Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3366

Chapter 3366


The sword shadow directly landed on the sword formation below, and the terrifying power was like a huge wave, sweeping across all directions in an instant to level everything.

Daoist Wuwang's heart was already filled with monstrous anger. At this moment, when he sensed Fang Yi's aura, he didn't care so much. He just wanted to kill Fang Yi on the spot, and he didn't even know what was going on at the scene.

There is no need to figure it out, for him, as long as Fang Yi is taken, everything else is trivial.

The seven gods of the Canghai, the Nine Wonderlands of Kunlun, are irrelevant to him, the big deal is to walk away after winning the Immortal Trapping Sword, as long as they enter the Nine Heavens, no matter how domineering the powerful Kunlun Canghai is, they will definitely not do it for a Looking at the starfish and chasing it to Jiuchongtian.

Even if that is the case, the Tongtian Temple is not afraid.

Therefore, he almost tried his best in this blow, vowing to kill Fang Yi and on the spot.

The resplendent sword array also seemed unable to withstand this power, and burst into pieces in an instant.

However, before the collapse, Fang Yi, who was placed in the sword array, had disappeared one step earlier, almost at the same time as those terrifying sword shadows.

So much so that those who didn't know the truth thought that Fang Yi was directly killed by the terrifying sword shadow on the spot.


While the crowd was astonished, they felt the terrifying power around them, and everyone was terrified and panicked.

escape! !

At this moment, there is only one thought in their hearts.

Just kidding, Fang Yi's domineering had already shocked them into heaven, but at this moment, the terrifying four sword shadows are even more powerful to exterminate everything.

The crowd who got close turned into flying ash in an instant, so they didn't even want to stay where they were.

The hopeless Daoist obviously had no intention of paying attention to these people, and a flash of astonishment flashed in his bright eyes, because the moment before, he clearly felt Fang Yi's aura, but the moment after, Fang Yi disappeared as if out of thin air, leaving no trace Down.

"Impossible! Get out of here."

Wuwang Daoist had an inconceivable look on his face, as if he had gone mad, and wanted to turn the whole Wanghaixing over.

The terrifying sword intent was aimed at wreaking havoc on starfish, and countless people were slaughtered for it.

The whole Wang Haixing seems to have turned into a hell on earth.

"Tongtianguan, you must die badly. If you dare to wreak havoc on Wang Haixing, the Lord Canghai will not let you go."

Someone howled.

At this moment, everyone's anger was directed at the Tongtian Temple. For them, Fang Yi had already lost his life, and the culprit had become the Hopeless Daoist.

Daoist Wuwang gritted his teeth angrily, and he couldn't help roaring: "Bastard, I swear to kill you."

"Just you?"

Inside the Water God Temple, Fang Yi sneered and murmured: "See you next time, it's not sure who will kill who."

Fang Yi's eyes were slightly cold, and he was not interested in observing after finishing speaking.

Wang Haixing has become like this, and his life is in shambles. Whether it is because of him or not, the cause of all this is always Daoist Wuwang, and he is dead in the hearts of the crowd. Daoist Wuwang has to bear the blame if he doesn't want to.

This is also the reason why Fang Yi dared to blatantly break into Starfish.

With the cover of the Water God Temple, and the scapegoat of the Wuwang Daoist, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Next, he only needs to disappear for a while, and by the way, take advantage of this time to practice hard and just wait and watch the excitement.

Wang Hai is really that powerful, I believe there must be a good show to watch next.

In this way, Fang Yi no longer bothered to care about everything outside, and began to practice with peace of mind.

By the way, Wu Chi and the soldiers of Xin Yueling were also placed in the water temple by him. Today, there is no need to hide the existence of the water temple.

That being the case, why not take advantage of this time to train these people well, relying on the hundreds of times of time acceleration in the Water God Temple, maybe they can gain something.

Especially Wu Chi, who is still looking forward to Wu Chi Fang Yi, this is definitely one of the few geniuses in the Three Realms.

Future achievements are limitless.

Time flies!

The disappearance of Fang Yi made Wuwang Daoist and Tongtian Temple the target of public criticism. The news that Wuwang Daoist almost wiped out the entire Wanghai star spread quickly throughout the surrounding star fields, and Wanghai gathered powerful people from all walks of life.

Although Tongtian Temple is domineering, it is in Jiuchongtian, and no one is afraid of them when looking at the sea here.

Now Daoist Wuwang almost wiped out Wanghaixing, which is tantamount to directly fighting Wanghai.

After all, Tongtian Temple belongs to the strength of Jiuchongtian, which is tantamount to an invasion.

The result can be imagined.


"Have you found it? Or is there no whereabouts of the little thief?" In a certain void, the hopeless Daoist's face was livid. When Fang Yi was mentioned, his teeth seemed to be crushed.

"Go back to your lord, then... that kid seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

A disciple replied.

"How is it possible! He must still be looking at the starfish, and he has never gone far." Wuwang Taoist said firmly.

The disciple below had a troubled expression on his face.

In the current situation, not to mention whether Fang Yi is in Wang Haixing or not, even if it is, they can't find out. Wang Hai's strong man has already arrived, and they can't show up at all. The news of detection is obtained from other channels coming.

"Idiots! They are all idiots!!" Daoist Wuwang was furious, gnashing his teeth.

Thinking back on the pursuit all the way, he really wanted to swallow Fang Yi alive.

He was escaped a few times, and this time, he and Tongtian Temple were even tricked out, making the disciples of Tongtian Temple become street rats.

"Cang Ming, is it rare that you just wait to watch a good show?"

At this time, Wuwang Daoist looked at the general Cangming who was on the side, and the latter also came to Kunlun at some point.

"Watching a good show?"

Cangming God General sneered, glanced at Wuwang Daoist, and said, "Why didn't you say that when you found out about that kid's whereabouts that day?"

"Rushing away alone, I'm afraid you want to take down that kid alone?"

Cang Mingshen Jiang had a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

It is indeed beyond his expectation that things have turned into what they are today, but the loss of an opponent is not bad for him.

The only thing that gave him a headache was, where did Fang Yi go?

Hiding in the water temple?

This is the greatest possibility, and it is also the possibility that causes him the most headache, because if this is the case, it will undoubtedly be even more difficult to find Fang Yi.

He is also the Five Elements Temple, and as a general under the command of the Mother of the Earth, he has some understanding of this.

Once Fang Yi really hid in it, it would be almost impossible to find it.

Because the Temple of the Five Elements is formed by their own rules, and the five elements are ubiquitous, they can hide anywhere, and there is no possibility of them being noticed at all.

Unless there is a peerless person with great supernatural powers, who has reached the pinnacle of comprehension of that way.

Fang could sense a trace of breath.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible.

And if Fang Yi really hides in it, and closes it casually or something, the 8000-year period is nothing to worry about, so...

no!We have to find a way to force him out!

Cang Ming secretly calculated.

Got it!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and there was one thing he might try.


(End of this chapter)

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