Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3388 Arrangement

Chapter 3388 Arrangement

"It's a good move to sow dissension, even if Wuyinmen jumps into the Yellow River, it won't be cleared!"

In an unknown space, 'Elder Wang' overlooked the outside space, and the high-level officials of the Illusory Alliance, which had already been hyped up, showed a hint of admiration on their faces.

Beside him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yi's mouth, and said: "It's not surprising, these alliances of forces are not monolithic in the first place. I thought it would take a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect..."

"It's better like this, and it saves a lot of trouble."


All of this in front of me was undoubtedly designed by Fang Yi. As for the 'Elder Wang', it is naturally not that Elder Wang.

"I'm really curious, how can you confuse the real with the fake? You actually made me the person from the Wuyinmen?"

'Elder Wang' took a deep look at Fang Yi, and there was a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

Although Fang Yi's strength is domineering, this alone is not enough to make him jealous, but at this moment, looking at the scene in front of him, the Illusory Realm Alliance is being applauded by him, so he can't help being afraid.

"This is..."

Fang Yi smiled, naturally he would not tell the other party about the existence of the Changing Mirror.

Because the Taixu Wonderland probably came about because of this, it is natural not to expose too much at such an extraordinary moment, so he only said: "Guess?"

While speaking, a white light flashed in his hand, and in an instant, 'Elder Wang' turned into Ao Xue.

Ao Xue looked at himself in surprise, took another deep look at Fang Yi, and didn't ask any more questions, because he knew that everyone has their own secrets, so he just said: "Remember what you said, after solving this matter , let me comprehend the meaning of the real dragon."

As he said that, Ao Xue's figure flashed and then disappeared out of thin air.

The matter of the mine lode is over.

After such a thing happened, I believe that the Illusory Realm Alliance is not in the mood to pay any attention to any mineral veins, let alone the Wuyinmen. Even if they want to pursue it, they still want to find out the truth inside.

Unfortunately, the truth is long gone.

The four Wuyinmen disciples were of course fake, transformed by the four great dragons.

At this moment, the four of them had come to his side, looking at Fang Yi with admiration, their eyes became brighter and brighter.

"My lord, this matter is not completely over yet. If the two Dao Sizhong know the truth, will they..." Ao Dong asked worriedly.


Fang Yi shook his head, "They won't tell the truth, they can only live if they are firm in this fact, otherwise..."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yi's mouth.

On the other side, Shui Mo and Li Chengqing, as well as the high-level executives of the Illusory Realm Alliance, were already in a fierce battle, and Shui Mo and Li Chengqing even fought.

In the end, under the persuasion of the high-level members of the Illusory Realm Alliance, they stopped for the time being.

However, these people also demanded an explanation from the Wuyinmen.

Just like that, the group broke up unhappy.

When they came back to their senses, they found that the four Wuyinmen disciples had escaped.

"How could this be?"

Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan, who came afterward, were astonished and unbelievable when they learned about everything here.

"Are you surprised?"

Fang Yi stepped out of the void slowly, and his indifferent eyes fell on the two of them, causing their expressions to change.

"I said before that if I want to take back this mine, I will naturally not break my promise."


Hearing this, the faces of the two became more and more ugly. Even if they never dreamed, everything in front of them was arranged by Fang Yi. This is simply...

"Okay! You guys go back to Jiufeng Mountain first! Take good care of Jiufeng Mountain for me, do you know how to do it?"

Fang Yi obviously pointed out something.

How could Ding Shou and Wang Shoushan not understand, and hurriedly said: "Young Master, don't worry, the two of us will definitely live up to your expectations."

Both of them were extremely shocked at the moment.

Although they didn't know what method Fang Yi used to make things like this, no matter what the method was, it was undoubtedly beyond their imagination.

If it is said that Fang Yi was still a little bit reluctant before, then at this moment, most of this mentality has gone, just kidding, even the Wuyinmen and the Water Sky Sect were played between applause, and the two of them dared to fight against each other. A little disobedience, isn't that courting death, so...


Within the fairy mine vein, the majestic power of the immortal essence surged like a rushing wave.

Wu Chi and a group of Xinyue soldiers were hungry and thirsty, greedily attracting this immortal power, and the aura around them also rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Naturally, the fairy veins have not been mined.

Everything before was just an illusion made by Fang Yi, who sealed this mineral vein with the characteristics of the Tianshou Sword Formation and the Way of Water.

If you don't pay attention, you won't notice the difference at all.

The previous group of people didn't have any thoughts on this at all, so they easily concealed it.

"You just let them stay here to practice?"

Ao Xue glanced at the soldiers of the New Moon, and finally settled on Wu Chi. Perhaps, among these people, only Wu Chi could catch his eye.

After all, it is not surprising that he is the number one genius of the Dragon Clan.

"Not bad!" Fang Yi nodded. Although the fairy vein here is not too big, it is the best for Wu Chi and others.

Especially those new moon soldiers, practicing here will undoubtedly be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

As for using them, there is no need right now, there is still Jiufeng Mountain, and strength is fundamental.

Only when these people become stronger can they be truly used by Fang Yi.

"Aren't you afraid that the Wuyinmen will come again? If they find something unusual, these people, I'm afraid..."

Ao Xue kindly reminded him.

Fang Yi didn't seem to care, and said lightly: "This is because you still need your help. I have studied the blood clan carefully. With your blood dragon traits, it should not be difficult to pretend to be them."

"What do you want to do again?"

Hearing this, Ao Xue couldn't help frowning.

Fang Yi smiled and said: "I don't want to do anything, I want you to continue to be the 'Elder Wang', and then find a suitable opportunity to expose that you are a 'blood clan', whether you are polluted by the blood clan, or you are originally It’s the blood race, it’s fine, as long as it can be related to the blood race.”

Fang Yi's mouth curled into a cold smile.

Ao Xue's face couldn't help but change, 'Elder Wang' became a blood clan?Then there will be a good show.

Wuyinmen's position in the Illusory Realm Alliance will inevitably suffer a huge blow.

As a result, the Illusory Realm Alliance will inevitably be in chaos, and there will be no time to pay attention to the insignificant mineral veins of Jiufeng Mountain.

"I suddenly understood why the Earth Temple, Tongtian Temple, and these forces all want to kill you."

Ao Xue took a deep look at Fang Yi, and said something inexplicably.

Finally paused, and said again: "I can promise you, but what about the true dragon's intention?"


Fang Yi smiled and said, while speaking, he raised his hand casually, and a terrifying meaning of destruction instantly turned into a ball of light and fell into the center of Ao Xue's forehead, "This is the meaning of destruction, whether you can understand it or not depends on your luck .”


(End of this chapter)

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