Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3436 Golden Spirit Battle Immortal

Chapter 3436 Golden Spirit Battle Immortal

Boom! !

Outside, the battle above the void is getting more and more intense.

What happened in Wufeng Mountain, Fang Yi's inner world, is unknown to outsiders. Only a few Tongtianguan disciples seemed to have noticed something, and their expressions changed dramatically.

"Not good! Lord Wuwang's aura has disappeared, he..."

Tongtianguan disciples looked at each other.

At this moment, they naturally would not have imagined that the dignified sixth-layer powerhouse of the Dao, the peak Taoist of the Tongtian Temple, had already turned into countless fly ash and dissipated in the world.

They just felt that there must be some secrets in Wufeng Mountain, and that Taoist Wuwang had stepped into an unknown space, that's why this happened.

As for Prince Xuehong, Cangming God General and the others, when they noticed this change, their pupils couldn't help but move.

Naturally, they didn't want Daoist Wuwang to monopolize them, no matter what was in Wufeng Mountain.

At this moment, God General Cang Ming did not forget to snarl, "Xue Hong, the current situation in Wufeng Mountain is still unknown, isn't it too early for you to stop us here? It is not yet determined whether you can fight against the God of Killing!" , maybe we still have to join forces.”

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed to say so much, I need to join forces with you? So what about killing gods? My blood will definitely suppress him completely."

Although the Blood Red Prince spoke domineeringly, there was some hesitation in his expression.

There is no doubt about the strength of the blood race.

It's just that he and Prince Longyan are the only ones sitting in Bloodline City at this moment. Prince Longyan is said to have entered Wufeng Mountain, and he doesn't know exactly how.

In the outside world, only he and a group of ordinary strong men of the blood race are left. Although there are a large number of people, it is extremely difficult to suppress the two sixth-layer avenues.

Just kidding, at such a level as the Avenue of Strength, the sheer number of people is useless.

Unless, the Blood Emperor of Beiming can come.

It's just that the Blood Emperor is elusive, no one knows his whereabouts, and the Blood Red Prince is also uncertain, so he is a little hesitant.

What he was more worried about was the hopeless Daoist, the other party had entered Wufeng Mountain, once the other party really got ahead of him, then...

The legendary monument to killing people, the sword of Abi, all of these...

Boom! !

However, just as he was hesitating, the sound of thunder sounded again in the distant sky, and the terrifying energy came in black like a huge wave.

In an instant, the huge world seemed to come to an end.

not good!

The blood red prince's face changed drastically. This was the arrival of a peerless powerhouse, and from this energy, he did not sense a familiar aura. There is no doubt that the person who came was not a blood powerhouse.

At the same time, General Cangming and Monk Baibeard also looked up at the sky and the earth, their eyes full of horror.

Especially Cang Ming God General, the white-bearded monk appeared to be much calmer, as if he had expected it long ago.

brush! !

Immediately afterwards, from the billowing energy, several bright golden lights shot out, illuminating the pitch-black night sky instantly with bright golden light, extremely gorgeous.

A huge golden-armored figure also appeared, appearing in front of everyone.

His power of not being angry is like a real god. With his appearance, the terrifying coercion swept over, making everyone breathless.

Even Xue Hong and the others felt terrified when they sensed this breath.

If Fang Yi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this was suddenly the golden armored God of War in Taixu Wonderland who was suspected to be at the seventh level of the Dao.

The supreme is coercion, which instantly stopped the entire battlefield, and everyone looked at that figure.

"Taixu Wonderland, Golden Spirit Battle Immortal!"

The Blood Red Prince blurted out, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Maybe he didn't expect that Taixu Wonderland would also participate, and what's even more incredible is that it was the famous Golden Spirit Battle Immortal in Taixu Wonderland.

Jinling Zhanxian just glanced at the few people slightly, then withdrew his gaze and cast it on the sea of ​​mist.

It was as if the few people in front of him didn't matter at all to him.

The contempt revealed in their bones made them a little unbearable. Just kidding, they are also strong at the sixth level of the Dao. Although the Golden Spirit Zhanxian is stronger than them, they also have their own pride.

And this is even more so for the blood red prince who is the host.

This is the blood clan, and Canghai and Kunlun have always been at odds. Now, the golden spirit warrior from Taixu Wonderland has come to the blood sea to show off his power. Although he is defeated, he will naturally not show weakness.

He shouted angrily: "What a Golden Spirit Battle Immortal, this is my sea of ​​blood, don't you want to get involved too?"

There was clearly a hint of questioning in these words.

It just seemed a little underwhelming.

Hearing the words, Jin Ling Zhanxian's eyes froze, "A mere prince, how dare you question me?"

When Jinling Zhanxian was slightly angry, the golden light around him flourished, and the sound of the sword's cry reverberated, sharp and ear-piercing, indicating the anger in his heart.

At the same time, the Blood Red Prince also felt a huge coercion coming, and his expression changed drastically.

Just as he was preparing to resist.

Suddenly, another terrifying power came from nowhere, and thunder broke out in the void. The terrifying energy was like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, and it rushed for thousands of miles. The original supreme pressure was also washed away in an instant.

And it was accompanied by a strong and extremely bloody smell.

Sensing this breath, the blood red prince's eyes brightened immediately, and his face was full of joy.

On the contrary, General Cangming and Monk Baibeard were slightly pale, with fearful expressions, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Jinling Zhanxian's face also sank slightly, and he frowned.

Then he said, "Beiming, have you finally shown up? I thought you were going to watch from the sidelines."

"How dare you! Even the Golden Spirit War Immortal has surpassed my Bloodline City, how can I not give face." Amidst the turbulent energy, a loud and thunderous voice resounded, shaking the surrounding space to turmoil.

The next moment, a strange red light flashed, and a blood-colored figure that seemed to come from the abyss of hell appeared in everyone's sight.

The figure was tall and burly, like an iron tower, and the bloody robe was swept up by the strong wind with a sound of hunting.

Wearing a blood jade crown on his head, his momentum is like a rainbow, like a real emperor, overlooking all living beings.

And beside him, there was actually a bloody figure.

The blood-colored figure was completely shrouded in blood mist, making it hard to see clearly, but its aura was also extremely extraordinary, even if it was not as good as himself, it was not weaker than the sixth level of the Great Dao.

"I have seen Lord Blood Emperor!"

The blood-red prince hurried forward to salute, with an excited look on his face.

With the presence of the Blood Emperor of the Northern Darkness, everything would be solved easily, and he was finally relieved from the heavy pressure brought by the Golden Spirit War Immortal.


Prince Beiming glanced at him, as if he recognized his attitude.

At the very least, he didn't back down when facing the Golden Spirit Battle Immortal, otherwise, it would be different.

Compared to Void, several superpowers confronted each other, and in Wufeng Mountain, the figure of 'Prince Longyan' also appeared again. Sensing Void's confrontation, his face also changed slightly. .

"Looks like you have to be careful!"

he muttered to himself.


(End of this chapter)

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