Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3396 Kill! !

Chapter 3396 Kill! !


The resplendent body glowed with a strange light, and in the pitch-black void, a long rainbow was drawn directly, and it attacked the blue-eyed man with the momentum of thunder.

"Humph! It's too much!"

The blue-eyed man sneered, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't take Ao Xue seriously. Although Ao Xue had been extremely domineering before, as the peak of the fifth level of the great way, how could he take a fourth level of the great way seriously.

Don't look at the peak of the fifth level of the Dao, as a blood race, it is obviously not comparable to those ordinary forces in the illusion.

The reason why the top ten protoss in ancient times surpassed an era is precisely because of their special features and innate supernatural powers. The most famous thing for the blood race is their control of the way of blood. The way of blood is related to everyone, so , they are also exceptionally powerful.

And the reason why the dragon clan declined is also because of this.

Because of the destruction, eternity, and even hope controlled by the three true dragons, these three avenues have long been lost.

Do not!Strictly speaking, except for the three true dragons, no other dragon clan has fully comprehended any of these three avenues, at most they have touched a little bit.

It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Clan slowly became lonely.

But the blood race is different, they have not completely declined, they have been multiplying.

The reason why they are not as good as before is because of the division of the Ming clan, which split into the blood clan and the legendary Asura clan. Although the Asura clan has disappeared and disappeared, the blood clan has not declined because of this, but has gradually grown. This vast sea occupies a large area, creating the current sea of ​​blood.

This can be seen.

Although the blue-eyed man is also the peak of the fifth level of the Dao, he is obviously better than the same level of powerhouses in the Wuyinmen.

Especially his control over blood, among the same level, few people dare to compete with them.

Just kidding, if one accidentally becomes the blood servant of the other party, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Of course, with such a cultivation base, it is not that easy to capture and become a blood servant. At least Ao Xue has no worries about this at all.

He seemed to ignore the blue-eyed man at all, and his whole body was filled with blood, accompanied by a faint sense of destruction. Wherever he passed, the void fell, and pieces collapsed.

Boom! !

The next moment, the two extremely powerful men slammed into each other violently with terrifying attacks.

Immediately, as if the sky was turned upside down, the roaring air wave wiped everything out, and the warriors in the Death Valley in the distance, who couldn't avoid it, instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

The strong smell of blood filled the entire space, turning the surrounding world into a Shura hell.

what! !

The pupils of the blue-eyed man couldn't help shrinking at this moment, full of horror.

If the first blow was just a test, then just now, he has used [-]% of the energy.

But that's it, it's still hard to tell the difference.

This had to cheer him up, and at the same time, his eyes became a little dignified, with a hint of disbelief.

"It seems that this seat has underestimated you. You are a mere fourth-level Daoist, and you can take this blow. In the Dragon Clan, you must not be an unknown person."

There was a strange light in the green-eyed man's eyes, as if he wanted to see through Ao Xue.

However, Ao Xue still ignored him.

On the contrary, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes, full of fighting intent, as if the blow just now did not make him afraid, but instead aroused a strong fighting intent in his heart.

All this fell into the eyes of the blue-eyed man, which undoubtedly caused a trace of anger to rise in his heart, and the light in his eyes also turned cold.

"How courageous! If I don't take you down today, in the future, outsiders will really treat me as a vampire."

The murderous intent in the blue-eyed man's pupils was revealed.

The blood in his body also transpired, becoming more and more abundant, like an erupting volcano, and the blue light in his eyes also became more and more intense, breathtaking.

A strong smell of blood spread, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​blood.

The next moment, his majestic figure moved even more, afterimages flashed across the sky, and countless men with green eyes seemed to appear in the world.

Blood shadow clone! !

This is one of the most typical supernatural powers of the Dao of Blood. It can be transformed into thousands, and each blood shadow clone has not weak strength. It is conceivable that so many clones attack together.

Even Ao Xue couldn't help but shrink his pupils at this moment.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, he is naturally no stranger to the Blood Clan. The typical magical powers of the Blood Clan are also the basis for the growth of the Blood Clan. No one dares to underestimate it. Legend has it that every drop of blood of the Blood Clan is a blood shadow clone.

It is even more impossible to kill them, because as long as they still have a drop of blood, they will never be killed.

Moreover, they also have blood servants, and those blood servants have their blood in their bodies, and they can replace them at any time, so it is almost impossible to kill a blood family.

Not to mention such a powerful blood race.

Although Ao Xue was domineering, he never thought about this possibility. Facing the countless blood shadow clones at this moment, his expression suddenly turned cold.

groan! !

Seeing the countless blood shadow clones rushing in together, a shocking dragon chant resounded in Ao Xue's body again.

The terrifying dragon energy centered on him, and instantly turned into terrifying space storms, sweeping away to the surroundings, and the meaning of destruction was hidden in it, making this storm like the wind of silence in the abyss of the universe. Everything was annihilated, turning into ashes little by little.

Even those blood shadow clones were no exception, bit by bit they were being eaten away, collapsing and disintegrating.

"how is this possible?"

It was only at this moment that the blue-eyed man seemed to realize that something was wrong, and his pupils were full of horror.

Although Ao Xue was amazing, as a Dragon Clan, he had such strength, which didn't surprise him too much, but at this moment, it was obviously beyond his expectation.

"It's the meaning of destruction!! You actually comprehended the meaning of destruction??"

The blue-eyed man's face was filled with horror.

It is naturally impossible for him not to know the power of the three rules represented by the three true dragons. In fact, the three avenues represented by the three true dragons are among the three thousand avenues, the top rules. How can I not know.

However, because of this, it is extremely difficult to comprehend these three avenues, and there are very few warriors who can touch them in the entire Three Realms.

But now, someone has realized it, and he is still a Dragon Clan, so he is not surprised.

Although it seems very superficial.

However, being so superficial is already so domineering, if it is more profound, one can imagine.

"Nie Yi, I can't figure out that you have such a good fortune. If this is the case, then it will be even more difficult to keep you, die!!"

The blue-eyed man was obviously intent on killing at this moment. The decline of the Dragon Clan is undoubtedly something that the major forces in Canghai would like to see. Once the Dragon Clan rises, it will be tantamount to compressing their power. Therefore, Ao Xue's overbearing is not allowed. Killing the other party in the cradle is naturally what one can wish for.

Of course, there are four layers of avenues, and whether it is still a cradle is another matter.

However, at this moment, the blue-eyed man obviously wouldn't hold back his hands, and the terrifying aura around him rushed into the sky, and countless blood runes surged and arranged, completely covering the surrounding space.


(End of this chapter)

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