Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3403 Showdown

Chapter 3403 Showdown

"My lord, are we really going to enter the Death God Valley?"

After leaving the alliance stronghold, Ding Shou's face turned slightly pale, and finally he couldn't help asking.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the Killing God Valley as a dragon pool and a tiger's lair at this moment. Just kidding, two superpowers at the sixth level of the avenue, plus countless soldiers from the sea of ​​evil and the sea of ​​blood, entering rashly would be death. How could he not be afraid.

"What? Scared?"

Fang Yi glanced at him, "Don't worry! You don't need to go in."

Ding Shou had a submissive face, but his eyes lit up when he heard the words behind him.

Ao Dong hurriedly said: "My lord, do you want to enter alone? Absolutely not, there are countless powerful people in the sea of ​​evil and the sea of ​​blood, I am afraid that you are alone.... The four of my brothers are willing to accompany you."

A flash of determination flashed in Ao Dong's eyes.

It is obviously impossible to say how loyal he is to Fang Yi, but with Ao Xue in it, it is completely different. The Great Elder has explained that Ao Xue must not be put in danger.

In the current situation, although the four of them can't do much, they can't be exhausted, so...


Fang Yi looked at Ao Dong and shook his head, "Forget it! Just take a good look at Jiufeng Mountain and the mine veins for me. You don't need to participate in Killing God Valley."

"But..." Ao Dong seemed a little unwilling, and was about to say something, but Fang Yi interrupted him first.

"Do you really think I'm going to die? The sixth level of the Dao may not be able to do anything to me, and I'm not alone, there is also the Illusory Realm Alliance."

As he said that, Fang Yi raised his eyes to look at the distant world, where there were terrifying energy fluctuations that were approaching rapidly.

"It's the experts from Wuyinmen and Water Sky Sect, have they arrived?"

Ding Shou's sharp eyes seemed to recognize those auras.

Ao Dong couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he heard the words. Although the Illusory Alliance is not as good as Nie Hai and Blood Sea, it is impossible for Nie Hai and Blood Sea to move together, and the two major forces are in conflict. Joining, the situation may not be so pessimistic, maybe...


"I have seen the sect master! I have seen the suzerain!"

"I've seen Immortal Lord Wuying and Immortal Jingshui."

At the alliance stronghold, several stalwart figures descended from the sky, divided into two groups, Wuyinmen and Shuitianzong, and the leaders were the suzerains of the two sects, Wuying Xianjun and Jingshuixianjun.

Seeing these two people, the huge crowd couldn't help showing disbelief on their faces.

It seems that no one thought that a small Killing God Valley not only attracted the two sixth-layer powerhouses of Niehai and Xuehai, but also the suzerains of Wuyinmen and Shuitianzong.

"Jingshui, you came so fast!"

The one who spoke was Immortal Monarch Wuying. His aura was ethereal, and his body was equally ethereal, like a layer of mist, not like a real entity, giving people a feeling of uncertainty.

His pupils narrowed slightly, with a little coldness on his face, he stared straight at Immortal Jingshui opposite him.

It can be seen that the two suzerains are not friendly.

"Oh! Isn't it the master of Wuying Sect?" Jingshui Xianjun smiled lightly, then he didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and went straight to the people in the hall, and asked: "How is the situation?"

"Back to Sect Master..."

Shui Mo quickly stood up and explained the matter quickly.

Hearing that Immortal Sin and Prince Longyan had arrived first, the expressions of Immortal Jingshui and Immortal Wuying couldn't help but change.

It can be seen that things seem to be somewhat beyond their expectations.

Or maybe, they didn't expect the two of them to come so quickly, which disrupted their plan. They originally wanted to get there first, but in the end...

"Hmph! Such a Niehai Blood Clan, it's unreasonable."

Jingshui Xianjun's complexion suddenly turned cold, full of anger.

Immortal Wuying was similar, with a gloomy face, he turned to Immortal Jingshui, and said: "The monument of human killing is of great importance, and no matter what, the blood clan can't get it, and the same is true for Niehai."

How come Mr. Jingshuixian didn't understand the meaning of these words, nodded and said: "Okay!"

This is a tacit understanding between the two powerhouses, which means that they are temporarily united and unanimously external.

In fact, every time the Niehai and Bloodsea invaded, the Illusory Realm Alliance maintained this state, but this time it was about killing people, and the two powerhouses were extremely eager.

But facing the Sinful Immortal Monarch and Prince Longyan, they had no choice but to do so.

As for what happens in the end, each can only rely on the means.


Boom! !

In the Valley of the Killing God, a loud noise came from the sky, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

"It's Nie Hai and Xue Hai, they really started fighting!" Ao Dong watched from a distance, his heart was full of shock, and his face became a little pale.

Not to mention Ding Shou, his whole body trembled slightly.

Just kidding, such a battle, as strong as he is, can only be cannon fodder. After all, those are two strong men of the sixth level of the avenue, and there are countless soldiers of Niehai and blood clans.

Fang Yi's pupils also shrank slightly. He could imagine how intense this amazing battle situation was without sensing it.

Of course, with his strength, he is not afraid.

Even if you can't compete with the two sixth-level Daoists, self-protection is still enough, but breaking out and saving people is hard to say.

Moreover, the situation of Ao Xue is still unknown.

"Young master, why not..."

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to go, Ao Dong couldn't help but speak again.

But Fang Yi didn't give him a chance, and said directly: "Stop talking nonsense, stay here to see the situation, and see how the magic field alliance's combat power is, adapt to the situation."

Just let Ao Dongsui go directly like this, there must be more bad luck than good luck.

Nie Hai and Xue Hai are not vegetarians anymore. Fang Yi may be able to hide them from their eyes and ears by relying on the way of water, but Ao Dong and others are obviously not enough.

And even if he really came to the battlefield, the terrifying power of rules fluctuated, and the way of water couldn't hide it.

At that time, it will inevitably be a fierce battle, and the strength of Ao Dong and others will undoubtedly be too much.

To go there rashly is to die.

Instead, they stayed, and with the army of the Illusory Domain Alliance, they might be able to gain something.

Ao Dong naturally understood this too, so he could only watch Fang Yi leave and slowly approach the battlefield, his whole body became more and more transparent, and his fingers disappeared completely.

"Sinful old monster, the monument of killing people belongs to my blood family, so don't get your hands on it."

On the chaotic battlefield, a voice filled with boundless anger resounded, like rolling thunder, shaking the surrounding air waves, like roaring huge waves.

The huge waves swept away, revealing a terrifying figure, that figure exuded thick blood energy, blood energy transpiration, like a raging flame, faintly entwined with dragon shadow, extremely frightening.

A pair of extremely bright blue eyes, with a faint blue light, seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Needless to say, this is Prince Longyan of the blood clan.

On the opposite side of him, there was another stalwart figure, standing between the sky and the earth like a giant, and the terrifying black air enveloped his body, making him look like a cloud of black mist, making it hard to see clearly.

But as long as you take a look at it, the black air is like an abyss, as if it can completely pull people into it.


(End of this chapter)

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