Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3359 Donghua Wonderland

Chapter 3359 Donghua Wonderland

"It's the opening star master!"

At this moment, some people have gathered scattered in the surrounding space.

The terrifying aura of Daoist Wuwang shrouded the entire Kaixing, and it had already alarmed countless strong men, and these people obviously recognized the master of the voice, and there was a playful look on their faces, as if they were waiting to see the hopeless Dao Zun's joke is average.

"Hmph! Dare to start a celebrity and make trouble, it's beyond self-control."

"Whoever says it's not, doesn't look at whose territory this is. This is covered by Donghua Immortal."

Someone was whispering, looking like they were watching a good show.

When the four great dragons heard the words, their expressions were extremely strange, because only they knew best how domineering Taoist Wuwang was.

Donghua Immortal Venerable is certainly amazing, but the Kaixing Master is not Donghua Immortal Venerable, but just one of his subordinates, and I am afraid that it would be embarrassing to face the hopeless Daoist Venerable.

However, the four of them obviously didn't dare to show their atmosphere, and looked down cautiously.

In fact, if Fang Yi wasn't on the sidelines, they would have already run away, so how dare they stay where they are.

brush! !

At this time, on the ground, accompanied by that loud voice, a white figure soared into the sky. It was a middle-aged man with a strong aura, his expression was majestic, and the aura of a superior person was revealed, making him look like an emperor. .

However, his eyes were extremely solemn at the moment. Obviously, the terrifying aura around Daoist Wuwang made him feel extraordinary.

But he still shouted: "What do you mean, fellow daoist? I seem to have no grievances with fellow daoist. Is it because I don't take my stardom and Donghua Wonderland seriously in my actions?"

Donghua Wonderland is also considered a big force in Kunlun, and it can be seen that it can occupy this chaotic opening star.

Therefore, even though he felt the terrifying aura of the Wuwang Daoist, the Opening Star Master still didn't show any good looks.

In fact, if it weren't for the powerful aura of Wuwang Daoist, he would have made a move long ago, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense here.

"East China Wonderland?"

Daoist Wuwang seemed a little surprised, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the surrounding crowd gloated one by one, thinking that Taoist Wuwang was intimidated by the name of Immortal Donghua, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

However, what they didn't expect was that Wuwang Taoist just showed a hint of surprise, and then said: "You are the master of the opening star? Very good!"

? ?

When the crowd heard the words, there were question marks all over their heads, completely confused.

The reaction of the hopeless Daoist was obviously quite different from what they had expected, which made them a little surprised.

Opening the star master's eyes also narrowed slightly, becoming more and more profound, and said coldly: "What do you mean by this, fellow daoist? Also, where did you come from, fellow daoist?"

"You don't need to know these things, you just need to find someone for the deity."


Kai Xingzhu couldn't bear it anymore, he had tried his best to control his emotions, but the other party was so shameless, as a generation of Xingzhu, with his back to Donghua Wonderland, how could he tolerate it.

It's a pity that as soon as his words fell, the hopeless Daoist had already taken the lead.

"You are the one who is bold!"

Hearing Daoist Wuwang sternly shouted, the terrifying aura around him instantly condensed into four terrifying sword shadows. The sword shadows roared, piercing the sky, and instantly enveloped the Opening Star Lord.

Immediately, Kai Xingzhu only felt an extremely terrifying aura pressing down on him, almost locking him, making him unable to move, and the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down like rain.

This is? ?

The crowd who were waiting to watch the show all around were completely stunned on the spot, as if they hadn't reacted yet, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"you you……"

As for Kai Xingzhu himself, his face was even more pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

In fact, his strength is not weak, and he can reach the fourth level of the great way, but it is a pity that he obviously cannot be compared with the hopeless Taoist priest of the sixth level of the great way.

Especially the latter preemptively, intending to frighten the Kaixing master in one fell swoop, it is conceivable.

"I am not interested in talking nonsense with you, nor am I interested in being an enemy of Donghua Wonderland. You just need to help me find someone, and I will not embarrass you for the rest."


Sure enough, the big fist counts!

Looking at this scene, Fang Yi couldn't help but frown. To find Wu Chi, he could only look slowly and secretly.

The hopeless Daoist is so good, in order to find himself, he just broke into the stars so openly, arrogantly and domineeringly, all of this is due to his great strength, otherwise...

"My lord, what should we do now?" The four great dragons couldn't help but look at each other at this moment.

Originally, they wanted to help Fang Yi find a companion, so as to please Fang Yi and get some benefits from Fang Yi, but now, believing in the dominance of Wuwang Daoist, they couldn't help feeling a little timid.

However, for the blood of the real dragon and the meaning of the real dragon, they are still a little unwilling.

Fang Yi also frowned.

The soul of Tongtian Temple is not scattered, it seems that there must be a way, otherwise...

"Let's inquire secretly first!"

Immediately, Fang Yi had no choice but to reply, thinking in his heart how to deal with it.


At the same time, in another void, where Fang Yi had appeared before, three figures appeared out of thin air. The leader was a man in golden armor. He stood in the void with a majestic face. Like a peerless killing god.

Behind him, there are several soldiers, all of whom have extremely strong auras.

"This is it, Lord Jin, the figure that appeared in the emperor's bronze mirror is near here." A silver-armored general identified it and said with certainty.


The golden figure sensed it slightly, and doubts could not help but appear on the resolute face.

"Why did the breath disappear? Did he leave?"

The golden figure murmured.

"It shouldn't be!" The silver general shook his head, "Could it be possible, what did he notice?"


The golden figure snapped angrily, "What kind of person is the emperor, it depends on how that person can detect something is wrong."

"Yes, yes, little slip of the tongue!" The silver general hastily apologized, with a look of fear and trepidation.

"What is this place? Who is in charge?"

After a pause, the golden figure asked again.

"Master Hui, this place belongs to the edge of Donghua Realm, and it is the place ruled by Donghua Immortal Venerable. Not far ahead is Kaixing, the largest main star nearby."

"Oh? Immortal Donghua!"

Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the golden figure, and he said instead: "Then let's go to open the star."


The silver general took the order and was about to leave.

Boom! ! !

But just at this time, there was a muffled sound of thunder in the void, accompanied by terrifying energy fluctuations and extremely bright golden light.


Seeing this, the entire group couldn't help but change their expressions, and the pupils of the golden figure shrank slightly.

I saw that where the golden light was shining, one after another figure slowly stepped out, like a peerless Buddha, suddenly, it was the group from Daleiyin Temple before.


(End of this chapter)

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