In his mind, he still thinks about those two sixth-level avenues. If they catch up, it will be a disaster, so he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

Ao Dong and the others were similar, nodding in agreement.

Either way!

In fact, Fang Yi is not. This dark space gives people an extremely depressing feeling, and he doesn't like it very much. If it wasn't for the purpose of inquiring about the whereabouts of Wu Chi and his party, he would probably have left.

Since there is no news right now, we have to give up.


Immediately, he nodded.

Hearing this, Xingyun and the four dragons were overjoyed, they stayed here, thinking of the two Dao Liuzhong they felt restless.

Leaving is undoubtedly the best choice.

Immediately, a group of people quickly moved towards the direction of the exit.

In the original place, it was still dark.

Until the silhouettes of the group of people disappeared, under the dim space, a ripple slightly swayed, and the phantom of a huge dragon's head slowly condensed.

On the phantom of the dragon's head, those two huge eyes, like a bright moon, stared at the distant figure.

"Interesting, a mere human being is favored by three true dragons, who are you?"

The dragon head phantom murmured, and there was a trace of doubt in his bright moon-like eyes, and even a trace of expectation.

After that, it slowly dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.


There is an endless starry sky in front of me, which is extremely vast. Stars are inlaid in the dark void like gems, making this starry sky extremely gorgeous.

"This is Kunlun?"

Fang Yi sensed the huge space and murmured.

"Not bad!"

Xing Yun nodded, and when he stepped out of the dark space, he looked obviously more confident and relaxed.

The same goes for the four dragons.

"It seems nothing special!" Fang Yi curled his lips and said truthfully.

Before coming to Kunlun, he had heard a lot about how mysterious Kunlun is, but when he actually arrived, it seemed that there was no difference.

However, there seemed to be something different, the bronze mirror seemed to react.

It was the prisoner's sky-changing mirror, Fang Yi clearly noticed its strangeness, and subconsciously couldn't help but think of the legend about him.

Legend has it that a similar bronze mirror has nine sides, one main and eight auxiliary, which are combined into the Kunlun mirror.

If it wasn't for the abnormal movement of the bronze mirror at this moment, Fang Yi almost forgot about the bronze mirror, and immediately, he was about to take it out to have a look.

But at this moment, there was a wave of fluctuation in the space behind him.

"Not good! Could it be that the powerhouses of Tongtian Temple and Earth Temple have also come out?"

Ao Dong's face changed, full of fear.

Needless to say, Xing Yun quickly said: "Fang Daoyou, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go."

Either way!

Fang Yi nodded, now is not the time to go head-to-head with the two Dao Liushou, and, with Xingyun and the four dragons, his Water God Temple may be safe, but these people...

"Let's go!" Immediately, he rolled up a few people and disappeared into the sky like a stream of light.

When it appeared again, it was already unknown how many billions of miles away.

"Fang Daoyou, what are your plans next, otherwise, go to the Pangu Clan with me?"

Taking a breath, Xingyun asked tentatively.

In his opinion, Fang Yi is a member of the Pangu tribe, and he has gathered the way of strength. It is a pity not to go to the Pangu tribe. Moreover, there seems to be no reason not to go. With Fang Yi's talent and strength, going to the Pangu tribe will inevitably lead Being reused, even in the face of the Tongtian Temple and the Earth Temple, there will be more confidence.

In fact, it was true, Fang Yi really wanted to take a trip to the Pangu Clan, not for anything else, but for Fuxi, Nuwa, and everything in Kyushu, this trip had to be taken as well.

However, this matter and after such a long time, there is no rush.

Right now, the whereabouts of Wu Chi and others are even more important.

Their strength is not strong, once they encounter any unsolvable troubles in Kunlun, then...

Therefore, Fang Yi decided to find them first as the top priority. As for the Pangu Clan, it would not be too late to leave them for later.

Xing Yun was obviously disappointed, and finally had to give up. Seeing his disappearing figure, Fang Yi couldn't help turning his gaze to this strange starry sky, feeling a little excited in his heart.

The legendary Kunlun has finally arrived.


(End of this chapter)

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